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RE: Bernie Or Bust

in #informationwar5 years ago

bernies are feed up with pedo rape islands bought with fiat pedo bucks from the federal reserve? who isn't but those on the payroll of the childrapists, or dumb cattles unable to think?

what is bernie opinion on :

A2 ? no guns = executed in auschwitz once calories and nutrient life expectancy is over.

Gmo? toxic food inc pays a lot of bernie bros cars and home, even jets...

Forced vaccination with toxins? even more money than GMO bucks... jets with rapes slaves children...

so how is bernie bros aware or are they dumb fucks lead by the old wizard of saurons?

and this piker saw the chandelier of the subway... that's the problem with incult brainwashed low iq no awarness americans... nothing in comon with the european founder seeking liberty and the right to bear arms and speak what ever shit after having experienced in their fleshes the torture of the royalities and or papal rules...

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