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RE: The EPA and Syngenta are Enemies of the People

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

This is an ongoing crime against humanity. Not only humanity, but all terrestrial life. I have discussed this data with a lot of folks, and there is a canned response that seems to have been prepared; a way of first dismissing the problem, of denigrating anyone that finds endocrine disruption problematic, and even accusing them of being bigoted against homosexuals.

I note that there's no public health outcry despite the medical harm that has been demonstrated to people, the environmental movement generally ignores it, and social justice warriors similarly avoid discussion, except that there is a coordinated propaganda subtext that is used to paint folks that discuss endocrine disruption as homophobes and conspiracy wackos. Further, sexual politics is very powerfully imbued with violent emotion. Here on Steem I yesterday was ridiculed by @mobbs, who claims to be a scientist and 'work with facts', but derided my comments with nonsense and utterly ignored any actual data, instead claiming that 'wolf girls' are commonly able to survive in the wild without societal support, and similar unrelated remarks, primarily ad hominae.

Mark Twain well pointed out that it is a lot easier to fool someone than to reveal to them they'd been fooled, and this is particularly true of sexual identity. I have been threatened by people who have strongly identified as oppressed for their sexuality, and whom are incapable of acknowledging that their sexual identities are literally the result of chemical poisoning by corporations, disinformation and propaganda, and facilitated through political posturing and virtue signaling. The cognitive dissonance those people would need to surmount to acknowledge the facts is massive, and they are surrounded by communities that promote their hostility to preventing this genocidal harm from continuing.

We need to break through to folks, but we're not going to reach everyone, or even most people, because there is a coordinated global effort to use identity politics to divide populations that backs this environmental harm. More importantly is that means of mitigating this harm need to be developed so that even as the problem is slow-walked through every step of the processes necessary to ameliorate it, people that decide to prevent harm to themselves and their families can act to successfully do so independently of socially acceptable or public support mechanisms. New research is providing means of remediating atrazine, but it's not very effective yet.

Doctors don't even have any information on ascertaining the public health dimensions of the problem. Tests of endocrine function aren't commonly undertaken, and treatment isn't generally either. Men that seek to restore their hormonal balance are ridiculed and derided as homophobes or as seeking to gain absurd machismo, rather than normal and biologically appropriate sexual health.

There needs to be mitigation outside ordinary channels available to families seeking to maintain normal biological function to their members, because ordinary channels have been weaponized against it. The video posted may raise awareness that corporations are doing environmental harm, but note the lack of discussion on the social impacts of chemical castration and feminization of men that follows. Note the ridicule that is heaped on Alex Jones for correctly decrying the problem.

This issue is at the heart of the domestication of humanity that is ongoing as part of globalization, and has been advanced surreptitiously for generations today, with most of humanity nearly completely hormonally altered already. Don't expect this issue to be as easy to raise as other corporate malfeasance, military adventurism, or social control. As hard as those are to successfully address, this issue is exacerbated by an order of magnitude more propaganda and virtue signaling, because it is almost unimaginably potent in the effort to turn men into compliant crops.

We need to seek means of mitigating the chemical harm that we can undertake ourselves, and share outside of public channels, because the medical industry is not being enabled to address it for political reasons, and even should the informationwar be prosecuted with great success, without means of mitigation available, that victory will remain hollow and without point. I encourage everyone to inquire regarding their endocrine function with their doctors so that the lack of medical response to a public health epidemic becomes clear.

Men in the West have lost more than 60% of an essential hormone necessary to their ordinary biological function. If it was vision, breathing, digestion, or any other function, can you even imagine the outcry and effort that would be promoted to resolve the issue? Instead, it's likely your doctor won't even have much idea that you might be being impacted hormonally, and protocols for diagnosing and treating such problems aren't available.

The lack of medical action being taken to mitigate the problem is perhaps the strongest evidence it isn't just pollution, but is a coordinated attack on freedom.



Amazing and thorough comment, good Sir! Yeah, I wouldn't go so far as to try and tell people that their lifestyle choices are almost certainly due to the veritable chemical bombardment that we are all (for the most part) being subjected to. The reason I wouldn't go there is that before the five letters club became popularized, there were plenty of organically gay people, but they were just more few and far between. Whether or not the phenomenon going back throughout the ages can be attributed to environmental/chemical causations is unknown as far as I'm concerned.

The intentional cultural push of the alternative lifestyle choices is no doubt programming children to see choices where they previously would not have been, and this is resulting in more people choosing from the various paths because of the programming. It wouldn't at all surprise me if persons, corporate or otherwise, who own stake in various companies like the aforementioned, actively push for these cultural changes to secure the longevity of their profitable culling spree.

Now that the Chinese own it, the largest stakeholder is the Chinese government. The Chinese buyout of the said company occurred on June 26, 2017. To be clear, I generally disagree that there should be any type of discrimination towards the five-letter group, but I see the widespread almost religious and zealous promotion of it along with changes in sexual education courses as antithetical towards the American populace's replacement rate. In addition to that, we are breaching new territories when biological men can destroy competitions designed for women in the traditional sense of the word.


I forgot to address your point about testosterone, further evidence that suggests there's a war on masculinity is gleaned from the fact that normal testosterone throughout the decades is determined based on a sliding scale. So, for example, if a doctor were to discover a problem with your endocrine system and prescribed testosterone as a treatment, he or she would try and elevate your T levels to current levels.

An individual's T levels might be 30% low according to today's norms, but if you compare that to 50 years ago, it would take a lot more testosterone to satisfy a 30% deficit. So basically, any fix to low t that an individual might receive today might still result in a somewhat effeminate male in comparison to someone who may have been treated for the same condition many years ago.

What might be interesting to find out is if there is someone whose been on this kind of treatment for decades and then get a history of their prescription changes. If the EPA is going to allow an additional 50% more atrazine to the water "as safe," then you can expect a marked increase in effeminate males, which will no doubt influence their life choices.

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