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RE: What Would You Do If Governments Get Into STEEM? How Tailored Access Operations And Bad Guys With Deep Pockets Could Bury The Truth On STEEM

in #informationwar6 years ago

I've had this conversation with several people when I first came here. Like they really think they are untouchable. It's really quite amazing how many people think the government(s) would sit back and let a whole new monetary system take over the world and tell them all to go to hell. There's the real reality of the world and then there's imaginary reality hidden under a lot of tin foil hats on this site. It's a subject where it's a total waste of time to disgust because it's never going to happen, not unless there's plenty of room near Qaddafi grave site they'd all like to make prior reservations at.



Agreed, I have written several posts on this #warofthecurrencies. Hope, is what people cling to but reality is something completely different.

That was a excellent way to state it.

right now cryptocurrency is basically nothing. 100 billion dollars is nothing.

I agree with you @funbobby51 but the people running the financial system won't let go of the grip they have on the system and to think that we can move them an inch in this market is naive. Believe me I want it to succeed (very very badly) but that is the hope inside me wishing we can break free from this corrupt rigged system.

One thing reign supreme in this world. It is not money or personal goods or even health. It is the human mind. He who controls the mind controls the world. Everything you see today (except for the odd truth that slips through) is fabricated to keep the system running smoothly.

Like the new video I have shared of Truthstream media -

There is no reason the world should not rush to crypto to cut out the f#*$#ng middleman (the banks) but it is easily controlled through a slide of hand (fud in the media and market manipulation). People are scared because they trust the very same people that lie to them on a daily basis.

I have attempted to explain this in my latest post but will do some more work on it.

Yo'd find Nightcrawler (2014) and UnReal Tv series fit right into the kind of things you are talking about. Ghost in the Shell franchise is even better. But it is dense and handle many topics and conspiracies are just a portion of it. (just don't watch the GitS Hollywood garbage which I refuse to even call an adaptation)

its like Beanie Babies or Pogs, governments and institutions don't really care to manipulate it because it is not big enough. Someday it may be. Or it may be like Beanie Babies or Pogs. If you didn't want to use a bank you could use cash.

That is why I attempted a few months back to write about it and make people aware. The more we write about it the more people would become aware and we can actually start getting the message out there but it is as if people think this stuff would just happen by itself. Whilst there is a brilliant idea out there to rid ourselves from these damn leaches the masses only see what these same leaches show them.

Banks and these institutions has spent millions upon millions not just buying up crypto to enable them to manipulate it but also on FUD to scare people out of the market. From anything to new tax laws, drags and child pornography linked to the blockchain they have thrown everything they had at it.

Behind the science there has been a war of epic proportions, hired hackers to hack wallets and exchanges with the main purpose of deterring new investment. The market has not been for the faint of heart.


It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

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