As we move towards a totalitarian Socialist State; our Rights Must be trampled to achieve this enslavement!

in #informationwar5 years ago

A totalitarian Socialist State; Must remove our ability to resist, to achieve the power they want! Our next step down to this subservient socialist hell appears to be ignoring the Fifth Amendment, and to begin stealing directly for honest Citizens, without compensation for what was taken.

This has begun in Texas. A property owner has been ordered under threat of imprisonment and fine; to surrender almost 22 Million dollars of Legal firearm accessories to the ATF, for destruction without any compensation. This is an un-Constututional act, and is being challenged, properly, in court! But they destruction is done, and the damage has been done!

Image from article:
constitution second amendment.jpg

Our Founding Fathers Knew that to enslave us, we must first loose our ability to resist. They set up our Constitution, and Bill of Rights to make this oppression impossible.They saw that the greatest threat to Free MEN remains their own Government! They wrote the Constitution and our Bill Of Rights, to limit our Government; and to protect our private citizens from that same Government.

Here is the article of this initial step into socialist Hell:

Our own Government ignored and trampled the Rights of Free Men, to achieve a short term political gain! THIS is Exactly what our Founding Fathers warned us about! We are at the cross roads today; do we allow this usurpation of the authority that belongs to the Private US Citizen; Or do we fire all these politicians, and begin again? I think it is time to remove the most liberal politicians, and to threaten the others with unemployment!

Enough is enough! Our elected government MUST remain within the constraints within the Constitution; or face Permanent unemployment! They will not do this without heavy pressure from US; so push these fools, and where needed, remove them at the ballot box!

They must also face court challenges that they will hopefully loose, and be punished with lots of dollars! THEY MUST pay this vendor from Texas for the materials they seized extra-Constitutionally, and they should apologize to them in writing! This must happen EVERY time they over step the authority WE have allowed them to weild on our behalf.

THEY are our Employees, NOT our Rulers! We need to remind them of this Fact.


sir smithlabs! This should be a slam dunk case if they follow the law. Does it say what city this was in or do I have to look that up too?

I would NOT want to force you to read, and improve your mind, ROFLOL! It is the entire state of Colorado under lawsuit.


Well it should be an easy win and a good presedent to set. you're going to follow this or do we have to do that too?

I wouldn't want to make you read , LOL! I will follow and let you know.


Yeah and the results better be good too or we'll hold you responsible for that too. How was the Denver House today?

They prefer the breakfast food at the Denver House, and today we had a LOT more breakfast food today; so they were thrilled!

The results are entirely up to GOD; and I trust him totally!


well the first sentence..that's good to hear.
the second least you got one thing right.

He gets it right, I just try to do what I am told, ROFLOL!


Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)

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Thanks @wakeupnd for the curation! I like the @informationwar tag, lots of good information here!


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