Content Thieves Banned From IW Curation

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)


This list will serve to function as our blacklist from being curated by the @informationwar.

If you have upvotes on any of these people PLEASE REMOVE THEM. If you would like to avoid seeing content thief/plagiarism content while browsing the #informationwar tag you can mute them so they never show up.

Have you noticed other Steemit usernames stealing content for the #informationwar tag? Please comment on this post if you notice anything like that, so that we can make sure we ban these people from getting curated by the Informationwar. We will investigate each claim, to help us make sure you leave a link to their post and to the post that they stole content from. Also feel free to report them to @steemcleaners

Here are the content thieves that have been caught so far in the #informationwar tag. They mostly are stealing from Disobedient Media's website, copy/pasting other Steemians articles, or copy/pasting articles and rewording them slightly to avoid detection.

It also may be useful for us to use a blacklist that is developed by steemcleaners or others.

If anyone has links to where that is or how to import a big list of muted spammers/content thieves that would be great if you could comment it down below. We are taking steps to make our curation better and want to be as proactive as possible in eliminating content thieves/spammers/copypasters/etc.

Permanently Banned


Glad to see sunlit7 on the list, and not surprised. She has been slandering canadian-coconut as well as attacking some of the families in need on their familyprotection threads for some time now. I tried reasoning with her on a post not long ago where she was very pro CPS and making contributions to the thread such as native Americans who are having their children kidnapped deserve it because in her words, almost all of them are "alcoholics"

She has a lot of issues, and I hope she is able to conquer them soon.

I think some of the people on my list above are actually the same person. Some of them copy from the same sources of Disobedient Media and another Patriot website.

Some of the things I have noticed is that they have other accounts reply garbage back to them on every post they make, and they then upvote those comments too.

Some are pretty smart and have been getting away with it for awhile, they change a lot of words in the article. I think they are using software that changes every other few words into a synonym to avoid detection, or they are manually right clicking on words and choosing a synonym.

Feel free to let us know about anyone else you see, I will be working on figuring out how to import a blacklist from steemcleaners.

I am not stealing content, here is a email from Dianny thanking me for publishing her stuff, since I pay her out of my own pocket it the greeting has my real name included in it so that is the only part not showing:

Thank you again for putting through this donation to And for continuing to share the posts.

I really do appreciate it!


I send her all the SBD earned from the post. I tried to get her to come to Steemit but she suffers from lupus and managing a additional site would be to difficult, so she agreed to let me publish her stuff, I give her the SBD earned and I keep the sp for taking the time to publish it. You can also check with @funbobby51 who also secured permission from DGM/Dianny to publish her stuff. There's also a disclaimer published at the end of every article.

What these people are trying to do is get me banned, Canadian coconut even said yesterday in a reply to me that since she can't ban me she will flag me, that tells you this is a back door attempt not only to censor what I have to say but ban me from this site. They even left a comment today have a nice swim, meaning their are trying to drown in a ocean of deceit that isn't even true.

Now I'd appreciate it if you would investigate with others, like @funbobby51 and Dianny to verify the truth to their accusations and remove my name off that list. Furthermore, this is just me, I have a very high repetition as a blogger, am very well known at Disqus, I am not deceitful or dishonest or own any sockpuppets.

We also do not want to curate people who are copying/pasting content even if they are approved. Feel free to continue to use the IW tag but the @informationwar account won't curate you.

I can't even read that, could you enlarge it, it does look like you lied and said I was making hundreds a week....her articles barely make the two dollar mark. I go and convert the SBD into USD, which actually paid her more for the content then what was listed as earned, this month, maybe SBD isn't trading as high but it came out to 11.45 cents. You are just not going to stop with your deceit and dishonesty, I can't even tell if she realizes it me or someone else you are talking about because I can't read it. I have never taken one dime from my account here, I don't need it, because I pay her out of my personal account of what the SBD is worth, the SBD going into my account here may even actually make me lose money if I do withdraw it, it may not even be worth as much as I gave her for it at the time if I do. Stop trying to disparage my character for not only doing something positive for her but helping information wars have more good quality content to share to it's member just because you are mad because I got into a go around with some friend of yours on the family protection channel. When you want to know what will one day make steemit fail all you have to do is look yourself in mirror, no censorship my ass, this site is full of censorship and information wars should be totally ashamed to call themselves that trying to help somebody undermine me and censor me.

