Trump goes off script at tax reform meeting and shares some key information on things to come.

in #informationwar6 years ago

Trump is West Virginia to discuss tax reforms but for the first part of the video Trump goes off script for the first 25 mins and the first order of business is to rips their Democratic senator a new one about not voting for taxes cuts.

Trump also talks about foreign trade with China and the European Union. He says we're going to scrap these unfair trade laws we have on the books. They are also close to a new deal with NAFTA he said and they are probably going to scrap the unfair rules against America in that new deal.

He mentions immigration and says they have 1.6 billion for the wall and that the US military will be building some of that wall. Which sounds like they can use defense spending money on the wall so Trump probably has plenty of money to build it. Also, he says we are going to get rid off the catch and release policy.

He also says the Mayor of Oakland California committed obstruction of justice when she informed illegals that ICE was coming to the city to round up illegals and he doesn't know why nothing is being done about it. Hint, Hint, Wink, Wink to the Attorney General to do something about.

Trump also talks about chain migration and how it was created by Democrats and designed to get these migrants to vote Democrat. Then Trump says it doesn't matter if they vote because in places like California the same person votes many times. "Not a conspiracy theory, folks" said Trump. Millions of illegal votes and it's all going to get straighten out. Bad news for democrats in 2018 because they will have a tougher time rigging the elections.

So Q mentioned watch the news tomorrow and I think a lot of good stuff came out of this unscripted speech by Trump


The wall has plenty of funding, New NAFTA agreement coming, bye bye to catch and release laws and hints at California Mayors and to the Democratic state government to follow the federal laws and stop interfering in elections. I can't wait to hear the official announcements when all these things get done.

None of this would of been possible under Hillary. We'd probably be in a recession right now and government would be selling out this country left and right to China and the EU.

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Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: President Donald Trump
Our Purpose

I try and support Trump when i can, when it comes to the things he does that i believe are the actual job of the president like the constituion outlines its easy. As much of a downer hearing about a wall can be its better than hearing a dictate for what kids can eat for lunch or some such nonsense, and yes if Hillary was in the office it would be a hell of a lot worse id say

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