Does the EFF Want a Mass Culling of White People?

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

Julius Sello Malema is the president of South Africa's Economic Freedom Fighters, and he has some good news today. The EFF has not called for the wholesale slaughter of white people, not yet anyhow. I'm sure that many in Africa will be ever so relieved.

This man comes off so beneficent in his choice of words does he not? Careful now, maybe the next thing that comes out of his mouth will be a promise to offer everyone a free pony and do you know how he'll deliver?

He'll kill all the white people in South Africa, liquidate their property, give away two free ponies and then keep the rest for his damn self.

Never trust someone who wants to fight for economic parity, especially when out of the side of their mouth, they make mention of theft and murder as potential tactics.

There is no such thing as a fair world, and if a government, institution, or organization tried to force such a thing, then people would stop excelling in business because they'd be afraid of getting murdered or stolen from as a thank you for their efforts.

When folks stop striving to do well in the marketplace because of these fears, it means fewer jobs for the people, and when there are fewer jobs for the people, the number of those impoverished will increase dramatically.

Not only is this type of person an enemy of the people. They are also their own worst enemies. This, because they're fueling the very problem that they'd have you believe they're trying to resolve.

With his reverse psychology, suggestions, and prediction of a future that he imagines will come, it appears to me as if though this man is tacitly encouraging racist lone wolves in South Africa to murder white people.

The Image above is brought to you courtesy of Pixabay!

Whitehouse petition to prioritize immigration of South African farmers.


To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Without a doubt

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They hate white people. So why do we keep giving Africa Food Aid? In a few years, South Africa will be facing Hunger, after driven off the last of their white farmers. I say let them starve.

Well, this guy is the leader of a fringe radical group
in Africa, hardly something to judge all Africans by.

well we will see just how fringe he turns out to be.

I've heard that this kind of thing has already been going on.
He's being very careful with his words trying to say things
without actually saying them. He's been in hot water for
"hate speech" in the past. Yet, to me this seems more like
an incitement to terrorism. He knows what he's doing.

yes. Just google the images for the WHITE FARMERS attacked & Hacked to pieces with machetes by the almighty NEGRO GODS! some of the farmers have joined together & taken defense classes from retired Israeli Defense Forces. I don't think it is going to work, their numbers are too small. While AMERICA takes in INFINITE UNLIMITED AFRICANS, MUSLIMS & MEXICANS- we leave the White South Africans to be hacked to pieces.

Organized racist violence was bad when it was happening in America in the form of lynch mobs and it's bad when it’s happening in Africa too. Neither one of the groups doing the violence either had or has the entire will of the people behind them.

Sanity, as you know had eventually prevailed in America and for the most part, those kinds of thing stopped. I don’t doubt that sanity will also prevail in Africa if it is the will of the people, but you are right in the meantime self-defense is very important.

I see that the White House website has a petition signed by almost 22,000 people to give immigration priority to South African farmers who are “facing Systematic Land Confiscations and Murder”. I think mostly the goal for these types of petitions are to reach 100k signatures.

Maybe, if you do a post about it while steering clear of opinionated racial undertones (, as in just try to stick with the facts) and you can shed light on this petition in order to gain signatures to it. Here is the link if you are interested. It was cool to get your thoughts on the matter @caladium. Send me a link if you do, I'll give it a resteem.

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