😡 How sick is that? Netflix Allegedly Told Staff Not to Make Eye Contact for More Than 5 Seconds 😡

in #informationwar6 years ago


Our fine New World


I'm a guy who like to look the people in the eyes when I talk with them.
So let's imagine what would happen if I work for Netflix.
I have a good conversation with someone, with eye contact, so I have to look away after 5 sec?
If I miss it I get punished or fired?
In what a world we gonna live?

What will be the next?

I cannot think more then 5sec about someone?

This world is getting more and more crazy, Orwells 1984 seems like a kindergarten story to our reality just now.

Netflix also placed another anti-harassment rule, it's no more allowed to ask a co-worker for his mobile number.....


I have no doubt whatsoever that the heads of these corporations are told by their board members (basically almost any board member of a large corporation is a member of the cabal tribe or a puppet thereof) to implement such policies. (this to foment more divide-and-conquer)

If by chance I am mistaken, then this kind of "reactionary" measure/policy shows their absolute lack of intelligence; I continuously see such kind of reactionary measures/policies by the Chinese governments and corporations; and such measures/policies usually result in additional nightmares only to see them abandoned because they were stupid ones in the first place. Rinse and repeat.

The idiots placed (and I say placed because the vast majority don't have either the skills, knowledge, or intelligence to steer or lead) at the top of these institutions are often psychopaths purposely placed there because they will easily follow the tribes orders (and most likely have been brownstowned for insurance purposes).

THEY want us weak, they want we accept people who cannot make eye contact, for example..
They don't want strong characters.
Thanks for your detailed comment and best regards

It is because their reptilian overlords can only up hold the illusion of their huminty for a few seconds at a time, it freaks out the interns when the mask slips so this avoids the issue nicely. ;)

hehehe, good comment, but I'm not a fan of these David Icke stories...

I hear you, just being lighthearted during dark times but things are getting seriously weird lately for sure.

first- if you can't look someone in the eye. You can not make an emotional contact with them. This keeps people ISOLATED. If you can't look someone in the eye- you are perceived as weak. ALSO if I only get a 5 second glance- THAT IS CONSIDERED AN INSULT! It must mean you think I'm ugly. As a woman, I better be able to pull in than a 5 second glance.

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Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Feminism Destroying The Workplace
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the best amount of eye contact is three seconds. After that it gets creepy.

hehehe, what is creepy after 3 seconds?
Everybody can choose to look in another direction, but to forbid eye contact more then 5 second, yes, that's really creepy

Eye contact, the best amount of time to look someone in the eyes in normal circumstances is however long it takes you to determine their eye color.
It is weird to forbid it, people in other cultures like eye contact, those employees should sue.

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