Right click and view images. I contacted the person and asked her about it and that was her response, so stop lying.

You are making a profit off of other people's work even if you give them 50% or 60%, our curation isn't about upvoting other people's work that is copy and pasted. I meant to say hundreds in a few months, whatever.

There is no censorship here, you are only banned from being curated by the Informationwar account. Feel free to continue to use the tag if you want or do whatever you want. Everything posted onto Steem goes on the blockchain and it isn't censored.

You need some serious mental help, and I am saying this not to be mean or demean you at all but you are getting into unnecessary fights with lots of people. YOU are burning bridges with some of the biggest whales on this platform and you can certainly do that if you want, but don't expect people to be nice to you or curate you.


Please enlarge the text.

P.S. Don't think there isn't anybody else who can verify to her that I am not making hundred. Sometimes people just think they can get away with anything because they feel there's no other witnesses...but in this instance there is, that person will tell her what you said isn't the truth, they are on here and on another blog where we all know each other.

Furthermore your tag isn't worth following or providing material for. When you are going to use tactics to help your friend(s) silent somebody you are working against the meaning of IW, you are not deserving of quality input. Now I understand why there's only a handful of you and the payout could only garner pocket change.

Lol, there's a few hundred people who use the tag and we are planning on expanding. Your toxicity to everyone here and in these comments is not needed or wanted and I am going to downvote these bullshit rants you are having on my blog posts.

They even left a comment today have a nice swim, meaning their are trying to drown in a ocean of deceit that isn't even true.

The have a nice swim comment was a follow up to my previous comment where I said:

As for your advice to @snowpea, if you really cared then maybe you should have been a bit more caring, it's fine to give people constructive criticism but your delivery was not very tactile and whatever good advice you had was drowning in a sea of shit!

Just wanted to clear that up as you are still convinced that we are ganging up on you and that we're all working together.

Again, whatever issue @informationwar has with you is nothing to do with @familyprotection.

You sir are a liar. Look at you, I have done nothing today but have to answer to your constant bombardment of crap aimed at me. You know what you have been doing long after I left this crap behind yesterday you still can't let it go, anybody with any common sense can see right through this. That's why you or someone you know within information wars threw the information war tag up on the article I was arguing about, that's the first time I've ever saw that tag on a FP article, funny how that just popped up there, not that I reply on all the stuff I read on that channel because it usually entails me to spend hours looking at the material and digging for the real truth....which you don't like, which is why you'd like to get rid of me, but the one's I have read I've never seen the IW tag on them....that's called bullying tactics, as in ganging up on someone, you and your cohort couldn't ban me so you decided to make life miserable for me today....well it didn't work out the way you thought did it. I don't need to rip people off, I don't need to be consumed with what's happening on FP today or what misguided advice they're giving to people, you guys aren't that important to me, you won't make me or break me, if I wasn't being forced to try and stop you from having me removed from the site and proving all your lies and deceit I'd be happily doing something else today, you'd be the last people I'd be thinking about....but don't think I won't show up again because I won't let you censor me.

Furthermore I see you left off my reply back to you concerning the comment reply was that I did go the round about in nice way of trying to get her to critically think on a prior thread, since then her situation has deteriorated, sometimes when we are in crisis it's like those movies were someone slaps you across the face to get you to pull out of it, they are to blinded by the crisis to think critically, there's absolutely nothing wrong at all with someone critiquing the situation's way better than giving someone absurd legal advice that doesn't amount to a hill of beans, only pushes more confrontation between them and the social worker/police instead of focusing on the matter at hand, saving her children from being taken.

