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RE: A Fundraising Appeal For Independent Journalist Tom Duggan Who Is Reporting Directly From Syria

Very noble of all three of you.

Who can I donate to?

@lyndsaybowes @deliberator @perceptualflaws


Thank you @venomnymous your support is very much appreciated. I'm just helping to get the word out and raise funds, Daz has put this idea together and Lyndsay has been instrumental in helping and coordinating. It's so important that we bypass msm and enable people to see what's really happening around the world. Thanks again!

Thank you for the donation, you legend, most welcome, now let's get this steemit party started, this has been 1 amazing experience, that to be honest I thought would fail, how wrong was I eh.

No problem man. Happy to pitch in to a noble effort. Glad it's going better than you had hoped.

Myself if it is sbd my friend, and thank you for offering.

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