The rift that could end the Republic widens, as some states support, and some ignore the Constitution!

in #informationwar5 years ago

This is NO minor difference of opinion; this is a fundamental difference in core beliefs! These two positions may be permanently incompatible. One side is supporting our Founding Fathers, and the documents they wrote to protect us from what they saw as the greatest danger we would face; our own government! The other side believes there is safety only is total surrender to the government; ignoring the Founding Father's warnings, and help.

Image from article:
Constitutional carry.jpg

Article covering States that understand that the Second Amendment was originally intended to protect us from government over reach:

I am living in Oklahoma, which is one of the States that supports the Constitution AS WRITTEN! One of the reasons this is true, is that the Voters here Demand this from our lawmakers!These documents are our contractional agreement on our place and rules of conduct; for our Constitutional Republic! Any Republic is held together by Rulers, that are agreed upon, in advance, by those involved. Like any contract, if the terms are changed, the contract is no longer binding; and the contract is Void! This is the danger we face when some of the States begin to ignore their agreed upon rules, and violate that contract.

Article on States that approve of increased government control, by are pushing Red Flag laws that ignore Constitutional restrictions; basically handing unlimited power into government hands, with no legal recourse:

These States believe that we are somehow better off sacrificing our freedoms; in exchange for some vaporous promise of increased security.. In this case they feel that ignoring a persons Rights to face their accusers, Their Rights to be safe from illegal search and seizure, and their Rights to bear arms for self protection; is acceptable! These laws work outside the US Criminal Court System, BECAUSE they are totally unconstitutional! They allow an Unnamed "Witness" to cause a warrantless raid on their target of choice; without ever having to face that same target! The Target can have his home searched, and his personal property seized; without legal protection. I a significant number of States, this seized property ; need never be returned!

This is what one of our Founding Fathers believed:

“Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

― Benjamin Franklin

These two views are diametrically opposite, and are NOT compatible. In the second case, it also vacates the actual agreement, that this Republic was formed under! This difference of viewpoints could fracture, permanently, this fragile Republic!


Some one needs to start suing and take this to the Supreme Court.

That is an excellent idea. It is their weakest area, and they do NOT even see it!


Well it should be an easy win at the Supreme Court, at least the one we have now.

Need one more. Gindsburg needs to be replaced too!


then you better make sure Trump gets re-elected. boy, all the goofy stuff the dem candidates are talking about, jeez!

WE ALL better make sure! We have to overcome at least 10% of artificial votes from the liberals. They stuff the ballot boxes that much and likely more!

So President Trump had to get 60% of the vote, to be reported as even!



I hope the dems will be so split up with so many running that they'll be fractured and end up with a beatable candidate.

The more trouble they have, the better off we are! NOW we need to stop the red ink too!


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@wakeupnd This one really concerns me! They continue to push weak minds into dangerous areas, and they are too ignorant to even see the real danger!

They think they are winning, by tearing us all down; but they are dooming us all!


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