A gentle reminder to PLAY NICE on our Discord channel

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

A little chat dust-up calls for me to note a few things about our #informationwar Discord server


  • Discord is used at THEIR discretion; if they don't like what we do, our server will be banned
  • Discord has banned for "hate speech" before; hate speech being anything that upsets the Narrative
    -Discord bans a number of alt-right servers
    -Discord is purging alt-right, white nationalist and hateful servers
  • Discord is an extremely useful tool for us to organize ourselves by. We aren't going to lose that.
  • Steemit and the steemchain is the place for free and decentralized speech; Discord is for organizing ourselves.
  • There is a reason I said that twice ;>
  • SESTA is a huge pain in the ass for anyone that runs a user-contributed site.

Keeping that in mind...

The server rules

  • If a mod (nick marked in red) tells you to stop doing whatever it is that you are doing...STOP DOING IT!
  • Yes, mods can be assholes. I'm pretty good at being one. So if you think the mod is being an asshole...STOP DOING IT, then DM the mod, or if you don't trust that mod, DM another mod with a screencap or copypasta of the discussion in question
  • Don't be a barracks-lawyer about the rules I'm laying out here. We aren't playing technicalities.
  • On the other hand, mods shouldn't drop a ban out of the air like a MOAB, confront first, reason when possible, ban when necessary
  • Bans are appealable by DM
  • Do not call for violence
  • Do not use racial slur terms, or slur terms against homosexuals
  • Do not uses religious slurs...yes, this includes me, but I think I can handle that!
  • Yes, you CAN use slur terms for leftists, but I think we have a few left-libertarians here, so YMMV ;>
  • Remember that thou are mortal
  • I may add to this list per community feedback

We are here to confront the Deep State and it's media henchmen, not each other. Keep that in mind when another IW member pisses you off ;>


You forget the discord link in the description for the folks that have no clue what you're talking about :)

Informationwar discord: https://discord.gg/JsXbzFM

Steemit you can say whatever you want. Discord not so much because of their policies not ours so we gotta play nice with the snowflake rules.

good add. I'll put it up on the post.

sounds like Steemit needs something inhouse to replace Discord.

I agree exactly, fuck discord.
I mean, what the fuck is the definition of "discord" anyway?

kinda like 'hate and discontent?'
or FUD?

exactly. This is one of the times that I wished I paid attention to what the devs were up to.

Should be easy enough bud. Any news on them picking on religion? I find myself debating it a little but it's never hateful or heated. When it comes to companies like Discord, I wonder how much it matters that the conversations are respectful and well meaning?

I'll add the religious slur bit...

it's OK that we become heated with each other; there are some fundemental differences in assigning the origination of corruption, and thats easy to get mad about.

But we need to keep things to a dull roar on Discord, especially on using language that can lose us the tool

we can be as assholish as we like on Steemit, as long as we dont piss of whales ;>

Wow, what drama and I've only been part of your discord channel for a few hours! I feel it's kind of sad that this warning even needs to be announced, what with other servers being squashed at the discretion of those in power. I value free speech in any form no matter how offensive to me or anyone else.

That said, this is "Information war" - the exchange of information - not "free speech war," so I totally understand. No sense in ruining the ability to have friendship and communication among us.

nothing like a little adrenaline to start the day ;>

I actually agreed with what HWAG was saying, and have several posts that are pretty similar here on steemit; my point was that we have to be careful of what we do on Discord if we are going to be able to keep using it.

think of our Discord as an organizational branch of our steemit community

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