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RE: President Trump stops a war, permanently; with the stroke of a pen, and common interests!

in #informationwar5 years ago

Europe is dying. They have to combine every country there to build an aircraft to compete with Boeing, which is a single company in one state here.

If you take 100% of the money from the "Rich" it will run the government for about 10 days. The rest has to be taken from us. The problem is spending money that our grandchildren will be forced to pay for.

The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples' money.

Margaret Thatcher (Smart Lady)

I favor a Constitutional Amendment that require the government to spend only what they take in, except in times of war. That will curb the cancer that is socialism.

Your healthcare system relied on US technology until we entered into the same cancer of socialized medicine too, and that killed our medical R&D too. Now we must rely on Israel for new technology, because US Medical R&D was destroyed in 2008. I have been to the trade shows, your Medical Manufacturers make "me too" products, under license from here.

Israel the only country rejecting socialized medicine, and is still doing research. I still get job offers from over there, and yes, I am that good at Medical R&D.

Our education costs spiralled out of control when the liberals took over the Universities, and Obama nationalized the loans. Again liberal poison, and the cancer of socialism.

WE pay for our schools and infrastructure, as well as Police. The money from the "Feds" is collected in real estate taxes, and fuel taxes. They then act like we need to kiss their asses to get our own MONEY back! THEY are not the source of anything that have not taken from us to begin with! With their History of waste and graft, it would be a lot cheaper to cut out this specific middle man.

The liberals have set up a sustenance living intended to destroy the black family. They give them just enough to get by, in exchange for no Father present! Over 70% of black children grow up in a single Mother Family because liberals hate Minorities. This is planned to do exactly what it is doing, destruction of the Black Families; to control and kill them off.

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