The facts on why we MUST oppose gun Confiscation; to preserve what freedom we have left!

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

Every time some crazed liberal begins shooting up innocent people, those that indirectly sent them begin screaming to limit defensive firearms as though that is where the danger comes from! These call begin before the echoes of the gunfire stops. I am being charitable because few believe these are not false flag attacks a large part of the time.

Give them a break, they are not very smart; and the National Socialists used false flag attacks as a political tool too. They attacked their own radio station for an excuse to begin the invasion of Czechoslovakia. Our Idiots are doing the same type of attacks to go after our guns!

Poll of gun control (AKA Confiscation) support at 31%
These people are ignorant of the real threat to US Citizens; composed from an over extending federal government!

Americans are closely divided over whether more stringent control of guns could have helped prevent this weekend’s massacre at a Pittsburgh synagogue. But one-third of Americans think access to guns is more at fault than the killers in incidents of this kind.

This shows an unbelievable naivety on this 31%, and a poor grasp of History! Here is the real threat!

Alex turns the tables on the constant propaganda about a projected enemy. He documents proven academic research in Democide, or Death by Government, demonstrating that the real killers throughout history have always been in government. From Mao in Communist China, Stalin in the U.S.S.R., Hitler in Nazi Germany, Pol Pot under the Khmer Rouge and so many others, governments have killed more than 260 million people in just the last one hundred years.

Our Founding Fathers knew this (it is nothing new) over two centuries ago, and gave us the tools to defend ourselves. THIS is why we have the Second Amendment, to protect us from our own government. This is from the Founding Fathers themselves...this is the proper use of the Second Amendment, per their written words!

Image from article:
gun control.jpg

So the proposed gun control will do little to help, and will cause great harm. Do people agree?

Here are the actual poll numbers:

Rasmussen said 64 percent of its survey respondents “now believe the United States needs stricter gun control laws.” This represents a new high supporting additional gun controls, up from 57 percent in June 2016.

However, there’s an interesting little caveat.

According to Rasmussen, “64% of voters also say it is not possible to completely prevent mass shootings like the ones in El Paso and Dayton. Just 22% disagree and say it is possible. Thirteen percent (13%) are not sure.”

So for 22% of the Sheeple that apparently can Not think, the rest of us should place our families at the mercy of those who hate us and want us dead, by disarming ourselves! With the benign safety of Democide from our own Government; what have we to worry about? Allowing them to succeed will only cost millions of good, innocent people's lives, so why should we oppose this gun confiscation effort? It will only mean the end of the Republic, along with all freedom; what could possibly be wrong with that?

NOT that it matters if 99% agree, this must NEVER happen, or Civilization itself will fail! They will set up a tyrannical rule of the portions that are left, and kill everyone else. Not a very nice picture....

But they follow the national socialists plan, so they do NOT give a damn about that which they can Not directly control! They will turn the World itself to ashes, to follow their Master!


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@truthforce thanks for the curation! They simply must disarm us to murder us, and I'm in no hurry....


Yeah people are slowly supporting more drastic measures so the plan is working.

No, polarization is the only result. Those that are sheeple will do as they are told, but their number is small, or they wouldn't be supporting bringing in massive amounts of invading aliens to help them gain more power!

Every day, more good Democrats leave them!


Are they shrinking? I didn't think you thought there were good democrats.

some of the older Demorats are good people. They have morals, but their party has led them to a cliff....

Lots are NOT jumping, which is why they NEED the invaders from down south for voters; to replace those figuring them out!


I agree, it is a top priority to keep the immigrants pouring in to have as voters. That's the real reason behind being against the wall and border security. Even though they try to portray it as humanitarian reasons!

They are being Paid hard cash by the drug cartels to keep the borders open for flow of drugs! Plus the future voter gains....


How come no one breaks that story? That should be the biggest story in the country.

It has been on steemit and weku. The leaders are owned by the cartels!


These are the planners for Our socialists...this should scare the pudding out of everyone! Democide is imminent if they disarm us, as this is their political goal....

YOU are 100% right, this is their goal, SMH! They are Evil and ignorant; and they don't have any idea where they want to go! They will be surprised and they will ignore this when it happens, at least until they are in the trench...then they will notice!


Don't let then take your guns like they did to us in Australia.

Posted using Partiko Android

We will NOT, Thanks; you are right!

I know, I have been watching down there. It really worries me as there are a lot of good people down there!

BTW, we just hired the preacher from Down Under to come up here to work.

Hope he will be a great preacher.

Posted using Partiko Android

I think he will, LOL! We will see, he is on the way.


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