Revolutionary Weight loss Solution!

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

Tired of troublesome body fat? Has it just stuck around for year and no matter how much dieting and exercising you do, it will not budge, or comes back in a few months? Well I have the revolutionary new cure for you, for good!

Try Communism!

After a the first dose you will see dramatic weight loss and becuase of out patent pending starvation restricted calorie approach, you will keep those pound off for good. Success is patented by the many scientists in our glorious Soviet Union and you will see results! We will make sure of it.

Side effects may include

  • crushing poverty
  • oppressive dictatorships
  • thriving black markets
  • idiots in other countries fawning over your government while you want nothing more than to die, but you are too poor to afford a rope to hang yourself

If you find yourself in a prison cell for more than 4 hours, don't bother trying to contact your doctor. Nobody is coming for you now.

Ask your comrade if death by starvation communism is right for you!



Do not listen to this man, comrades.

Come spend a tenner in our luxury suites in the
Archipelago, Gulag.

Here, you will lose all body fat!

No liposuction. No doctors.
All natural weight loss.

You forgot the diet only works if you don't eat your children. Wanting to try cannibalism is a common side effect. I'm sure they will solve that problem on the next iteration.

Communism is awesome

...this diet only works if you do not make the mistake of joining the rulers club (this club is to be found in most capitals of any communist diet regime).

Joining this club will exclude you from this diet.

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