The Murder of Linda Collins-Smith... CPS- The Clinton Foundation & Child Trafficking

in #infornationwar5 years ago (edited)  

 In a case grimly remenicient of the murders of Sen. Nancy Schaefer of GA  and her husband an Arkansas State Senator investigation CPS corruption and abuse was found shot to death outside her home in Pocahontas, AR. One unusual aspect of the murder is that although gunshots were heard by neighbors, nobody bothered to investigate for a couple of days when her partially decomposed body was discovered wrapped in blankets and a tarp. Schaefer's death in 2010 came as she was closing in on CPS corruption in Georgia linking the agency to child sex trafficking. Her death and that of her husband were ruled a murder/suicide and despite the objections of friends and family who knew them and their Christian beliefs well said such a cause of death was out of the question. Schaefer had just gone public with her findings when she was murdered. 

 CPS and child sex trafficking has become one of governments dirtiest little secrets ever since the Safe Families Protection Act of 1997 signed into law by then president Bill Clinton in which the federal government in effect paid bounties to the states for every child removed from a loving home and put up for adoption... a polite euphemism for the child trafficking pipeline. People have known since Pizzagate broke over two years ago that Washington DC is full of pedophiles, many of them holding high-ranking positions in Government, such as Tony Podesta, ally and close confidante of the Clintons and Obamas. It has also been long suspected that the Clintons and their foundation have been involved in sex trafficking as far back as the Bosnian Conflict. Now it seems that the Clinton Foundation is involved once again- with $27 million missing going to the CF apparently, accomplished through the use of 2 sets of books at CPS. 

 Coincidently (or not) an Oklahoma lawmaker, State Senator Jonathan Nichols was found shot in his Norman OK home apparently for the same reason... it looks like the deaths could be related- perhaps a case of Clintoncide. Moreover, Hillary's brother Tony Rodham died not long after being subpoenaed to answer questions about emails along with the foundation. This is what's been reported so far: 

  A verified source close to Collins-Smith told CD Media that she was about to go public with incriminating information on sitting judges in Arkansas, who were involved in taking children from poor women via the Department of Human Services (child protective services) in Arkansas and selling them to wealthy individuals. The source also disclosed that Collins-Smith believed the perpetrators were using illegal aliens to facilitate the crimes which included murdering the mothers of the stolen children.  

 If the mothers of stolen children are targets, certainly a former senator who was about to go public with disclosures about corruption and murder for hire in government would certainly be a likely target. Collins-Smith was also instrumental in passage of Act 922 in the Arkansas Legislature which requires an online course in human trafficking to obtain a Class A commercial drivers license, she has been an advocate for trafficking victims all along. There are some aspects of the Collins-Smith case that look very fishy including the fact that the Judge has already sealed all documents involved: 

  “Third Judicial District Court Judge Harold Erwin issued an order sealing the documents and statements obtained by police during the pendency of this investigation.”
Prosecuting Attorney Henry H. Boyce  

 So the question is, why is there no docket number for a filing given to us by our contact and why has it been reported as being filed?  

  Our deduction is that state police do not plan to fully investigate because they know the identity of the killers.  

 (From article by Medical Kidnap linked at bottom) 

 Just as in the Schaefer case back in 2010 a rush to judgement is all that is likely happen in this case as well... unless the public outcry becomes loud enough to be heard. Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson is a longtime FOB (Friend of Bill) who served as head of DEA under the former president as well as Dept. of Homeland Security. You can draw your own inferences from that. During his time as governor, the Arkansas State Police acted as Bill Clinton's private army over the objections of many good and decent rank and file officers who were sickened by went on... most have been dismissed or have died. Like the old saying goes, a fish rots from the head down. 

 One of Sen. Collin-Smith's constituents, Michaele Walker has been working with the former senator on a corruption investigation that she characterizes as involving "the Pentagon and federal government," for over two years and said that the investigation will continue (see Facebook video in Medical Kidnap article). Could this be a part of why DOJ planes were removing boxes of documents from Little Rock? The MK article also provides some background into the murders of Sen. Schaefer and her husband. 

  Similar allegations have been made in the past regarding former Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer. (See: Senator Nancy Schaefer: Did her Fight Against CPS Child Kidnapping Cause her Murder?)  

  What we do know is that the vast majority of children who are sexually trafficked today come from the nation’s Child Protection Services agencies and Foster Care, and that this child sex trafficking business is reported to be larger than the illegal drugs and illegal gun trades.  

 The investigation Collins-Smith and likely Sen. Nichols of OK were involved with are probably related to ongoing investigations of corruption in the Arkansas government, both the bureaucracy (CPS, DHS and Medicaid) and the Arkansas Legislature where several arrests of both former and current legislators have been made... all tied to the Clintons and/or their foundation in one way or another. 

  In June, Rutledge announced the arrest of former Preferred Family Healthcare Director of Program Integrity and Director of Operations, Raveendran, for scamming the Arkansas Medicaid Program of $2.2 million. Raveendran is also a former Senior Auditor with Arkansas’s Medicaid Program Integrity Unit. In August, Rutledge announced the arrest of former Preferred Family Healthcare Director of Billing, Helen Balding, for similar actions. In October, Rutledge announced the arrest of Vicki Chisam who is accused of being an accomplice to Raveendran, Balding and other individuals known and unknown to the Office of the Attorney General.  

