A superb find in the ocean that is wikileaks! thanks to @deepdives

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)


Having spent many years in Thailand over the past 20 years.

This find for me was amazing, it was whilst researching a post for the new #deepdives that ausbitbank and v4vapid run.
And NO this is not my entry!.........

I mention you for a thanks for running this, or I would never have happened across the info I found.

A couple of times whilst in Thailand the military have had coups, before the coups tends to be a movement of people doing things like protests and sit ins at Bangkok airport, to stop people and tourists from entering or leaving the country. It is very well organized along the lines of what a certain George Soros does. Each side of the two parts of the political divide get given free t shirts, one side red the other yellow. It is classic Soros.

Tourism is big business in Thailand, and anyone funding the closure of the main airport has billions of $ at stake, and also billions to spend on funding the so called uprising. 21.2% gdp is generated from tourism source which equates to roughly 2 + trillion Baht.

Two months I once spent in Thailand unable to go home due to these sit ins, not that I was bothered much all the same. It is interesting to note that whilst I was there the prime minister in Thailand Thaksin Shinawatra, for the first time ever, had made it so farmers, would get a decent pension, and all other rural people, this angered the money people in Bangkok, and also the royal family.

It was the take down of him that was required, to rid the country of the burden of looking after the simple folk in the country in old age, that they themselves relied on for food.



Roughly a decade in total I spent in Thailand, tripping over to Cambodia every few months for a new visa, it was worth it, it was a fantastic time in my life, Thailand was still very much a simple place, with very few rules, and getting away with even drink driving would cost only $5 - $10 bribe and on the way you go.

It has changed now though, places like Pattaya or money cities, are where developers and con artists rule, along with money hungry ladies of the night in go go bars and nightclubs, the police also are now even more money hungry and corrupt, hard to believe they could get worse, though they upped the ante when the influx of wealthy people turned up!.


Without further ado, let me show you the file I found.

The item itself was available for me to order and buy, I have- so the below text I am printing I now own a copy of. This is fascinating as not only does it explain Thailand, it also explains the rest of the world, and I would like to encourage anyone with a curious mind to take the time to read it for free, link at the end.

A Coup

For the Rich
Thailand’s political Crisis


Dear Reader, if you are expecting a mainstream analysis of
Thai politics and society in this book, you need read no further. Close
the book and toss it away. But if you want an alternative explanation
of events then read on....
Contrary to some views, Thai politics is not a mystery,
unfathomable to the international mind. It only requires the right
lenses in ones glasses in order to see the various patterns common to
politics all over the world.
If you believe in “elite theory”, you will see all developments in Thai history and politics as being determined by great leaders and great minds. Such a view sees a slow linear progression of Thai society with little fundamental change. You are encouraged to believe that Thai or Asian societies are uniquely oriental and mysterious.
You will support the idea that Democracy is a Western concept, unsuited to Thai society. You will believe that Thais worship Kings and dictators and all political events are due to the manipulation by Kings, Generals, Bosses or rich Politicians. The poor, the workers and peasants, rarely receive a mention, but if they do, it is only to blame them for their “stupidity”, weakness and their backwardness, which only goes to prove that they should never have any rights.
But you cannot clap without using two hands. A one handed clap against thin air is nothing. Equally, an analysis that does not consider the relationship between the rulers and the ruled in a dialectical fashion is worthless.
When Marx and Engels wrote in the Communist Manifesto that the history of humanity is the history of class struggle, they never implied that such a struggle would be pure and un-distorted. It is impossible to understand Thai society and politics without a class struggle perspective. The 1997 economic crisis cannot be explained without looking at the competition to exploit labour, the fight for increased wages and the over-production in capitalism. The reform movement that led to the 1997 Constitution was led from below. It started as a struggle by the oppressed against the military dictatorship of 1991. It ended up being hijacked by right-wing liberals and money politicians. The Populism of
Thai Rak Thai can only be explained by the power of the oppressed and their potential to revolt in times of crisis. But Thai Rak Thai Populism is a terrible distortion of class struggle because it is a mechanism to buy social peace by a capitalist party. The coup of 2006 can only be understood as a “Coup for the Rich” against the interests of the poor. Both Populism and the coup were only possible because of the weakness in politics of the Thai Peoples Movement. This weakness has historical roots in the defeat of a previous cycle of class struggle in the 1970s. Finally, the violence in the South can only be explained by looking at the repression of the Thai State against the Malay Muslim population and
how that population is fighting back.
This book attempts a dangerous task. It attempts to analyze and sharply criticize contemporary Thai politics in a time of serious crisis. It deals with the Taksin crisis, the coup, the various sections of the elite, the Peoples Movement and the violence in the South. Many events are unfolding as I write. The potential to make incorrect predictions is high. I live in a dictatorship where open discussion is not encouraged. Yet the climate of censorship and lack of critical debate about current Thai events is precisely why I am forced to publish this book now. Hopefully it will stimulate further debate and
discussion which will lead to an even better analysis of events. You may find that the spelling of many Thai names in this book differs from news reports and other mainstream documents. This is intentional. It is design to help the reader pronounce Thai names correctly.

