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RE: 😡 How sick is that? Netflix Allegedly Told Staff Not to Make Eye Contact for More Than 5 Seconds 😡

I have no doubt whatsoever that the heads of these corporations are told by their board members (basically almost any board member of a large corporation is a member of the cabal tribe or a puppet thereof) to implement such policies. (this to foment more divide-and-conquer)

If by chance I am mistaken, then this kind of "reactionary" measure/policy shows their absolute lack of intelligence; I continuously see such kind of reactionary measures/policies by the Chinese governments and corporations; and such measures/policies usually result in additional nightmares only to see them abandoned because they were stupid ones in the first place. Rinse and repeat.

The idiots placed (and I say placed because the vast majority don't have either the skills, knowledge, or intelligence to steer or lead) at the top of these institutions are often psychopaths purposely placed there because they will easily follow the tribes orders (and most likely have been brownstowned for insurance purposes).


THEY want us weak, they want we accept people who cannot make eye contact, for example..
They don't want strong characters.
Thanks for your detailed comment and best regards

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