 Both New Beginnings Healthcare and Preferred Family Healthcare have ties to the CHAI (Clinton Health Access Initiative) an offshoot of the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative. If there's a dirty dollar to be made in Arkansas, it's a pretty sure bet that the Clintons are going to get their share. Raveendran is one of the legislators arrested. Rutledge, as the linked article shows is the Arkansas Atty. General. The Collins-Smith investigation is just a different part of a big thoroughly rotten pie. 

  “CD Media [the media organization that originally broke the story] also claims that their source believes the murder of former Oklahoma State Senator Jonathan Nichols and the murder of Collins-Smith are connected,” continued the report.  According to a post at Project Speak, there was a lot of money missing in DHS/Child Protective Services, and the Clinton Foundation seems to have benefited.  

  • Former State Senator, Linda Collins Smith, of Arkansas was found shot dead in her home, 6/04/19. (Updated)

• She was working with DHS insider to expose the missing $27M from DHS/Child Protective Services.

• These funds are being placed into trade, and the dividends are being filtered back to the Clinton Foundation or owned shell companies, belonging to the Clinton Foundation

.• The missing $27M was discovered when it was revealed that that DHS in Arkansas had two separate sets of books. [According to Michaele Walker this sum is likely $53 million]

 • It’s connected to a Federal Grant that requires a specific number of children be removed from their families to meet the required quota so that they’re able to renew the grant again each year.  

 This federal grant is the Safe Families Protection Act of 1997 mentioned before. This legislation comes on the heels of a previous act called "the Mondale Act," precipitated in 1974 by the CDF (Children's Defense Fund) and other activist groups in response to a non-existent "epidemic of child abuse" across the country. This was and always has been a direct attack on America's families and a method of keeping the child sex trafficking pipeline full of victims. Many are already aware of the work done by former State Senator John DeCamp of Nebraska and the Boystown/Franklin cover-up. His investigation revealed pedophilia going all the way to the G.H.W. Bush White House. Sex Trafficking in high places is nothing new in America, it's just a question of what if anything is going to be done about it. 

 Prior to her death, Collins-Smith had been actively tracking Arkansas DHS’ missing $27 million dollars, an amount that spiraled to 53 million dollars+ then into the billions traceable on a second set of books. This discovery linked the Clinton Foundation companies and the State of Arkansas sex-trafficking operation.  

 What Sen. Collins-Smith uncovered is what likely cost her her life... and when the Clintons are involved, witnesses seldom live long enough to testify. Although little is being written or released about the murder of Sen. Nichols, it appears too that he was actively pursuing information about pedophilia and child trafficking and although the MSM will likely treat them as separate incidents it's likely there's a connection. Child sex trafficking is a huge and very lucrative business and the government is and always has been up to their ears in the corruption... particularly at the CPS/DPS/family court level. Children are removed from loving homes for infractions as minor as a few dirty dishes in the sink. CPS main duty is to protect children and the guidelines in every state are that families are to be kept together unless there is  "clear and imminent physical damage to the child." This has been expanded to include psychological abuse. However, nothing could be further from the truth. 

 After the Safe Families Act was signed into law the states began to see dollar signs dancing in front of their eyes. The pedophiles in government saw a perfect opportunity to keep the pipeline full of victims. Child/human sex trafficking has become a multi-trillion dollar industry, surpassing drug and gun trafficking. People can be sold over and over again and lamentably, as I've reported many times before, the life expectancy of a child in the pipeline is six years. The vast majority of the victims come from CPS/foster care... and the judges in charge of family court are complicit as Sen. Collins-Smith uncovered. These hearings are most often held in secret- a star-chamber atmosphere where parents aren't allowed to hear testimony which is coaxed out of their children. The judges find for the state in over 95% of the cases- that should be a red flag in and of itself. 

  The number of missing children per day, week, month and year are ASTRONOMICAL, and bear no relation to official numbers or to amounts imagined by any reasonable individual.  

 The real numbers are far in excess of what's being reported with over 850,000 children going missing in the US every year alone. 

 American children and babies are being actively stolen, shipped and resold to buyers and slave markets around the world. “Aborted” fetus,’ kids adopted into “loving” families, and children “protected” by alleged government agencies CPS & DHS are being actively trafficked.  

 And for every child stolen each state is rewarded by the federal government- this has become a cottage industry for many states. People in some states "place orders" for children with certain characteristics... blonde with blue eyes being the most popular. 

 The corruption is deep and dark. Chances are that every state in the country is infiltrated to the highest levels.  

 CPS & DHS are private, non-governmental agencies funded by federal grants. These grants INCENTIVIZE the removal of children from homes in direct opposition to CPS’ stated position of removing children from birth parents being the last resort.  

 Removal is almost always the first resort. CPS has become little more than a recruitment tool for pedophiles and sex traffickers and that seems to have been the intent all along. The Safe Families Protection Act would have been better named The Safe Pedophile Acquisition Act. When the government at any level becomes involved in corruption of this size and scale we're all in trouble. Especially for people such as Sen.'s Collins-Smith and Nichols who were likely murdered for trying to tell the truth... and as usual, the Clintons are at the bottom of the corruption.  


I wonder if she had a "kill switch" in case of an untimely death. Whatever she was about to go public with needs to get out even more than before. May her death not be in vain!

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It doesn't seem like it... in fact the woman who was working on the expose with her is the one charged with her murder. Something really stinks about this one- it has Clinton written all over it!

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