GOING SIDEWAYS: Data Mining Banks

Can you believe it? Now the banks behind your credit cards want to data mine you for profit! For advertising!!!! We've heard THAT before haven't we? Yeah, just to enhance your experience as a consumer. Will there be another show congressional hearing about transparency in the near future?

Here's the difference between these banks and Google, Facebook and everyone else. The banks know your deepest secrets. Your medical bills, frequent bar tabs, how much junk food you buy, and so on. Imagine your embarrassing visits to the proctologist being known by "third parties". A prospective employer perhaps. Your auto insurance company knowing how often you go clubbing.

Don't be fooled! The infrastructure for social scoring is already in place. What we are seeing is more and more corporations getting on board. In this article it is admitted that these bank know your "shopping habits". They have already been collecting info just not profiting from it. Well, why not make some money while spying and logging your every move. Yeah, why not?

Here is my latest video.....Check It Out!....

2019 Thumb Nail .jpg

(Just click the picture to watch the video)

Don't be fooled and don't be a fool. Use cash as much as you can. Do you see why a cashless society benefits.....not YOU!? Use it while you still can.



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This has been going on for some time. I try to use cash when I can, and refuse to join grocery clubs for "savings" as they also do this. Email services are also in on this scheme. They are extracting while they can before they implement their final solution for many of us.

Yes. I should have mention the "Shopper's Club" cards available everywhere including the gas station. We don't use them either. They defeat the point of using cash. I'd rather pay full price. I will try to remember this point next time. Thanks pal!

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