Inocoin - The Meeting Place For Start-ups And Investors

in #inocoin6 years ago (edited)

Are you an entrepreneur with innovative ideas seeking for fund to get started? Or you are an investor seeking for viable business ideas to invest in, Inocoin is the right place for you to be.


What is Inocoin?

Inocoin is a project carried out by a company known as " innovation invest company limited". This project seeks to connect young entrepreneurs and start-ups with innovative ideas and investors under one platform known as the Inocoin platform. The major purpose of this project is to help young entrepreneurs and start-ups secure financing and develop their ideas, while at same time enabling anyone to become an investor and earn a return on their investment.

How does this Inocoin project works?

In this project, every activity is carried out in the Inocoin global platform. It is this Inocoin global platform that will serve as the meeting place for young entrepreneurs and investors. This global Inocoin platform has several features that enable interaction among participants in the Inocoin community. The platform is very easy to navigate and designed with features that meet the needs of this innovative project.

Two very key features used to determine which ideas are viable and worthy of investment are the "like" and "boost" button. The like button is used by the community to vote on which ideas among the ideas submitted should be financed. The ideas are usually assessed by each member of the community and they vote on it by clicking the like button based on their assessment of the innovativeness and profitability of such idea. This voting on an idea occurs every three months when Inocoin has been redirected by the managerial team to fund a new project.

One very awesome thing about this is that, it is only members of the community that can vote on an idea based on their assessment of its profitability. This means that, there'll be no outside influence in determining the viability of an idea for investment.

The other key feature of this platform is the "boost" button. This button allows investors to fund projects on an individual basis with no limit as to how little or how much is invested. Each project on the platform details how investors can benefit from them and the investors choose on which project to invest on and how much they want to invest on the particular project without any external or internal influence.

The Inocoin platform provides every single individual an opportunity to be an investor and innovator regardless of age or status. It doesn't set any limit on how much each investor can invest. It just outlines the benefits on investing on any choosen project and allows the investors to decide. This feature distinguishes the Inocoin global platform from other crowd funding platforms.

This Inocoin platform is powered by a cryptocurrency known as Inocoin. This is the utility tokens that will be used to fund projects and services in the Inocoin platform. This Inocoin can also serve as a universal payment tool. Every investment that will be carried out in this platform will be done using this token.

This is the future of crowd funding. This Inocoin platform is very secure, using blockchain technology to decentralize the system and smart-contract to secure transactions. Every transaction will take place within the platform and transparency is guaranteed. All young entrepreneurs with sellable ideas and investors looking for innovative ideas to invest in should take advantage of this wonderful opportunity that Inocoin has brought to our world. To register either as an innovator or investor, visit inocoin's website: Inocoin and to learn more about this innovative project, visit any of the links below.

Inocoin website

Inocoin white paper

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InoCoin contest page

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