Is This Demonic Possession, Disease, or Mind Control?

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

In what can probably be best described as brain-jacking is a newly publicized strep-related illness called PANDAS which is short for pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections. Everything about the disorder sounds like it was made up. If you asked me yesterday, the first thing that would have come to my mind with the mention of PANDAS would be those stoned-looking, bamboo-eating, tree-dwelling, retarded-acting bears in China.

Nope, this has nothing to do with those pandas. To me, PANDAS seems something more akin to invasion of the body snatchers. Just imagine your kid gets sick one day and acts like s/he is possessed by demons with bizarre temper tantrums and a strange feeling as though someone is inside their head. Then after all is said and done their personality is forever-changed and they are no longer themselves.

The doctors who believe in the illness will say, oh no need to worry this was PANDAS and your kid is going to need therapy now. Yet, there is no consensus among the doctors. The family’s personal physician said: “I don’t believe that. I think that’s a made-up diagnosis.” Even the kid or whatever he is now, who experienced the nightmarish scenario, is quoted as saying: "I keep having these thoughts about some person is in my head and I can't get them out and they are mind controlling me." he pounds his fists on his head: "Get out of my brain, get out of my brain!"


In an age of disease, superstition, and suppressed technology it may very well be hard to come to a consensus on topics like this. The notion that brain inflammation can cause problems and temper tantrums is likely. However, the unexplained feeling described by the child that someone is inside their head seems to be the most disturbing aspect to this story. The wording the boy chose was very odd and specific, not something one normally associates with a disease.

If you believe in God, you may be more likely to think the video could be evidence of demonic possession and that the boy needs a priest, not a doctor and “God forbid” he lived in Africa as he might be ritualistically executed, burned alive, or cannibalized only to have his organs harvested by black magic practicing street hucksters who make it their living to thrive off of superstitious minds by peddling their wares to suckers.

What am I inclined to think it is? Firstly, I think it’s highly suspect that this has allegedly been a thing for 20 years and I’ve only just now heard of it. Secondly, I’d need to listen to more accounts of how people felt when affected by this disorder, to see if they too thought or felt that someone was mind controlling them or inside of their head. Lastly, I wouldn’t put it past our government at this point to be experimenting on the population with brain-stimulating remote controlled nanotechnology.

Call me paranoid or whatever you like, but if they’re not doing it now, they will be doing it one day. There are already tried and true ways in which to disperse this tech. It could be dispersed via airplanes disguised as jet trails or even dumped into the public water supply, or added to vaccines. Once the many tiny robots cross into the blood-brain barrier you become subject to whoever is in control of the devices.

Now before you accuse me of putting too much crack in my Wheaties I would highly encourage that you watch Truthstream Media’s documentary entitled: The Minds of Men with a strong emphasis that you pay particularly close attention to the story of Leonard Kille and the persecution that he endured at the hands of government in the late 60’s.

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Truthstream Media's 'The Mind's of Men' can be streamed on Vimeo
MSM: More than strep: PANDAS causes violent behavior in some children
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could this me a case of perfected MK ultra? are parents helpless to haver their kids from such mind control?? rading this made me wonder exactly how much of disease and negative energy are mingled together. could the government be attempting to pesses kids and make them do things to keep fear in the population?

am i crazy? so many questions so little time!!!

Thanks for the feedback @masterroshi, all good questions.

If you asked me yesterday, the first thing that would have come to my mind with the mention of PANDAS would be those stoned-looking, eucalyptus-eating, tree-dwelling, retarded-acting bears ....

This might be a small thing to some, but you may want to look up what a panda is because everything about this statement is wrong. They do in fact live in China, but the rest of the statement is describing a koala.

It would be far better to say "Those crazy ass bears that look like a raccoon slept with a grizzly, and its cubs decided to become asexual vegans that have so many made up food allergies they only eat bamboo."

Otherwise its an interesting read.

LMFAO @bflanagain I like your description of Pandas!
Oh I updated eucalyptus to bamboo, I do have similar
thoughts on the two animals, as they both seem slow.

The family’s personal physician said

This is the kind of professional we want to avoid like the plague.

My friend's son has a lot of energy. But so much energy, he is able to run non-stop for 6 hours straight. More like he can't sit still, he is bubbling with energy all the time. He runs and runs and runs while talking without ever stopping.

Do you know what he is? Hyperactive. Do you know what the school pediatrician told his mother? That he's autistic. Those diagnostics are a bazilion miles away from each other. Autistic kids do not run around for 6 hours straight.

The existence of a diagnosis in the medical book does not come from opinion. It comes from empirical evidence. There is much weirder stuff out there.

Do you want to hear my opinion about PANDAS? It's a neural conflict. Those are very diverse and can get really akward.

