💍Doubly Married! 💍

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One of my favorite love stories in the whole entire world is our own story...as it should be...but it's also because it's a good one! However...this post isn't about all of that. This post is about how my number one squeeze gave me the honey glows somethin' awful!



About a week ago, I woke up like any normal day, groggy and almost incoherent to find my husband full of energy and vigor. He said he had a dream, woke up feeling super duper in love and made a whole vlog about it. When I watched it, my heart melted into a large puddle

We haven't had a marriage or relationship full of a lot of ups and downs or uncertainty. Nope, ours is undoubtedly, recklessly, irrevocably, madly full of passion.

But that comes with a price.

We feel each other's emotions...we live in each other's head space...we are, as they might say, fully united.

He knew before I did that I was pregnant. All. Three. Times. He shared the pregnancies with me, even the morning sickness. In fact, our last one went like this.

"Hey hon, I think I'm going to puke," as he ran to the bathroom after work. I consoled him for a brief moment before I grabbed a pregnancy test and found out that I was, indeed, knocked up...again. I think we finally figured out how it happens because it's been over ten years. But man do I have baby fever!

Anyway, back to my point. Which is this. We are two halves of one whole, and sometimes that's challenging. There are many times when we can't figure out who's emotions are who's and we spend a great deal of time sorting through it. And here recently we've started a theme of relying on each other because the side effect of feeling each other's everything is that it can sometimes feel like a lot, and for me, that means I put up barriers. Not to stop feeling his emotions, but to hide my own as to not make it more complicated. I've discovered (probably like most wives and moms) I'm a fixer. I want to fix all the problems and not create any new ones, and in order to do that I like to pretend that certain emotions aren't happening.

It doesn't work. It doesn't even make sense. If he knew me so well that he could tell a baby was there, then how can I keep anything else away? ...And it all comes out in the end anyway...

So, my area of growth has been this. Allowing my emotions to run freely without fear of creating a problem, and relying on him, my husband, to be able to handle it and to help.

Which...shocker...he does effortlessly.

Now this comes back full circle to that morning when he was so in love with me that he ran and gave me a kissing attack. I've been in this beautiful place of vulnerability, and I feel like this came at such a great time. So, I did what any rational person would do...I threw on my wedding over my ring tattoo and went around the house yelling about how I was doubly married!

My kids thought I was nuts, well, maybe not more that normal, but it did make them smile.

So thanks so much for sharing this with me. It's not always easy to write about the areas in your life that need development, but it would be a lie to say they don't exist.

Much love,

Stacie D

flower page break.png



Good luck❤😊

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What an awesome story! Everyone should be so lucky, all the time. So happy for you both!

Thank you! I hope everyone can find someone that makes them feel this complete.

There's the symbol I saw on the blade! What's the story behind that?

Hey, yes! That is our symbol that we adopted as a family, as a group, as a tribe. That is how our family roles. So we adopted it for anything that has to do with us. So it is my makers mark for all of my crafts. It is something you will see on our car, our tools, some clothing..it is now a part of us. I even want to get a flag with it on it to fly outside our house. So this image is the story, and the final picture is what we use.

That is frig'n awesome.


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What a great love story 💗

Awww you guys are so beautiful. Clearly a heavenly partnership full of love, laughter, empathy, vulnerability, openness and humour. You are so blessed. Xx

Thank you so much! I definitely feel very blessed to have him...and also that I found him at such an early age. I couldn't imagine a day in my without him!

Congratulations @freedomtowrite! This post was selected by the Power House Creatives as today's Rally Upvote Post :)

You can find the community announcement on Discord :) and it has also been shared on our FB Page and Twitter feed.


This is incredible! Thank you! 💗💗

Awesome Story! Thanks for sharing with us.

Thanks so much Hafiz!

This post was curated by @theluvbug
and has received an upvote and a resteem to hopefully generate some ❤ extra love ❤ for your post!


In Proud Collaboration with The Power House Creatives
and their founder @jaynie


What a beautiful story! I really do think you guys are a match made in heaven! You are completely seamless, I love it!

I like to pretend that certain emotions aren't happening. It doesn't work. It doesn't even make sense.

yeah... I can relate to that! lol

Thank you! I'm glad you could relate...well, I mean, not really because it means you have the same problem, haha, but I'm glad you understand!

Oh, I love this story and the two has indeed become one.
That family emblem is indeed awful and you guys are great.
All blessings to your life and your family!

Thank you so much! We initially found the symbol in an old Bible, but it wasn't until recently we were able to find something about it on the internet explaining it! It was even cooler than what we thought!

So great that you found it in an old Bible, which simply means that your union was meant to be and that the symbol was affirmation.
The truth was revealed to you guys!

What a really lovely thought! That makes me happy!

Thank you and I see it as my task to make people happy on steemit dear friend. Too much negativity and fighting in this world.

I completely agree! It's great that you are brightening everyone's day!

Thank you kindly @stacied and I have just posted today's post in the #photography channel for you and @yeti to enjoy!
Blessings to you guys!

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