As expected the liberals have formed a PAC to silence AOC, since she would not follow the party line.

in #informationwar5 years ago

Months ago, I told you that AOC would be removed for the sin of telling the truth, where the DNC requires politicians to lie about their goals. The only thing worse that being a liberal politician with a malignant agenda; is being a liberal politician with a malignant agenda, and speaking openly about it!

Her unpardonable sin is honesty, because if voters understand the liberal vision for America, they will never hold serious power again. They can NOT poison us with a fatal dose of Socialism, if they are not in power where they can jam it down our throats!

Image from Article:
AOC reelection.jpeg

Article on the PAC organizing against AOC:
It is simple really, the liberals survive by hiding in the dark corners of Washington DC to avoid detection. When Hillary ran, she allowed too much truth to slip out, and she was destroyed at the polls, in spite of the ballot box stuffing that they did! AOC could bring this same voter rejection to large groups of liberal politicians; which would be a power disaster for the DNC.

Backer began by explaining what drove him to create a PAC to challenge Ocasio-Cortez in the first place: “My family came from Russia when I was a baby, and I grew up hearing what they went through. And I have a strong dislike for that ideology.”

Washington, D.C.-based attorney Dan Backer

I did tell you this several months ago, as it was obvious then, and even more obvious now. THEY MUST REMOVE her, or they will be destroyed in the next few elections. They know that she has already hurt their secret cause with her honesty, and they have decided to remove her at the next election.

I can NOT believe I am saying this, but I might donate to a liberal PAC a little myself.

Even though I am enjoying their panic when she lights the light of truth and shines it on the liberal roaches in DC! I do like seeing them squirm and deny, to try to counter the damage to their plans, that this truth will bring!

Just remember, if they are not able to vote her out, they will frame her. If that does not work, they may murder her...liberals will stop at NOTHING! But they must remover her, at any cost. Her Honesty about her plans is political arsenic, that the DNC cannot afford. IF they are honest about their end game, they will become a local, and no longer a National Party!

Quoting a line often repeated by former President Ronald Reagan — who got it from 18th-century Anglo-Irish statesman Edmund Burke — Backer noted, “‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.’ Someone had to stand up and do something. If we don’t challenge socialism, we let it win.”

It is interesting that while he claims to oppose socialism, he actually is helping the socialists retain power, by helping them hide their agendas! The result of his work will help them retain national power by hiding their souls!


sir smithlabs! who said the dems are going to try and keep her from being re-elected? Is this Backer guy supported by the DNC? She still seems to be very popular with her party and candidates are still trying to get her endorsement.

Remember that teh DNC only retains power by the LIE! She is telling the truth about what she wants to do, They can Not survive that!

Here on Oklahoma, the RNC donated to the Democratic gubernatorial candidate when we removed their RINO and elected a Conservative!

So whatever they decide to call it, They are behind it; since they MUST be, to survive!

sir smithlabs! Let's just hope this remains the case for many decades because with the country changing to socialistic beliefs, pretty soon they wouldn't have to lie.

They are not as strong as they want you to think, which is why they MUST Lie to survive! They have not manufactured enough dependent sheeple yet to win every time; which is why they rely on stuffing the ballot boxes so heavily!

That is the problem, AOC isd one of the brinwashed sheeple, and does NOT understand the knifes edge they balance upon to retain power!


lol! well sir smithlabs if everyone knows they stuff the ballot boxes why don't they stop it? Isn't that
a felony?

It is a Felony, and no one does anything to stop it! Whenthey ha dteh hanging chad issues in Fla; they caught a DNC operative with a trunk full of ballots, and a voting machine to punch them too,

They let him go! Should have hang him for the treason he committed!

Punish these Felons!


I think they just think of it as business as usual.

Hang a few for the Treason it is, and they will rethink that in a hurry!

I will buy the rope....


Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)

Ways you can help the @informationwar!

You still have a censor troll after you. They are obviously cyberbullies, and I am upvoting you. Hope it helps!


@openparadigm thanks for the curation! your troll is still flaggung to try to censor you!

Steemit needs to fix this censorship problem!


We might want to start some protests for saving the life of AOC. If enough people got together to do that, then that would make the news. Even if they still ended up murdering AOC in the end, at least a lot of people would remember the people that tried to save her life and that could then red-pill those people. It's a great story because the left would not do that for the right. The left would praise the death of people on the right. That's a key difference. You win people over via a focus on the value of life. Same thing with abortion. You slowly win people over with life.

So True! :'(

They have always been good servants of their Master Satan. You arew right, they worship death in all forms. It is oour duty to pray for them, and I do, but I do this understanding that it will not help most of them.

I agree that the best way to win normal people is promoting the value of Life. Sadly with these minions, that, that value for life threatens their religion of death. Those so far gone must be opposed, to save the innocents. Telling them they are sinning will drive a lot of them further away, BUT it will save some of them that are not quite fully gone, so it is worth the effort!

AOC is following her Public School training, and needs special prayer! She may yet win free....


Life is about choice. So, some of them can choose to remain in the dark. Our job is to simply remind them of their choice and that is what life and freedom is all about. It is a miracle when people choose light over darkness. When one lost sheep is found, or one penny, we all can rejoice. There may be many lost coins and sheep, still. But we can still rejoice each time even WHEN just one is found, each day or whenever.

We are blessed with free choice, sadly some use it badly; but that is the risk that free choice provides. GOD in his wisdom has provided this choice, knowing that some would misuse it. This makes the ones that choose well, a special treasure to GOD.!

Yet, his love is so great, that he still tries to reach the others, for as long as they live.


So, I am classically liberal in letting people make their own choices. But with my classically liberal freedom, I choose conservatism for myself. So, liberalism is good as long as it is real liberalism and not other things. Because real liberalism allows for both or for many different things.

Allowing others to make their own choices is actually a conservative position. Liberals feel they have the calling to force others to do things the liberals have decided are correct, despite the will of those being forced. This is the core of politically correct speech. They focus government force to pressure others to do as they are directed

The Christian bakers that were massively fined for not making homosexual wedding cakes is a good example of modern liberalism.

I have a lesbian next door. I help her when she needs a hand, and have taken her to the gun range to teach her how to be safe with a handgun she bought. I do not agree with her lifestyle choice, but that does not affect how I treat her.

If I were a modern liberal and she was pro-life, they would expect me to shun her as a minimum!

I have had perjury used against me by a liberal to do me harm. I was able to protect myself by proving said perjury, but it cost me a lot of money. It was an attempt at control, using lying as a tool, which thankfully failed.

Sadly liberalism must control by any means...and assumes that everyone that disagrees is too stupid to live without their help.

So since you do not believe in forcing others to your will, you are actually a Conservative; that believes in freedom...Good choice!


True, liberalism is now leftism, progressivism, through then lens of subjectivity and authoritarianism and fascism and socialism and all sort of things all mixed up together.

True, once you begin political prostitution to get votes; you can NOT stop....

Since they have no core values, they stand for nothing; That way, you will also fall for anything. This is what has happened to the liberals today, SMH!


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