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RE: What Happens When No One Cares About Wrong-Doings in a Community? Nothing! Exactly!

in #injustice7 years ago

A long time friend of mine who's somewhat of a political activist is fond of saying that that biggest problem with the world today is that people increasingly lack "civic stamina;" that is, they are more inclined than ever to not only ignore the elephant in the room, but tend to attack anyone who "has the gall" to claim there even is an elephant. Even so, most of them tend to be happy-- post fact-- when they benefit from the fact that SOMEone stood up and pointed out that the Emperor wasn't wearing any clothes...

You know as well as I that when "rewards" are involved-- be they monetary, egoic or a combination of the above-- the greed aspect of human nature floats like scum to the top of the cesspool. And everybody gets to deal with the stench, even if it is created by only a tiny percentage of the overall picture.

Facts. Most people lack the personal honesty and integrity to sit with the facts and examine the deeper truth of their motivations. I, for one, appreciate the fact that you have taken the ongoing issues here into the light.

Few will have the chutzpah to openly say "I'm really just here to get rich off this IPO and reap the benefit of thousands of other people's hard work till it's time for me to bail and move to Bali." Because even if that's TRUE, it still makes someone sound like a self-involved asshole, and we (generally) don't like being judged. So the facts get wrapped in "I just CARE about the community!" window dressing.

But it still leaves the question... which gets shoved in the background while the open arguing lives in the foreground.... of "What do you WANT? What do you/we/anyone WANT Steemit to be?" I'd almost say it should be a mandatory community assignment for everyone to go ponder that question and write an essay about it, and post it to a new tag called "community vision." Or something. But get people OUT of "reactivity" and INTO "responsiveness."

In other words "What do you want this place to be?" followed by "are your actions supporting that?"


What are you ultimately doing on Steemit?
What is your goal being here?
Is it about you improving your financial position?
Is it about you and Steemit improving?
Or is it about you, Steemit and the world improving?

That was what said in my post on steemit succeeds of we make it succeed, less than 3 weeks after joining.

My goal is the bottom one. Help people evolve consciousness to change their individual lives, and the world, and using Steemit to do it. Truth and specifically moral truth is #1. I'm trying to get people to care for truth, moral truth, and understand the responsibility to learn about both the positive/negative, truth/falsity, right/wrong, moral/immoral, good/evil, etc. Some people don't recognize the value of that content and try to suppress the information from reaching more people.

Thanks for the feedback, good points made.

Thank you. I think I shall write more about this, tomorrow... maybe using your original post as inspiration.

I, too, am here mostly for the last reason on your list. On a more personal level, I miss "social blogging." I'm just tired of the algorithm-censorship and "channeled content" of Facebook, and the shallowness of the pool there... while I like the way a conventional WordPress blog can convey information, it lacks the social interactivity. Medium is OK, but I hate the way comments over 50 words become freestanding posts... crappy UI, in my opinion. Steemit feels like-- or has the potential to become-- an interesting "hybrid" of the three... allowing for interactive discussion around user generated topics of interest. I like the "rewards" in the sense that they serve as a good persuasion tool to newcomers that coming to Steemit doesn't mean giving up the few $$$ of revenue, like they may be getting from AdSense.

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