
The first boots on the North Pole were American.
The first (and so far only) boots on the moon were American.
And if China doesn't get it through their titanium craniums that their neighboring nations do not oh any fealty to the self-proclaimed "Son of Heaven," if they do not get it into what passes for their brains that drawing a line nobody acknowledges and calling it "ancient and inalienable sovereign territory" doesn't make it yours, if they don't wake up and figure out that they are a chihuahua growling at the pups of a Gray Wolf, then the boot they get in their collective asses... is going to be American.

grey wolf don't rape their children. and you didn't reply to my post with your name in it...

what is the second flag you wear? and why do wear the epstein flag?

The second flag I wear is the flag of the Philippines, a nation your pathetic homeland is trying (and failing) to subjugate, a nation my in-laws have valiantly defended against PLA predations for decades. I'm curious what in the blazes you are talking about when you say "Epstein Flag." I wear the flag of the nation that has saved China's undeserving ass even while China spat in our faces.
As for "Gray Wolf don't rape their children," I'm not sure who "Gray Wolf" is but the Shina Minzoku are infamous for rape of children. Brothels with sex slaves as young as 14 are such a common theme throughout all of Coastal China that they are not even news, though China's trafficking of sex-slaves from other nations is becoming a topic of conversation all over the civilized world.


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