And so it begins, the 51st state!

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)


Or more like "make the UK officially the 51st state."

I do not find coincidences in hollyweird movies, I find plots, and sometimes many years in advance. Some say the twin towers event was forecast in a back to the future film, most people have watched the movie, you tell me. The doc was even warning of "the Libyans" when shot down in that car park if we think back, was it pure coincidence he named Libya & enriched uranium? Way back in the 80's before Libya was bombed to freedom!.

Now how about setting the scene for the 51st state by normalizing it with a movie, years in advance? The 51st State is a 2001 British action comedy film directed by Ronny Yu, written by Stel Pavlou, and starring Samuel L. Jackson, Robert Carlyle, Emily Mortimer, Ricky Tomlinson, Sean Pertwee, Rhys Ifans, and Meat Loaf.

It is subtle the way the mind works. It is also subtle to hint at things for a long time, so when they happen it is not unexpected, moreover it is actually expected, due to the subliminal messages recorded without even knowing about it.

History will show us that when the UK wants to get America on side at the hour of our greatest need, even the royals are willing to show how deep the links are between the two countries, as it pulls in both sets of nationals. Edward VIII & more recently Prince Harry and American actress Meghan Markle.

Now though due to brexit, we are going to see a flood of articles like the one below, suggesting the UK becomes that 51st state.

Many Brits think brexit will never happen, many more think it will happen in name only, with little to no real differences. I though would offer up this article as to what I think will happen, and as of now, this is my stance. The UK and the USA will form a closer bond, and pull back from endless wars for resources (oil) regardless of brexit or not.


This is not a conspiracy theory!

It is though my theory, and can only be proven a fact - with time, and events, the latter out of my hands. I put forward this theory that the frustration of not fully leaving the EU, will be used to push through the above, as it will give a hopeless public that is feeling dejected and lied to, cheated and downbeat, a hope of something new, and a escape from the clutches of those evil EU UN-elected bureaucrats at long last. And they will grasp it with both hands.

For over 6 months and even this week I have read countless amounts of articles saying the same thing, most with statements from politicians, that brexit will be in name only, they want the public to feel cheated, it is the perfect cover to bring into full swing all of the above. Time my friends will tell!.

Now lets do a few snippets from this article I read whilst having my morning coffee shall we.
You may note also lucilyn that the EU army is mentioned, and I find that also of interest, due to it being mentioned so often of late, fear factor anyone?.

The article is from counterpunch.

November 9, 2018 Britain Our 51st State? Better That It Become–Gasp–a U.S. Territory

Sad to say, but to read Brexit laments from the United Kingdom (England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland), the country seems to be in almost worse shape than 55 BC when Julius Caesar’s Roman Army faced the wild-eyed, spear-bearing, barefooted tribes wearing only animal skins. Add to it anger over its current defense expenditures ($62.9 billion), run up largely from perpetual alliance with the United States’ unending wars and paranoia for domestic “protection” ($41.1 billion).

One recent and much-reprinted column bemoaned the setting sun of Empire that once ruled over 24% of Earth and 23% of its population. The writer chronicled events, artfully omitting the American Revolution in setting off the unraveling of its other defiant colonies up to the 1997 peaceful hand off of Hong Kong to China. Readers could easily conclude that after Britain leaves the EU in March, it will become a bankrupt, drifting lonely orphan in desperate need, as the writer said, of “a new way to rise ethically, morally, economically, politically and diplomatically.” Without that, the “current trajectory is to be the 51stState of America.”

That British sneer is scarcely new. Back in 1766, when both King George III and Parliament worried that its three million colonists were disobeying the Stamp Act, the famed and pragmatic MP William Pitt rose in Commons to demand we be excluded from that tax, but no others. Played for laughs, the sneer followed:

Our legislative power over the colonies is sovereign and supreme. When it ceases to be sovereign and supreme, I would advise every gentleman to sell his lands, if he can, and embark for that country.

Today, perhaps the laugh is on many unhappy Brits yearning do just that if emigration were not such an ugly issue in this country. Or if it didn’t look like jumping out of the frying pan into a far hotter fire.

Despite yesteryear’s contemptuous jest, today’s perilous times for both countries do suggest that the UK’s departure from the EU consider some kind of official union rather than continue our historic loose-knit alliance. After all, the EU is determined to become a major financial and trading rival of both the U.S. and U.K. Shades of 1939! The economic organization conceived for post-WWII peace now plans to establish its own army. Naturally, the Germans are in the forefront to field 200,000 troops by 2024. A navy and air force will follow.

Full article source here.


Say it the way you see it!

Okay I will, the union of the two countries officially is a match made in heaven. Both run their countries with fear and division, both invade their own citizens private lives, both like taking children from loving families, both like using false flags to make more and more draconian laws and both like sending our children to foreign lands to die in the name of big oil. Add to the above both frighten the population by letting in endless amounts of migrants, while getting elected to stop letting them in, just to let even more in, after they have both bombed the immigrants country back to the stone-age.

If you do not know how subliminal messaging works, and why articles like the one above, movies like the one named 51st state, and the countless other little hints at the 51st state (to be) work, take time to watch the Derren Brown video below.
All you do is control the environment, with subtle messages, adverts and hints to the 51st state, like they have done since 2002 & then make it so.

Have a superb weekend, let me know your thoughts below.

@shepz1 drops mic - out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Images pixabay.


I watched the 51st state last night - first time in years... how bizarre!

If we became a 51st state, that would mean gun laws, a (codified) constitution, free speech, US passport, free movement to the US...

Where do I sign..?

You need only wait 6 months my friend, and that movie (I bet you) will be shown on UK tv very very soon.

Then I can say "told ya so" :-)

I'm not wearing a kilt to play golf though...

LOL are we shy?

No, I just find that having to use a roll of bandage strapped down my leg, to avoid continually tripping over, very restrictive...


To listen to the audio version of this article click on the play image.

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The article you quoted was annoying in their talking of conquering lots of the world as a good thing. Imperialist.

I bet you wouldn’t be far off with this though, these governments like to go from one to the other to keep the status quo going. Leave the EU but now join the Americans! Not sure if it’s bad or good.

The article you quoted was annoying in their talking of conquering lots of the world as a good thing. Imperialist.

Highly agreed.

I bet you wouldn’t be far off with this though

I am going to do a follow up post tonight with why it will happen, regardless of what people think.
Half of the UK will embrace the idea, half will resent it, (51st state) thus guaranteeing you have even more division, they love division as we know.

And the financial aspects I shall lay out in my post this evening, after a little research and numbers crunching, thanks for reading and a top comment.

So many movies and cartoons etc showing us our future i do believe. I can see that the UK could become another state of the USA and then us in Australia may not be far behind to make it the 52nd USA state.

Yes indeed on both counts.
Whilst people look at the distraction of brexit or brexit in name only, the frustration will boil over, and then bam, the government will offer the solution in the 51st state. (problem, reaction, solution.) It is always the same.

Others will concentrate only on brexit, though like I point out in this article, there is a bigger picture at play, and the puppet masters laid these plans before I was born!...

Yep this stuff is planed out many years before it happens.

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