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RE: Content Thieves Banned From IW Curation

in #informationwar6 years ago

You sir are a liar. Look at you, I have done nothing today but have to answer to your constant bombardment of crap aimed at me. You know what you have been doing long after I left this crap behind yesterday you still can't let it go, anybody with any common sense can see right through this. That's why you or someone you know within information wars threw the information war tag up on the article I was arguing about, that's the first time I've ever saw that tag on a FP article, funny how that just popped up there, not that I reply on all the stuff I read on that channel because it usually entails me to spend hours looking at the material and digging for the real truth....which you don't like, which is why you'd like to get rid of me, but the one's I have read I've never seen the IW tag on them....that's called bullying tactics, as in ganging up on someone, you and your cohort couldn't ban me so you decided to make life miserable for me today....well it didn't work out the way you thought did it. I don't need to rip people off, I don't need to be consumed with what's happening on FP today or what misguided advice they're giving to people, you guys aren't that important to me, you won't make me or break me, if I wasn't being forced to try and stop you from having me removed from the site and proving all your lies and deceit I'd be happily doing something else today, you'd be the last people I'd be thinking about....but don't think I won't show up again because I won't let you censor me.

Furthermore I see you left off my reply back to you concerning the comment reply was that I did go the round about in nice way of trying to get her to critically think on a prior thread, since then her situation has deteriorated, sometimes when we are in crisis it's like those movies were someone slaps you across the face to get you to pull out of it, they are to blinded by the crisis to think critically, there's absolutely nothing wrong at all with someone critiquing the situation's way better than giving someone absurd legal advice that doesn't amount to a hill of beans, only pushes more confrontation between them and the social worker/police instead of focusing on the matter at hand, saving her children from being taken.

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