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RE: 40 Days Of Civil Disobedience.

in #informationwar6 years ago

Not leaving after being asked. She was asked because she sat with her eyes closed.

I was sitting working on a Steemit post when she came in and sat down. The library was open and mostly empty. Because she sat with her eyes closed security came and told her that behavior was not allowed. She chose to engage in civil disobedience, she could have obeyed the security guard, but decided to make a principled stand. She chose to stay after being told to leave. She was held over night and released.


I wrote a blog about it with more depth, you can read it here

So she deliberately sat there with her eyes closed just to proof civil disobedience? With no reason why she was doing that?

I mean I would just probably asked her is she all right, before even asking the security to come and shoo her away just because she sat there with her eyes closed.

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