Michigan begins to persecute Christians, in violation of the US Constitution; with a flagrant abuse of their authority!

in #informationwar5 years ago

Sometimes the politicians are bad for my blood pressure; and This is one of those times! In Michigan, county officials have decided to destroy a peaceful community by misusing taxpayers money and authority.

They have condemned the houses of Amish families as “unfit for human habitation”; BECAUSE they have no electricity, phone, running water, or indoor plumbing! HOW DARE THEY!!!!

One of the best meals I ever shared was in an Amish home, by kerosene light; eating food raised right off the land the house stood upon! The house was clean and comfortable, and the people that live there Love GOD. This is blatant persecution of Christians, and is ILLEGAL!

I only hope that when the liberals spend us into destruction, I can as well on MY homestead as these fine people do all the time!

Image from this Article
Amish live as they have for a century, simple and Healthy; following their beliefs in how to properly worship GOD!

Article on government attacks on the Amish:

The Amish are a people of GOD. I have known some, and have met more, and I can say, as a Group; they have my respect! They work hard, take care of their Families, raise their own food, and live totally off grid; worshipping GOD, and leaving others alone!

It is no small wonder why the liberals Hate them! The Amish stand for everything the liberals oppose, and they intend to destroy them....

They have no regard for the Freedom of Religion of these people, who have built their entire life AROUND their Religion!

According to DC Clothesline:

After harassing the Amish community for years regarding its water supply and disposal, the county health department posted signs on the Amish families’ homes earlier this year condemning them as “unfit for human habitation” and filed lawsuits against 14 Amish families in November.

If successful, the lawsuits would result in the demolition of the Amish families’ homes and would effectively banish an entire religious community from Lenawee County. The ACLU and Wright & Schulte filed answers to those lawsuits Wednesday in Lenawee County Circuit Court, which include counterclaims against the county for religious discrimination in violation of the federal and state constitutions and the federal Fair Housing Act.

The Amish community in Lenawee County adheres to their “old order” religious way of life by hand-pumping water from wells, using outhouses instead of flush toilets, and not using electricity, cell phones, or automobiles. Despite the fact that the Amish community’s choice to live in traditional ways causes no harm to themselves or anyone else, the Lenawee County Health Department has condemned their homes and is now asking a court to authorize the demolition of their property, unless the Amish community abandons its religious beliefs.

They have no authority to attack these Godly People, and they should be removed for abuse of power, and for violating their Oath of office to the US Constitution!

“This is not a question of public health – it’s Lenawee County officials using religious discrimination as a tactic to run this Amish community out of their homes and destroy their way of life,” stated Richard Schulte, and attorney with Wright & Schulte, LLC. “This community’s commitment to live according to their religion harms no one.”

This is true. Not only do the Amish take fine care of themselves, as they have been doing for centuries, they aren’t hurting anyone else either. This is blatant religious discrimination and it will be an absolute outrage and travesty if the county makes 14 Amish families homeless.

This attack is so egregious that the ACLU has stepped in to defend them!

“The county is persecuting this Amish community because of their deeply held religious beliefs that have safely guided their way of life for generations,” Phil Mayor, senior staff attorney with ACLU of Michigan, said. “Lenawee County residents should be outraged that their local officials, using taxpayer money and in the county’s name, have condemned their Amish neighbors’ homes and are threatening to demolish their houses, and leave them homeless. They should contact their county commissioners and other local officials and implore them to end this vicious attack on the Amish religion.”

Ironic how the ACLU is all about protecting the Amish and their “deeply held” religious convictions but hell hath no fury like the ACLU when they find out Christians are displaying the nativity at Christmas time. There is no tolerance for those religious convictions, apparently. Maybe no one told the ACLU that the Amish believe in Jesus Christ? I digress. On this particular issue, we should be glad the ACLU has decided to take a stand for the Amish, who are being unfairly targeted.

This is the first time I have ever agreed with the ACLU. Interesting times we live in, but these Evil peoples can Not be allowed to get away with this!

They are attacking a lifestyle; that is a goal for most modern Homesteaders, that want to live off grid! So WE need to fight them Now, while we still have the right to do so!

NEWS FLASH: People have the right to live as they choose, and these fools need to feel the heat! Leave these Good People alone, and stop tormenting them because you hate their GOD! Vote these BUMS out!


I can't help but think the ACLU will turn on the Amish, they are a godless organization.

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I don't trust them either, but this ONE time they are (if temporarily) on the right side! These county officials need too be fired. This is wrong on so many levels!


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@wakeupnd Thank you for this curation, this one really disturbed me! They do NOT have the authority to do this!


Hope they win against these evil county officials. Imagine the outcry if they tried this on other religions.

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We need to become LOUD, and use our numbers; to purge these evil jerks at the ballot box!


Absolutely outrageous! The government at every level has way too much power.

The people that are persecuting these Godly People should be horsewhipped.

It is time to invest in a tar and feather franchise in DC and a lot of State Capitals! Maybe a rail rental to run them out of town with....

Give away horsewhips to the first 1000 customers? Sounds like a great business model to me!


This is terrible. I'm so sad to hear this. Leave these people alone.

Tyranny begins small, and like cancer must be delt with harshly!

These are good people, being attacked by scum vermin politicians; because of their religion! The very core principle our Country was founded on, are being totally ignoredl


Sir smithlabs! This is as bad as it gets, I can't believe this is happening. Who in the world would not want honest, hard working, law abiding citizens in their county? This is insanity and when the ACLU is defending them you know how crazy that is!

This one shook me too! Some of the stuff I find is hard to write about, this really was. To be so bad that the ACLU helps is a first for me!

This can NEVER become acceptable!!!!


This case should get the whole community riled up to put pressure on the legislatures to put a stop to this evil.

They should get angry enough to Fire all of them, and start over! They need to HURT!


I agree, they need to make an example of these people.

Hanging is too good for them.

There need to be a real life consequences for this level of abuse of authority! This is disgusting!


The entire state should defend the Amish because if they don't stop this, then who will they go after next?

The whole country! This can NOT stand! Freedom of religion is at stake here.


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