Civil disobedience!

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)


Watching the madness from afar.

What percent of the population do you think it takes to change everything for the better? 3% apparently is the answer.

With the rise in violent protests, and the endless angry voices even online. The left screaming and shouting, the right doing the same. Nobody able to debate anymore, with a tendency to want to fight instead. How does anything get changed? It does not. And no government is going to help, as they thrive with a divided society while they rule by divide and conquer. And the classic problem, reaction, solution.

The texture of this article comes from another article I read tonight here, entitled global extinction. The article is regarding climate change, and whether I believe the supposed scientists facts or not is besides the point, I would like to concentrate solely on the title above, civil disobedience.

Howard Zinn has wrote some fascinating articles regarding this subject, and says it is essential, or nothing changes. I am not talking about violent civil disobedience, more none violent. A good video of this principle is in a video involving a young Zinn below.

Back to the original article in print form.

On October 31, more than 1,000 of them blocked Parliament Square in London, launching their mass civil disobedience campaign. They issued a “Declaration of Rebellion” against the UK Government for its inaction.

Only 1000 people brought the center of London to a halt, where millions of people live.

“The social model of power says that government and institutions don’t have power — we afford them power by our obedience to them, hence the social contract,” she told Truthout. “It’s time to break that. I believe our biggest responsibility right now is to step forward in acts of peaceful civil disobedience.”

The system is broken, I could not agree more with the above.

“I think that the changes needed will also resolve many other issues we are facing,” Bradbrook explained. “That is why I call for those working in other fields to join this movement…there is a time for mass civil disobedience to change the system and I feel it has arrived.”

A joint effort with combined forces, combined principles is indeed required.

This requires though, people to stop arguing with each other, over their perceived stance, & that is the single largest problem of our times. How do you unite the left and the right to stop bickering, arguing & name calling, to get them to work together to change the whole system for the better for our/their children?.....

“If a man has not discovered something that he will die for, he isn’t fit to live.” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

I am throwing up more questions than answers here it seems.

It may be that this Dr. Bradbrook lady may be more than just a activist for climate change with her call for unity across different fields, & different ideologies. She may just be the spark to ignite a massive shift in working together for 1 aim being, changing the current system for the better for one & all, not just the few. (In the UK at least.)

Having spent a couple of hours reading other articles she has written, I can tell you this for sure, the lady is not crazy and she is motivated to the core.

I hope she achieves her aims, and goes down in history like the above mentioned Martin Luther King Jr did.

Peace, love, and abundance to you all.

Images pixabay.


The main problem with everyone setting aside their differences for a joint effort is that divide and conquer is alive and well. As soon as a movement picks up any kind of on the ground steam it gets infiltrated and steered of course. Do you have any idea how this mechanism of the PTB may be countered?


Not in totality, though with actions like this lady is making it is a start.
We need more people like her, more people with different beliefs, calling everyone together as she is.
No matter if you think the problems are the fiat monetary system, or the false flags to control people, or even the endless wars for profit, using our children to fight them.

She has called to arms if you like, anyone, with any dog, in any fight, and that my friend, is the answer, all of us, against the 0.01% that control the world.

Have a superb weekend.

To listen to the audio version of this article click on the play image.

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"A joint effort with combined forces, combined principles is indeed required."

Superbly spoken my friend, adding you to my small follow list immediately.

My entire life I have never seen people so divided as the election of Trump transcended upon the nation, his election showed us just how far apart we really were but just hadn't realized it. From my observation there's no moving forward together, it's a pretense to even consider at this point, we are inevitably so deeply divided I don't think anyone is capable of saving us, the writing is on the wall.

Scary thoughts, I still hold out hope, though not based on the west, based on the rest.

Isn't that 'Zinn' fella the one who plays 'Mr. Bean' on the tele???

Mr Zinn is American and very old now, MR Bean is middle aged and oh so very English. :-)

LOL...I know who they both are...but, look at the resemblance at the same approx. age, weight and angle??? Maybe the Mr. Bean character is a spoof on Academia's celebrated characters???

Okay...Maybe 'not' if you put their pics side-by-side???

LOL, you are all related to us anyway, unless Apache Indian. :-)

:>) ... Yeah we are kind of kin folk. By the way...Mr. Bean and Mr. Zinn wear the 'same' outfits too...???

lol. you crazy cat you.

Being crazy, helps me to blend into this crazy world of ours...I hate to be 'too' much in the public eye.

I hear ya, and checking out now.


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