Why Are Top Obama Officials Working directly for a Chinese Company the USA Now Considers a Threat?

in #informationwar5 years ago

Why are we always investigating the wrong people and the wrong enemy? These people have been in bed with the Communists in China for a decade, and they should be in Jail FOR WHAT THEY DID!

image from article:
BHO Team works for china.jpg

THESE PEOPLE ARE WORKING FOR THE COMMUNISTS; Against the United States! The Main Stream Media ignores this Treason, because they are owned, and are helping hide this treason!

Article on this travesty:
Here is one more writeup on the fact of this (IMHO) treason.

According to the Examiner, the U.S. government suspects that Huawei may be working directly with the Chinese government in an attempt to access data flowing through 5G cellular networks across the world, ultimately posing a major cybersecurity threat for Americans.

In an effort to defend against these threats, as The Associated Press reported, Trump recently signed an executive order that calls out foreign adversaries for exploiting vulnerabilities within communications technology, ultimately declaring a national emergency and demanding action be taken against such companies.

Another writeup on this news:
These are liberally owned MSM reporting this! How bad does it have to be before the MSM begins to actually report on it?

According to a report by the Washington Examiner, Samir Jain — a former senior director for cybersecurity policy under Obama’s National Security Council and now a partner with the international law firm Jones Day — was recently hired by the Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei as a lobbyist.

Here they are specifically going after Cole to disqualify him. he used to be a top cop (#2 man) under BHO:

The Justice Department is working to disqualify Cole, who was No. 2 in the Obama Justice Department for five years, from defending Huawei for his previous experiences investigating Huawei-related matters while at the DOJ.

Talk about violating the public trust! Could his treason be more apparent, when he is fighting the United States directly? These are Evil people who are for sale, sadly cheaply!

Yet with such glaring examples of treason and collusion, not with Russia, but with China; We continue to ignore the real crimes, and let these evil people go safely on their way! This is both foreign and domestic enemies, so what are we waiting for? Arrest these fools!


Exactly. Great question. Shout it from the rooftops. When people scream Russia, please say, "Almost as bad China Technocracy, Plutocracy, Monopolies, Globalism, Tyranny, Invasion, etc, etc." Upvoted. Resteemed.

"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain"

The Great Oz

It is SAD, but lies and distraction are all they have left....


sir smithlabs! This is disgusting stuff. China is so much greater a threat in so many areas!

It disgusted me too, one of the reasons for collecting all of this!

They should be in jail!


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Sorry the flagging troll is still bothering you! Have you looked at extending @informationwar to weku? They stomp on troll bots on weku, Might be a good setup for you.


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