You can’t even parody London anymore

in #informationwar6 years ago

What the hell is wrong with the city of London?!

Here I thought the knife drop box with Cookie Monster on it and the Living Knife-Free website were the craziest thing on the planet.

But I guess I was wrong.

With murders skyrocketing and crime running rampant, London has decided it needs to tackle the lack of diversity among cyclists.

You see, apparently, the pint-sized Mayor Sadiq Khan pledged to make walking and cycling safer and easier in the capital.

So the Wee Khan appointed a Cycling Commissioner.

Okay, fine.

I can see deciding to create bike lanes and whatnot for those who choose to use a bike to get around town.

But the bug up this Cycling Commissioner’s bum isn’t keeping cyclists safe.

Instead, he’s having kittens over the “gender divide” and lack of diversity among the people on the bikes.

Too few women and people from ethnic minority groups cycle in London and more must be done to promote diversity among a largely white, male and middle class biking community, the city’s walking and cycling commissioner has said.

Sure, people are getting stabbed at an alarming rate and acid attacks are really a problem.

But don’t worry folks, the Mayor and his Cycling Commissioner are all over this Diversity in Biking thingy!!


First of all, how do they know the ethnic and gender make-up of cyclists? Do they have people on the payroll whose job it is to check the racial make-up of cyclist in London?

If you’re sending out diversity bean-counters to check out the skin color of people riding bikes, don’t you think that’s a sign you’ve gone ‘round the bend?

What does the ethnic and gender diversity of cyclists have to do with making walking and cycling safer and easier in London?

Seriously, you can’t even parody London anymore. It’s become one gigantic self-parody.

And it seems as though you can trace that self-parody right to the feet of the knee-high socialist Mayor Sadiq Khan.

For their own sake, I hope Londoners vote this idiot out of office.

Or even better, they should enact a height requirement for Mayor of London.

That’d get rid of him.

Any old how.

Who the heck cares if every single cyclist is a white male?

Is that really something a Cycling Commissioner should waste taxpayer dollar on?

Well, apparently the answer is “yes:”

The mayor’s office has unveiled a number of projects it says will begin to address a lack of diversity, including cycle training courses, grants for community groups who do not typically cycle…

Oh, for Pete’s sake. I can’t even finish the quote.

Excuse me while I bang my head against my desk a couple times.

Okay, I’m back.

If the Mayor’s office really wants to make bike riding safer and easier, instead of wasting money on forced cycling “diversity,” maybe they should do something that will make all of London safer.

You know, like do something about the friggin’ crime wave.

Personally, I’d be more willing to ride a bike in London if I wasn’t afraid I’d stabbed or have acid thrown on me.

And to think one of the places I always wanted to go was London, England.

Ah, well. I guess I can scratch that off my bucket list.

Now, I realize that there are some cities in the US that are run by people just as insane as teeny tiny Sadiq.

And I suppose we’ve learned a valuable lesson here.

Namely that whacked-out Leftists with hairbrained schemes and skewed priorities isn’t unique to Democrat-run cities in America.

Well, that and the miniscule Mayor of London is a walking, talking (and peddling) punchline.


All commentary and photographs are those of Dianny of Patriot Retort

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Year to date SBD donated: $18.76



Too bad they don't seem to have the same data on rapists that they do on cyclists.
Bicycling is totally racist, something mostly for upper middle class white men, and white men are now the enemy so either they need to get non whites biking or just do away with the whole thing.

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