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RE: Mindstates Of Agenda 2030: And The Rise Of The Manchurian Climate Candidates

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

Yes it is all becoming far too real and speedy in it's progress. Icke refers to the 'totalitarian tiptoe' but nowadays it is more of a quick step, danced by couples delighting in their gender free children, schooled in safe spaces and protected by trigger warnings. Difficult to stand by and watch and even harder to do anything very much about, other than embrace like minds in a silent scream. Most have no idea what I'm talking about and no real interest in finding out. I really appreciate your effort, your committment to critical thinking and the artistry and wordsmithery of your recordings for posterity. Respect my friend.
Did you catch Boris's speech at the UN? I wonder if there was anything genuine about it, or just a case of making intentions clear to absolve bad karma.


Hello @ricia .. I hope you're well my friend. Yes, I think that people are so consumed with the fast pace of life that many don't have time to consider the longterm ramifications of our current trends and cultural changes. Certainly, the key focus seems to directed towards the minds of children .. if you're a student of history, such a focus is indeed troubling.

Thank you for your kind words, to make this series as comprehensive as possible I have delayed writing my book and other philosophical/spiritual perspectives I want to explore .. so I really appreciate your continued support. I think the most important thing we can do is not give into fear and division, remember that despite all that is happening the world is still a beautiful place and that we're all in this together, and at least attempt to reach out to one another. I didn't hear Bori's speech .. but I am keeping a close eye on the cultural zeitgeist. To my mind, in a world of polarising characters and events, they seem to be moving us towards some kind of confrontation between populism and (under a different guise) a virtue emboldened globalism. Indeed, I am trying to step back and look at the big picture and broad perspectives. I am keenly focused upon the increasing divisions within our society and following longterm trends, I think ultimately the world is a theater and whether they know it or not, the vast majority of public figures/politicians are assuming a role. Thanks again my friend!!

Yes, I think that is about right. Looked out Boris - worth a listen when you have 15mins. (Can't say we weren't warned and if we ignore it then they can blame us for failing to object).

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