As I laid down on my bed to sleep, I made some noise and my wife awoke with a jumpscare. She sat up really fast and asked "what happened" and fell back to sleep a few seconds later. She doesn't remember that happened at all, though, because her "consciousness system" hadn't been summoned by whatever mental system alerted her body.

Very interesting, thanks for the feedback @felipejoys!

There's a disease where a person's brain ignores the existence of one side of their body. Some of them undergo such an extreme that they only care about covering, say, their right side in clothes. But if you ask them, they are fully clothed. There's no logic in that, but you can't convice them of it because it's a neural glitch.

I'm not much of a religious person. That leaves 'mental illness' and 'experimentation'

I think it's a mental illness alright. That it was caused by some sinister experiment is kinda hard to take.

“God forbid” he lived in Africa as he might be ritualistically executed, burned alive, or cannibalized only to have his organs harvested by black magic practicing street hucksters who make it their living to thrive off of superstitious minds by peddling their wares to suckers

Er... I stay in Africa.

Fun fact: Africa is a continent. Would you kind stating the country (and region)?

Plus, there were burning of witches and all that in Europe too at some point.

I'm not offended (at least, not yet)


Thx for the feedback iamthegray and blessings to you also. I know in Tanzania and even Burundi Albino's are sometimes murdered and their organs haravested and sold for the purposes of witchcraft. This is accroding to the Al Jazerra video below.

I'm not suggesting that all people of Africa are witches.
Just that there is plenty of superstition in some parts.

I know about the albino killings. Horrible!

And yes, a lot of places is shrouded in superstitions. Here in Ife, Osun State, Nigeria, they kill people when they want to bury a dead king.

But it's gradually peeling away. I have nothing against the truth. I just feel African gets too much of bad press.

Give a dog a bad name...

Ahh I hear you man, no offense intended. There
are many a superstitious people in America too!

I'm so inclined to say homeboy needs an exorcism by the way his fits are but I think it must be some sort imbalance in the brain that causes these episodes. I've dated enough girls to know what something as innocuous as saying I'm working late tonight can set people off on a violent tangent so perhaps his just predisposed to overreacting due to the imbalance in the brain.

Thx for the feedback @chekohler. The video suggests
its an autoimmune disease but its almost unheard of
that strep would trigger something like that to happen.

I don´t believe that infection can cause mind control either. The human brain is too complex for any microorganism to take control of it. There are a lot of causes for mental disorders, and infections is one of them. But it is unlikely they can create specific psychiatric symptoms. However, the only way to know it is having access to a lot of medic records.

I think the only technology of mind control that works it is propaganda, and I don´t think human brain can be externally modified to do so.

Very good to hear your thoughts on the matter @ropaga!
I'm not suggesting that the infection causes mind control
unless that infection is a man made technological one.
You might like to read: Neural “Smart” Dust Connects Brain and Computer

Dear @thoughts-in-time, thank you for join in our steem-bounty family!
Your post topic is truly hard to discuss.
What to say what can happen in this wonderful brain?
Some body say we use only less than 30% of it, but nobody know what kind of surprise it can give has.
Did you see Phenomenon movie with John Travolta?
There are many teory about it and this PANDAS is something i cannot believe as human, but let hope there could be some more research to understand better such crazy behaviour of our brain...

Thanks for the feedback @intellihandling. I did
go to see Phenomenon, that was a decent movie.
I agree the brain is very mysterious, just look at
something like rabies & how it's similar to zombies!


It would be much idiotic to be considering that government is experimenting with some kind of nanotechnology to control our mind. I personally do not believe in demons and their control over humans. This is clearly a mental disease. Probably some chemical instability at our brain. I can assure that there is no demon posession in the body and it's related something to psychology. period!

Thanks for the feedback @sugamadhiakri. If you ever
get the chance you should see in The Mind's of Men.
What government did to Leonard Kille 51 years ago is
evidence enough to me that they would do more and
possibly even worse, w/the technology we have today.

It's all about nutrition.

50 years of non organic produce, and we expect a solid foundation human organisms?
We are breaking down, because we don't start (and continue) with solid foundations, on the molecular level.

What the body has perfected and balanced over 100, 000 years or so, we have corrupted in a century.
Eat shit, - and what are you gonna build a body made of?

Great comment. Could not agree more. Have a nice day.

Great comment. Could not agree more. We have to go back to natural, organic produces, if we want to have normal, healthy life. Have a nice day.

Interesting theory, thanks for the feed-
back @lucylin that is very plausible also.

We have moved so far away from basics - and it doesn't get much more basic than the correct chemical balance you need for a balance healthy biological unit. (using 100K years as the most successful model so far..)

We have to start from the ground up, and work from there. No point even attempting to fix the roof, without any foundations in place, (imo)

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