Judicial Watch has upset the fragile 'Impeachment' apple cart, simply by asking for the truth through the FOIA!

in #informationwar5 years ago

The only innocent Man in DC is being rail roaded with two counts of impeachment! There are those who have committed crimes against the United States, and President Trump; and they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law!

Judicial watch vidio:

Here is a good analysis on the travesty currently going on in DC.

Here is the filing judicial watch has done using the freedom of information act:

The information the founds was telling.

• Steele wrote well-sourced reports using a variety of sub-sources that he wrote for ·other purposes and shared with the FBI;

• Steele had participated in past efforts to connect Ohr to Russian oligarchs through intermediaries;

• Simpson hired Steele to research Trump and hired Nellie Ohr to perform open source research on Trump;

• Ohr met with Simpson in August 2016 and Simpson provided Ohr with the names of three "potential conduits" of information between Russia and the Trump campaign;425
• Steele's reporting was shared by Simpson with "a lot of people" including the Clinton campaign and the Department of State;426

• Steele was "desperate" that Trump not be elected, but was providing reports for ideological reasons, specifically that "Russia [was] bad; "427

• Reporting of Kremlin activities "may be exaggerated or conspiracy theory talk," so Steele cannot know whether all the reporting is true. According to Ohr, he asked the FBI personnel whether there was a prosecutor assigned to their investigation and was told "no." He also said that no one at the meeting told him about the Crossfire Hurricane investigation, but that he was advised that the FBI was "pushing ahead" on a Manafort case. SSA 1 memorialized the meeting with Ohr in an FD-302, which largely mirrored the attendees' notes, but also provided additional details. 428

SSA 1 documented in the FD-302 that Ohr told the FBI that:

• Steele was "desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being the U.S. President;"

• "Ohr never believed Steele was making up information or shading it;"

• "Simpson and Steele could have met with [Yahoo] or [Yahoo News reporter] jointly, but Ohr [did] not know if
they did;" and

Here is the kicker that should have triggered red flags all over this "Report" and stopped any intelligent investigator from using it for anything but firestarter

• Ohr "knew that Simpson was "hired by a lawyer who does opposition research" and that Steele's reporting was being distributed to "the Clinton Campaign, Jon Winer at the U.S. State Department and the FBI. 11429

Judicial watch is all over this with FOIA requests, and they are beginning to get judges behind the effort because of obvious illegal delays in spite of court orders for information!

This report is still the basis of the attack on the POTUS, which is reaching a peak now:

This impeachment scam was corruptly formed and is being corruptly pursued. A coup cabal has hijacked the House to violate the rights of President Trump and undermine our constitutional republic. It is not too late to “stop the coup.” Americans should call their members of Congress to share their views on this wild attack on self-government.

The House vote is set for next week, so contact your congressman ASAP. You can find all the contact details here: www.house.gov.

Meanwhile the FBI and the DOJ are refusing legitimate FOIA requests for documentation on their illegal actions relating to this boondoggle! Judicial watch is pushing for information that once exposed; Must result in criminal prosecution. These people are NOT above the Law, and must answer for what they did!


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Thanks @wakeupnd there is a big storm coming! These simple FOIA requests are doing real damage to the liberals in DC. They can't keep dodging them forever....


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