Giles Ji Ungpakorn
Faculty of Political Science,
Chulalongkorn University
Bangkok 10330, Thailand.
January 2007

I spent a long time in Thailand trying to work out what was going down, the problem is though that those in the know will not say, and by far the majority are invested into the left or the right, and running with "emotions" over logic like everywhere else.

This book or article I found, just goes to show the whole thing, the whole struggle is worldwide, and Asians - Russians and even the middle east all have the same power battles going down, between the rich and the poor!.

Full link HERE.


Verdict = If you do take the time to read, please come back and compare notes.

As always, I wish you the very best of weeks, shine on you crazy diamonds!

Images CC0 pixabay.


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Downloaded to read fully later, and in case later it is not there. Politics is the same no matter where in the world a person lives. One day the average soldier will see that they are not doing the peoples bidding but that of the bankers, and will stop pulling the trigger on those that the bankers, rich and elite would like.

It takes us all educating our children and each other not to do it, not to shoot each other for "them" and this is not the easy task it seems.

No it is not, because of words like pacifist, traitor, patriot, hero, the list goes on. All lies, but then again we as humans are good at lying to ourselves. The poor use to know who pulled the strings, today the string pullers have no clue who are yanking on their chains.

I can explain over 90% of who is who, who yanks on whose chains, from media, to industry to politicians, nobody reads it, so there is very little point, and if they do, most take offense, such is the state of peoples social training that is.

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Cheers mate for that i will try and get time to read the link. Best of the week to you :)

It is a very interesting read, I am still head down into it. I suppose after living there so long gives it that extra bit of meat on the bone, especially where they mention the roads not being improved as politicians, royals and the wealthy do not care as they get police escorts on closed roads, they make everyone wait until they go by with no another car on the road, seen this many times before.

Yes you would have more understanding having been living there. Thanks for the extra insight.

Not a problem my friend, if you read it and want any info or anything explaining, do not hesitate to ask and I will do my best to reply.

Cheers bro thanks so much :)

Indeed it is, I am halfway through the book, and it is enlightening to say the least.

Good luck with the contest bro.

Thanks - have downloaded the pdf.

At the first time I started to realise the world is no longer as it was while I was young, I recall reading an article by Alex Jones and he provided a list of the Illuminati (I prefer to call them the Cabal). Amongst them were those of royal families and I was surprised to see the royal Thai family included.

Not that long ago another development there angered me. Many of the farmers grow ginger, for which there is a good market. Along came the CIA and they informed the Thai govt that ginger is classified as a toxic plant and it will be declared an illegal plant. They agreed to bear the cost of changing the farming of ginger to something else.

What did they replace the ginger with?


How much of what I've written about is true, I cannot say. Let's just say that I find it easy to believe both - and not long after, the price of ginger went through the roof.

I have seen so much in Thailand, like one day I was riding a motorbike with my western gal on the back and we came across field after field of planted in organized rows of cannabis. The locals told us to go away, so we did, and that is with drugs being supposedly illegal there, I would estimate that there was 1000's of tonnes of the stuff being grown, not far from Pattaya city.

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