It is COOL to change your child's gender!!!

in #informationwar7 years ago

A 2011 study found that 84 percent of kids with gender dysphoria eventually desisted, or came to feel comfortable with their birth-assigned gender.

But muh fad!!!!


"it is now cool" and an "awesome fad" to completely fuck up your child by putting them on puberty blockers and force them to be the gender YOU want them to be(which is subjagating them to the whims of the parent).

Next time you argue with some leftist about this, give them some examples like this and see what they say ;) Say the parents are ASSHOLE ALRIGHT NAZIS, they have 3 girls that they FORCE into becoming MEN because girls are considered bad, what would the leftist say then? Or say we have ASIAN parents who have 3 girls, in Asia being a girl is seen as bad and they routinely kill them in certain countries even after they are born. So now they will FORCE their girls to become men by PUMPING THEM FULL of chemicals, But wait I thought leftists were all about exposing how bad it is to pump animals full of GROWN HORMONES? But it is "OK" and "COOL" and "TRENDY like omgggg post it on instagramz!" to PUMPyour own child full of hormones.


The disconnect is insane. It isn't rational. And it subjagates children to a life of misery if they are forced into taking these puberty blockers and THEY DON'T IDENTIFY with what the parent is doing to them. AND since about 84% completely change their minds after going through puberty, any parent who puts their kids on gender changing hormones or cuts of their Dick/Clitorous to change them into something else is harming the kids the majority of the time. Also, why is society all for circumsizing men but not for circumsizing women? They don't want to make up some bs benefits in order to justify female genital mutilation, but are perfectly fine doing it to all boys, despite many studies showing that many men end up having problems with getting erect and or having no feeling at all in their penis later in life.

The moral of the story here, is that leftists are frequently becoming anti-science and it is dangerous. This is not acceptable to be doing this to your children. The overwhelming majority of tv shows and media and online personalities are constantly feeding guilible people that there are a TON of trans kids who need to be helped by putting them on chemicals to change. These kids don't know anything about anything yet. People are being propagandized by this constant narrative of "don't be a bigot" and social pressure, when it isn't the truthful or correct thing to do the super majority of the time. If your "kid"wants to transition to be a different gender after they are 18 or older that is up to them, but also be warned that your brain is not fully developed into about 23 to 28.


That's just ... Sad..

I don't know the right word to describe this. After thousands of years of language evolution we never needed some special word for this level of insanity.

We are going backwards now!

So many fucked up lives no one will be responsible for - not the leftists, not the media... not the stupid parents!

mmmhmmmm somehow patriarchy will get the blame

It is our duty to help correct it, with data and science!

yup, they believe you can't be responsible for your own healthcare until 26 but that you can pick your gender at 4, you forgot the part about how you can get your little boy or girl to the top of their athletic game with steroids now and no one can say anything about it, or men competing in women's Olympic weightlifting. Check out any of my articles under, "the transgender agenda"

Yup, giving a hugely unfair advantage of letting a boy switch over to be a girl and compete against girls and stuff like that. And lets not forget the fact that men are usually the ones raping women, so allowing "men who transitioned to women" into locker rooms will increase rapes/molestation/secret video recordings/etc. Just because someone is now a "women" doesn't mean they stop being attracted to women either, and we all know the lengths and lies many men will tell just to get sex. It should be entirely believable that men will lie to get into women's locker rooms.

Bruce Jenner despite already holding the record for being the woman to have fathered the most children still wants to father more.

This is really becoming certifiably fucking nuts .. and we must call it out for what it is. In terms of hormone blockers I wrote the following in a post:

A growing trend amongst children with gender dysphoria is the adminstraion of hormone blockers . This is a controversial subect that does not receive enough public scrutiny. The use of these drugs has never been shown to be fully effective or indeed appropriate, there is equally evdence to say they can be harmful to the health of children. One such drug named Lupron has been reported to give users serious long term debilitating health effects. The health effects of childhood hormone blockers include disfiguring acne, weight gain, high blood pressure, liver disease, thrombosis, and cardiovascular disease. As a side note whatever happened to tomboys? I knew several tomboys that grew to be beautiful women. A sobering thought is that 80-95% of children with gender dysphoria eventually come to identify as their biological sex.

Nice one for raising awareness @truthforce

Yes! We must put the truth forward. I have a feeling that not many people know about how high the percentage is for this. I think science will eventually prove that someone who goes through puberty and still thinks they are a different gender than how they are born really just didn't go through puberty correctly, and or there is a deficient gene that deviates from the norm. The norm being end goal of reproduction to further the species, which essentially can't happen if everyone was gay and didn't want kids. It is "naturally biologically" against the species improving to have an all gay population, or a population of people who don't want to have kids for whatever reasons.

Though I admit this all changed over the last 100 years, with science many people can certainly have kids now and still be gay/lesbian or whatever. Interesting times we live in where a "natural evolutionary dead end" CAN still go forward due to science(an example being using a gay sperm donors sperm to inject a lesbian and make her pregnant). Wonder how we will evolve then, it will be interesting to see how that pans out as it doesn't really matter what gender/sex we are any more and men technically aren't even needed any more due to other things like cloning.


You and me both. Am only here because I also don't want to die

I am just here so I don't get fined!

But, but, but - WHY? Why experimenting with the own child?! This is insane. And what is the potential benefit? I don't get it!

The benefit is the parents get to be part of the latest up and coming fad! Like having a mini dog in your purse, or having a tea cup pig(minature pigs bred to always stay small). We live in a society where there aren't really any problems and now people are starting to play god.

truly it is insanity
we know for a fact peoples brains are not making good decisions until the mid 20's type timeframe as you mentioned but we let children make decisions about damn
it's all this feel good nonsense

Indeed...sad. The decentralization of gender.

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