
LOL how did you know I how much I love that one!?

Schmoyoho is fun. I don't know if
they topped those yet and the two
videos are five and eight years old.

I like this one too

Good one! Hadn't seen it but remember
the story about Kai. Man that was just
weird and that Kai dude seemed zany AF.

when I looked that up earlier there were a few stories like "Is Kai from Dogtown a murderer?"

Yeah man he killed someone after he killed someone. Something way off about the guy.

Hop to the murder charge section and bear in mind that-that murder is not the same as the hatchet incident. Also, I don't know why they don't say in Wikipedia who he originally killed with the hatchet.

The second person he killed was like a 73 year old attorney and he said he did so because the guy tried to rape him. He's still in prison on murder charges for the second guy.

Really bizzaro-stuff.

smash, smash, smash!

Kai the Hatchet-Wielding Hitchhiker
Kai the Hatchet-Wielding Hitchhiker is an internet viral video featuring a hitchhiking man identified as Kai Lawrence. It was released on February 2, 2013 by a reporter from a local news station in California. The video went viral and received national attention in the press. Kai Lawrence, later identified as Caleb Lawrence McGillvary, would cite the fall-out from the video as part of his defense in a murder that occurred in New Jersey a few months after the video was released.

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