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RE: Don't Blame, But Reclaim Government

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

Now that I have more time to explain my problem with your article this is mainly it:

In my opinion it's not that government exists or that it has too much power. I think it's the opposite because we now deal with the legacy of successive governments that have given away more and more of it's power to regulate the economy to the owners of capital.

While this is true, you're using the slave masters language to define your thinking and as a result you've unknowingly excused their actions. This is what I meant by "reification". The reality is that none of these legal fictions actually exist in reality. They are made up fictions designed to brainwash the masses and exculpate blame away from the real sources.

There is no difference between government and corporation except in their legal fictions. In fact, our government is a corporation as in "The United States of America, Inc" which is to be differentiated by several other entities with similar looking names. So public government decided to play private government or call it a corporation, it makes no difference.

We are very much past "fixing the system" which is what your article seems to imply (please correct me if I mis-interpreted). The only way to fix this is to stop using national fiat and start using honest sovereign internet money or other stores of value. There is only one way that continuing down the path of using government leads: a digital panopticon the likes of which would make Mussolini and Hitler envious. This is called "centralized IT" and is evident in Google, YouTube, FB, Twitter, Amazon, etc.

The wealthy will be brought to their knees because they are enslaved to national fiat through regulation. It will bleed into crypto from the 3rd world primarily and other nation states suffering from Greshams law in the currency wars, so worrying about distribution of wealth on the national fiat side is a relatively easy to fix problem. The old money will become worthless and everyone smart enough to have distributed into crypto will become the new masters. But this is part of the problem; making sure that the new system stays decentralized or distributed.

I used to fall into the same trap right up until early 2017 and even wanted Bernie Sanders because I didn't think anarchy was a practical solution. Now I know better, and Sanders would be a band aid that would probably hasten the demise of governments around the world (we already see that right now in Venezuela, how that socialist experiment worked out).

The problem stems from all forms of governance which has the seed of the use of force. All such systems will eventually fail, most disastrously and violently. The only real solution is voluntarism. All human interaction must always be voluntary and the only use of force that is legitimate is in the case of self defense. If you start using compulsory taxation, you start to create a parasite that eventually grows to global proportions. This is why localization solves problems and globalization magnifies problems.

There are protocols being written right now in DAO's and DApp's that reflect this voluntary state of being. To the extent that others coerce using a badge, they are violating fundamental human rights.

This new world is not for the faint of heart. It requires radical self reliance and personal responsibility. A voluntary world is one governed by natural law and carries no guarantees of health, wealth, etc...

And the solution is not to blame government but to reclaim government. "Taxes" has never been a dirty word in times when it worked for the middle class.

Not so. Only to the brainwashed masses have they accepted this idea, but go back into the 1800's (Lincoln Douglas debates for example) you will find that the idea of taxation itself was repugnant to everyone except the likes of King George. If it's not voluntary, it's theft plain and simple.

There is no way to reclaim government without using violence, force and coercion. As such this action is morally and ethically wrong. We must walk away from their mechanisms of control because that is the only option. In other words "exit" as Andreas Antonopoulos puts it in the above video. To the extent that you use it, it will begin to use you back and you will lose your freedom because you have to surrender your self ownership to use it. Then the heavy centralization embedded within it will always give special exemptions to privileged elites at the top to become massive parasites (we have that now to the order of 10's of trillions of USD).

Terrorism is a symptom of centralization and control and that is the lesson of our time. Successful systems will relinquish control and reflect natural law. Centralized systems of control will become honeypots to be hacked until the masses learn the lesson that distribution of data is the best way to protect it (would a hacker prefer to hack one machine for 145 million Equifax records, or 145 million machines each containing one record? As you can see, the latter case would lead to a very large electric bill which is why it wouldn't happen without a very sophisticated botnet). Terrorism is no different whether it wears the ISIL flag or the US flag. It's still the dropping of bombs on many innocents and an immoral violent action. Decentralization has a better chance to minimize this phenomena because all terror starts from the assertion of control. To the extent that control does not exist, terror stops. So the goal here is to make these entities if they exist smaller and less capable of doing damage if so inclined. The US military industrial complex is the most centralized of course.

Regulators pretend to protect the public but they do so always at our expense. Never has a group of people when given the private keys, acted honorably forever. They always eventually create special loopholes for themselves. Therefore you have no real choice but to opt out of such systems.

This will happen anyway. Encrypted blockchains are coming. Completely anonmyous private transactions will render KYC, AML and CTF obsolete. Then they will display their violence against us and show us their true colors. It will be the 6 billion underbanked or unbanked against the 1.5 billion banked slaves among us. Those are not numbers that favor the survival of the existing system.

A great source of info on how to do this comes from @wwf...

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