You are such a liar and I am not a content thief, I got Dianny's permission prior to publishing her stuff after trying to encourage her to come to Steemit. She has lupus and she isn't able at this time to handle operating another website. I pay her all the SBD out of my own pocket those post receive. I left a email note to information wars she has sent me and requested they verify with her first before calling me a thief. You are the ones living a bitter life, look at you over here slandering someone making assumptions even though on each and every Dianny article it's specifically states she is ill and the money is paid to her, but that's how you guys operate, dishonestly. Then because someone doesn't fall in behind your advice you go out slandering and making trouble for them. Why don't you tell them how you give poor desperate mothers on the verge of losing their kids unfounded legal advice, sympathies and good lucks instead of advice to help prompt them to think critically though the ordeal they are going through. Your slander towards me about the Indians, my sons are part Indian, so is their father, the information I shared is based on fact going through rehabilitation with him several times. Look at you, you should be ashamed of yourself, giving out lousy advice to women on the verge of getting their kids taken and deny someone who is ill a right to have someone else help them make some additional income....that shows how low you would really go because it's all about you and the pennies you can make and screw all the children and woman who may need a hand. You should be ashamed.

I never called you a thief, reading before flying off the handle is your friend. I mentioned you were a troll, not a thief. Oh, and because you are a troll I commented to those saying you are a thief I was not surprised.

You may also want to understand the meanings of a word before using them. I never slandered you, I mentioned you troll family protection and @canadian-coconut, which is backed up by your words placed by you on the blockchain.

I do wonder though, if spit flies from your mouth as you scream in anger at the screen as you type.

Spit never flies from my mouth, I am not a troll I am a blogger, I have a very high reputation as a blogger, because of that reputation it took me less then one day to get approved for a account here. What you are attempting to do is censor me for disagreeing, I wouldn't be surprised at all if your are a Canadian Coconut sock puppet since I've seen you are all up into this situation with her, she actually said "since I can't ban you I'll flag you"....meaning it's no surprise that I'd get on here today and find you guys operating to have me banned for publishing content for someone to ill to do so themselves and has allowed me to do it for her.

A high reputation blogger? lol, is that what we are calling reposting others work now? You don't even understand the difference between asking questions as opposed to giving legal advice. You mentioned me doing this for pennies. I have given the worthy cause familyprotection 35SBD in the last 6 weeks or so, so there goes that slander. Funny you are so good at it while calling others showing the truth about you as being slander.

You mentioned she flagged you (as well as now insinuate I am a sock puppet account of hers yet I am trying to kiss up to her (myself?) for pennies). I had never seen her flag anyone before you. Probably because you are, I don't know, maybe TROLLING HER.

Good luck with your anger. I am ignoring any further outbursts from you.

Of course you are going to ignore me, because I make more sense then you do. You are the only one's angry carrying this into another day, I was just fine going about my business while you guys sat around angry, spieling because someone had a different opinion then yours, so angry you have to go investigate all my other activities to find some fault, leverage some unfounded accusations then try and find a way to have me banned from the site since you can't do that personally. What am I doing? I am definitely not out worrying about what canadian coconut is up to because quite frankly not all the articles put out there do I have a opinion on, I am related to Indians so yeah, that draws my attention, I've been following snowpea and her diploma so yeah that drew my attention. There's been very few articles with FP tag that I've even bothered to click on...yet I am a troll? If I was a troll I've be trolling everything put on there. Personally everyone who blogs is a troll in one way, shape or form. I am not the problem, people trying to censor other people is one of the problems on this site, this is suppose to be a open forum. That's why instead of people giving critical thinking skills advice to mothers about to lose their children get nothing but ass kissing comments of my sympathies to that's really going to help.

Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)

Saw this on Twitter. Great job.

Hmm? What did you see on twitter? I didn't post this on twitter ;)

Post was shared on Twitter. Don't think I can find the Tweet now but it showed up on my feed.

Ahhh ok. Is there some tool that lets people directly share to twitter? I just was using maybe busy has that built in or something.

Its honestly easier to find on Twitter than here, as sad as that is.

Very true, finding stuff on here is incredibly difficult. I started just bookmarking everything into folders now...

I'm a supporter of @familyprotection and consider @canadian-coconut a friend.
Thank you for identifying @sunlit7 and banning her. Good job!!

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