When Will We Learn

in #informationwar6 years ago


We tried with alcohol: failed

We tried with guns in 1934: failed

We tried with guns again in 1968: failed

We tried with guns again in 1994: failed

We are still trying with prostitution: still failing

We are still trying with drugs: still failing

You'd think that we would figure it out by now.



We will never figure it out.

Because, we, normal thinking people can't imagine something that evil.

Cause the problem
Get paid for fixing the problem
Torture some people in a cage

All that has changed is how they sell it.
Cannabis is a gate way drug...
Alcohol is the devils brew...
The $100 is only used by drug dealers...

What we haven't figured out is how to get off this crazy ride. Because we aren't involved in the law making or enforcement. We have no voice.

Or i should say, we had no voice.

dang that's strong truth. Its all the same every time, only the names have changed. I hope one point we will learn that the object isn't the danger, it is the misuse of the object by people

"X policy has failed"

There are 3 schools of thought that follow this:

1 - Double/triple/quadruple down on the method that failed
2 - Try a different method
3 - Give it up

It seems a lot of people are afraid of change and, bafflingly, they would rather stick with the failing devil they know than try something different.

I think that is the case. Most of the things we have tried to ban are things individuals do or own and don't harm anyone else. Ironically enough, the enforcement of the bans is where it gets nasty.

Statist gonna State yo!

and they say we are the crazy ones. Hmmmm

We will never learn. @ironshield

Guns are freaking scary though dude!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)

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