
I don't think I would need daze but duckduckgo is really good.

Well draze is a good search engine, when you are trying to write about the west, you might need another source.


I'll look at it and let you know. I don't TRY to write about the West, I just do it! lol

Understood, draze eliminates a lot of bogus responses before you see them. The ones that are sponsored links trying to sell something, so you can get better data.


It is helpful, especially in technical searches.

Take care the H F 21 is imminent!


I might be posting less after the hardfork, not sure though. Do you have a plan to change anything or will you still be fumbling along like pond-scum as usual? lol.

I havd already stopped most of my mobile access, the ads slow it and eat data. Palnet and weku both returm more than steemit, and they are reducing the payouts for qiestionable reasons.

Come over to weku....


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