
Worse sometime but we don't know when. I could get better between now and then.

I wish it would improve! We are to fight to improve things all the time. That way we can be the light the World needs, but we are Very close to the end of days now, SMH!

I talked to a Minister today who carries concealed, while he preaches. I spent 20 minutes yesterday discussing security with an Officer hired to help secure the church campus. These are evil times....

The prince of lies rules this planet, and is running loose as the Bible says he must.


Agreed except I don't know for sure if this is the End Times or not. I think so but I'm not totally convinced, not sure how we know for sure because there are a number of ways Scripture can be interpreted and every scholar has good arguments for his view which usually vary quite a bit.

But it's fantastic that you are able to consult with churches, pastors, and security people!

Do you have any security cameras at your place? we really need them here. none of our windows even face the road or drive way so we have no idea when someone pulls in or gets close.

Sadly we are there. There are still some things that have to happen before the sky splits to the East.

But not very many....

Always let the Bible interpret the Bible. 2/3rds of Revelations is copied from somewhere else in the Bible. Find it there, and read it in context; then go back to Revelations. Then it will become clear....

We are having a seminar at church soon on church security. I will meet this week with our Pastor on setting up a security committee. The Tulsa Police Officer is very receptive to the steps I want to take. He has been hired to provide outside security, and is happy to have backup inside.

We have Eight of the Nine cameras I want, and they are gathered into one large flat screen we already have at the right place. I am working on the facility to increase the security of the building itself! Cameras are a good tools, and not very expensive....

I can send you a full security document if you want to take it to your Church.


About Bible interpretation, yes I know all that. and scholars have different interpretations of every verse so you still get a wide variety of outcomes. Some are saying we have it all wrong and it will be another century although I can't see that.

As far as security that sounds fantastic. We don't have a home church at the moment.
What about home, do you have cameras?

If you use the Bible to decode the Bible, it will say soon and very soon! I really wish they were right, but sadly they are not....

Always good to find a home church, but hard.

I have a full set of cameras that I am preparing to move, half are IR and work at night. Digital recorder, with split screen makes it easy to monitor.


See, that's exactly what I'm talking about concerning the End Times, every scholar thinks they are correct and will argue until the cows come home for his viewpoint! I hope they're right but probably not.

I have no knowledge of home security cameras, what do you suggest? They are all wireless these days, right?

Most don't know that the lion's share of the book of Revelations is repeated from elsewhere in the Bible. That is why I don't trust their "translation" of that book! It is not a translation, only an opinion.

I have both, seems to be the best mix. The IR cameras I have are wired, the others are RF linked. Look for a good DVR, that is the core of the system.


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