InformationWar Discord Meeting 5/12 - Agenda /// Also announcing Curation Guidelines

Meeting Info

  • Your Discord Invite...assuming you aint already on ;>
  • TEXT meeting, voice is available in the "#general" channel for off-topic chat; there are too many folks to do this via voice in the meeting.
  • The meeting itself will be in the Discord "#weekly-discord-meeting" channel
  • Time 2PM Central Standard Time (5PM Greenwich Mean Time)
  • winds down
  • Agenda is down page - Be familiar with the agenda
  • I will create a summary after the meeting...if you do NOT WANT to be included, let me know.
  • Last week's summary


Who We Are

About Information War

The tag informationwar is for posts discussing Information War, Propaganda, and Disinformation. This covers the history and methods of infowar, where it fits as a method of war, what fakenews is and how to recognize it, and tools for fighting the war.

Tools include critical thinking, logic, and intelligence methods

Agenda Item One - The Last Word on Curation Guidelines

We will go over these guidelines, but here is our extensive list of guidelines

  • See About Information War
  • Curators have full discretion to curate a specific post or not; it's one reason we have several have a different range of what is curated or not.
  • Anyone may use the IW tag for any post
  • We are committed to providing an avenue for alternate news to be heard...whether that post is within our guidelines depends on the judgement of the curators
  • There is not a set of rules in which a post is guaranteed to be curated; we need to stress this
  • There is NO guarantee a post will be curated; not for stakeholders, not for the best post written. All we can do is the best we can do.

Agenda Two - Skin In the Game

This is the area I want to spend the bulk of the meeting on.

We feel that there has been an issue where folks are benefiting from the tag, but not contributing to the community. No names, and no accusations, please!

It is not a critical issue, but it could be a serious one, so we are going to discuss options for getting folks involved.

  • See the Agenda Item Two - Skin in the Game Section from last week's agenda
  • Also see Skin in the game - Delegation, Skin in the game - Kickback to @informationwar, Skin in the game - Delegation for low SP, and Skin in the game - other methods of building investment in the community from last week's summary

Setting some standards now is required, IMO, before we begin additional recruiting


amazing iformations for politics

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Information War
Our Purpose

I've been wanting to join the discord group for a while... I probably won't have time to be active so it holds me back. You're all doing a great job with information war. But what are the plans to expand it beyond a mere hash tag? And outside steemit into other platforms? I thought the guys were working on something...

right now we are doing two things; trying to find good IW posts, and building a platform for people to network w/ each other in a decentralized manner.

time is a big culprit, aint it? ;> there are people on the Discord at any time, so feel free to drop in and chat when you do have time

I'll summarize the meetings so that folks can see what they've missed, as well

This is something that is being worked on for later once we are built up on steemit enough. Though we do have hundreds of uses of the IW tag within 3 to 4 days, that still isn't that much use.

Probably another few weeks before I make any efforts of putting together a way of growing anywhere else. And also to be honest, growing as big as we can on here should be the priority because we want to bring people to decentralized platforms, and only use other platforms to recruit people here(largely). The goal is to get people off those platforms as they are all centralized and censorable.

Onboarding is something I am working on, onboarding people to steemit by using our own accounts to delegate steem to them so they can bypass the signup period. I will make a guide on that soon, so if you want to bring people here it can be done for free and anonymously.

Anyone can feel free to start a project to do things like this too by the way, and of course we would support it! Time as @stevescoins says in the other comment is where the main problem exists. We need more people in our movement who organize and create projects to get the ball going. Ultimately that is the best thing we can do, is to provide support to all of the projects people create so that they are able to be censorship free(via out pooled voting power of the delegators/curation trail followers).

Specifically, I am working on plans for how people can organize themselves and start projects. Soon there will be Community Events/Projects posted weekly, but of course we need people who are going to organize and run them too!

Thanks @truthforce writing

Yeah, this week in specific we have been flooded with IW tagged non related posts. And we are getting noticed. Projects are flooding also. So it's time to get this figured out.

Count me in!

if they want to waste a tag, thats fine ;> gives us more exposure

but I'm trusting the curators and their judgement

Beep! Beep! @shadow3scalpel at your service. I am here to assist all military members on Steemit. This HumVee will be scouting posts from a list of Veterans that is maintained by @chairborne. If you are a Veteran and new to Steemit, and you have questions or want to join the Veterans community, reply to this comment. We got your six, unless you are in the rear with the gear. Ooh-Rah!
Comment by @inthenow. This is a opt-in bot.

Hi Steve I write from a new account. To let you know that it is commonlaw. Also liked how the meeting went today. I am already seeing more IW comments with up votes. We really do have awesome IW members.

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