Devastating Blow To Global Warming Activists, so Here is The Hard Evidence, from Real Scientists!

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

As Global warming zealots keep getting trapped in the ice while trying to film it's disappearance, the truth is much simpler. They are deluded fools with no understanding of Science or the scientific method!

Image from pixabay:

November first article on the Hoax the call Global Warming:

Devastating Blow To Global Warming Activists, Here’s The Hard Evidence

You’ve heard the liberals pushing the narrative for years, only to make it sound worse and worse. Supposedly, we only have 10 years or less to fix the climate change problem or else the world is essentially going to Hell.

Rumor has it that if we don’t act now then all the arctic and antarctic ice is going to melt at the poles which would raise sea levels to such a height that it would destroy the coastal cities of every country in the world. That’s what they say anyway. However, science says otherwise.

Based on recent…well, facts and observation, there has been a massive increase in sea ice, which is contrary to what climate change activists claim should happen. Researchers are now concerned that this could lead to another Ice Age.

Isn’t the ice supposed to be melting? How is so much ice being created is the Earth is warming?

According to Fox News,

“One key question in the field is still what caused the Earth to periodically cycle in and out of ice ages,” University of Chicago professor and the study’s co-author, Malte Jansen, said in a statement. “We are pretty confident that the carbon balance between the atmosphere and ocean must have changed, but we don’t quite know how or why.”

“What this suggests is that it’s a feedback loop,” said the study’s lead author, Alice Marzocchi. “As the temperature drops, less carbon is released into the atmosphere, which triggers more cooling.”

The truth is simpler, it is a fed back system, but it is independent of temperature as a major factor. It is really controlled by plant growth. More CO2, more plants grow, and convert it to oxygen. A very simple, well understood system for feedback control of CO2.

“What surprised me is how much of this increased storage can be attributed to physical changes alone, with Antarctic sea-ice cover being the key player,” Marzocchi added, noting that future study of the ocean and the role it plays in the carbon cycle can help simulate “future environmental change.”

The sad thing is, this is what we’ve been saying all along. Earth goes through warming and cooling cycles, it can self correct itself.

The primary source (No pun intended) is our Primary...Sol the sun. Variations in Solar output will Directly affect our temperature. I have never seen the Pseudo-scientists even mention normalizing their data for the Solar output variations that occur naturally. Any thermal calculations that do NOT normalize the data are garbage!

Take a look at the video below where four climate scientists destroy the myth of climate change.

There is a scientific reason for CO2 not being the Man Made Global Warming Boogie man. CO2 is an outlier, which means it has little (AKA un-measurable) effect on global temperatures. It is tied primarily, to plant growth.


The SUN drives our climate, always has always will. Also carbon follows temperatures it does not lead it.
The global warming crowd started using "climate change" as the warming flat lined a decade ago and we have been cooling the last two years and it will get much colder over the next few years as we are heading into grand solar minimum. The man made global warming scam was implemented to usher in a global carbon( cap and trade) tax and to use carbon emissions to tax the very air you breathe.

Unlike their pseudoscientists; you are 100% correct!

They are selling their science, so they are scientific prostitutes!


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With all the conflicting information I kind of wonder what the motivation of both sides are, especially the liberal side of stuff. Do they want to spend a bunch of public money (we all know they are good at that) and if that isn't what they want to do, what is the underlying motivation? I just don't get it.

I tend to stay out of this stuff because it is all just to muddled down with media bullshit but anytime the government wants the citizenry to shell out just a couple trillion and we can sort this out.... I become very skeptical because the government isn't good at doing anything.

They have NO talent for safely handling money. They are terrible with it!

I just object to bad science, and this is the worst I have ever seen. I also see that the only way to be this inaccurate, is to do it on purpose! Since they are being Paid for specific results, it is scientific prostitution; of the worst type!


I would simply put it this way,,,,I do not believe in the global warming since the earth has been there billions of years ago and anything whether it be the ice disappearing or the temperature is getting warmer by 2°C, the CO2 and the sun still play the keyrole in all the issues. The cycle repeats itself. Global warming is a movement. I´d rather focus on how we can plant more trees or pay attention to the CRYPTOGAMS in this world and how they affect the earth. Here is my research on it:

NICE post, It shows the tenacity of life itself! Also, as CO2 climbs, plants flourish to compensate for the increase.

