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RE: Don't Blame, But Reclaim Government

in #informationwar6 years ago

I own a little EOS... And that article you linked is very interesting and reassuring; what I said before, about not being able to program -isms? If a trustless basic income system could be implemented, that would at least help reduce the power-imbalance caused by the economy. Very interesting indeed :-)

Should I wait for your EOS based currency?


Should I wait for your EOS based currency?

I'm not creating any currencies. I'm hoping to create a DApp that will solve the time zone update issue through a distributed set of computer nodes running the DApp as a replacement for the Terran Atlas which I wrote years ago.

I have a very unusual background in the tech field, in case you weren't aware of it. My software disrupted an important internet protocol the day after Steve Jobs died. My work is very well known in that field.

Wow. That's some shitty business, that story about the Terran Atlas and property rights @zoidsoft... I'm impressed by how you're handling all that and that you keep at it; thank you for sharing that. I don't know if I would be able to handle such setback to the point of becoming homeless with such grace. But it is a story that I see happening over and over again, it happened to me and some of my colleagues to, in a slightly different form and on much smaller scales; there's a law in our country that says anything you work on, for any amount of time, that's not related to your job-description during working hours, belongs to the employer. So if I'm a janitor and make a painting while sitting in my janitor's office, my boss owns that painting. And anything gained from selling that painting.

But I digress: your article was very good (you should write more often if you can; noticed that article even got Curied :-) ), and these are the things that remind us all of the necessity of exiting that corrupted system. That's why I'm so glad you pointed me toward CICADA; boy is that an ambitious undertaking, but o so worthy :-) I already read a good part of the whitepaper and I'm sold. If the kind of direct, trustless, AI assisted democracy by blockchain they describe is possible to realize, I think the future is looking brighter indeed :-)

And if this is anything like the way you see us going forward, I wholeheartedly agree :-) I'm so impressed even, that I'm writing an article about it, tonight or maybe tomorrow, and when I do I'll certainly reference this discussion of ours, which I've found pleasant and enlightening. Too often these discussions end in disasters because political and economical beliefs often lie at the core of our deepest convictions. I want to therefore thank you once more for being a perfect gentleman all the way, and for all the information you've given @zoidsoft :-)

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