I agree this "Man Made Global Warming" is blown out of proportions for political purposes! Also planting trees is an excellent idea, I have planted hundreds, and plan on a lot more....


Thanks, @janton. I did a few articles awhile back on the same subject @smithlabs. Did you know one of the weather channel’s co founders says global warming is a Hoax and, not only says the ice is increasing in size, but also that the polar bear colony is greater right now than it’s ever been?

I can’t find it again now, I’d have to look up my article to show you but, also, at a bilderburg meeting back in the 60’s, an elite group was assemble to instill the wOrd “global” into humanity. Originally formed to profit off of “global emissions.” As we know, vehicles now need smogged in the US, vehicles can only be owned so long in some countrEos—China, Japan... etc, all because of “global emissions.” Needless to say, that elite groups plan worked.

Well, they took that wOrd all the way to the bank, what doesn’t say global anymore? Global warming, global change, global solutions, global global global... everything is’fa king global now and, like the good little sheep they all are, who doesn’t do a bit of research other than “I saw it on the internet” buys into everything they’re fed.

Nice article, I didn’t like it at all, can you tell?

@dandays yes this hoax is scientifically ridiculous, but politically brilliant. They can steal record amounts of tax money, and do NOTHING and just let the plants grow and fix the numbers.

THEN they claim credit for the reduction of the CO2. Twenty Million dollars stolen for no use, and they can claim credit!



I learn EVERY day, but I USE science to diagnose real world problems for a living. The stench of this psudo-science is legion.

Freshman level DOE (Design of Experiments) mistakes disgust me! I have actually looked at their raw data, data collection methods, as well as their data washing methods. I can tell you these "Scientists" need to be unemployed; because they are NOT Honest!

Only a scientific neophyte could believe in Man Made Global Warming. I bill $200 and hour, because I am NOT a neophyte, and I solve problems no one else can; by data analysis!

IF you really want to learn, I will burn some time explaining this hoax.


Maybe not so interested in learning the truth.

They usually aren't, they might be forced to Think, and that is fatal to liberals. They think, and they become Conservative!


Now come on sir smithlabs, we have some very intellectual liberals. All the universities are full of them.

Our university system is full of something for sure but it has little to do with intelligence, and more to scraping something off of the sole of the shoe!

Education is dead here...the liberals have murdered it!


We need more private ones like Liberty and Hillsdale. They could have you as a guest professor as an example of how NOT to act. lol.

Hey, that new Midway movie, it's supposed to be very realistic so it might be too scary for you.

I will look for Midway!

I can't afford to work as a teacher, pay sucks!


Said the frog in the boiling water.

Some sense being said finally.

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Yes, FINALLY the truth begins to come into print! Real science is impossible to stop....



The Peudo-scientists involved need to be banned from working in science! They have proven they can be purchased....


Indeed they do it for the money funding.

Posted using Partiko Android

They need to be fired! Forever....


That'll be a great thing.

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I really get offended when people misuse science, especially when they mix in politics and theft (taxes)with it!


The sun responsible for temperature?

Just how cuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrazy and radical is that, for an hypothesis? lol

Then we would see polar melting on Mars too...oh wait they are, LOL!

I did not know that the man made CO2 problem here on Earth was catching....


I did not know that the man made CO2 problem here on Earth was catching....

....ah shit, there the next reason for a global tax heading our way..

fix the martian melting crisis- before its too late!

ROFLOL Mars MUST be our fault too! You got it, that tax is next....

I must be really bad to take out two planets! Mars is red, I must be racist.



That sun warm things up? I doubt it.

ARE YOU really interested in the science, Or are you just trolling to call names?

I like to ask climate change advocates who insist it's all being driven by CO2 how much CO2 does the earth's atmosphere contain and often they have no idea. Currently it's less than 400ppm and the earth has had periods where it's been much higher and global temps have been lower.

To take one factor like that out of context in a system so complex is ignorant at best and outright fraudulent for any real climate scientist.

It's just a way to extort money from humanity and implement draconian control policies.

It is politically brilliant, because you can steal billions, wait for plants to surge, and claim credit!

They are evil thieves!


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