Vindicating Q?

in #informationwar6 years ago

If you want to understand the censorship on social media, you need to go to the root... the nexus of internet power, so to speak. The people behind Silicon Valley are primarily from "the Left" Progressive Fascists- but they have another allegiance as well, one I believe that Qanon has been alluding to all along, exposed in a video by Adam Green of KnowMoreNews. It was after watching this video that some of Q's earlier posts began to make sense... and along with it, so did the impetus behind some of Q's most vociferous detractors.

Who is the Deep State? Simply put it's the political mechanism of the NWO. Who is behind the NWO? Rothschild bankers... the same Rothschild bankers that "bought" Israel. It's Israel that is now the "guardian" of the internet... Israel is in charge of internet security globally. The relationship between the Illuminati Rothschilds and Israel is tightly knotted, one might say they're synonymous. The same can be said about the Rothschilds, the Illuminati, the NWO and Zionism. Pay particular attention to the quotes from David Ben Gurion at the 7:30 mark.

The Talpiot Program (1979) is an IDF training program in sciences and technology, coupled with people from Unit 8200, "an Israeli Intelligence Corps unit responsible for collecting signal intelligence (SIGINT) and code decryption. It also appears in military publications as the Central Collection Unit of the Intelligence Corps and is sometimes referred to as Israeli SIGINT National Unit (ISNU).[1] It is subordinate to Aman, the military intelligence directorate." (see links) Many individuals from these units hold important positions in major Silicon Valley companies. This is where the Q posts come in...

From post 964 Mar-27-2018
Who is Sergey Brin?
Where was Sergey born?
Think KGB.

Sergey Brin is a Russian Jew who co-founded Google as most people know by now. The Rothschilds funded the Russian Revolution and most of the Party's inner core was Jewish as was the KGB. Brin is an avowed Zionist, as are/were his parents.

From the same post...
FACEBOOK data dump?
Who made it public?
Who sold shares -30 days from announcement?
You can't imagine the magnitude of this.
Constitutional CRISIS.
Twitter coming soon.
GOOG coming soon.
AMAZON coming soon.
MICROSOFT coming soon.

We'll get to FB in a later post... Google created the censorship algorithm spoken of here
WHO wrote the singular censorship algorithm?
WHO deployed the algorithm?
WHO instructed them to deploy the algorithm?
SAME embed across multiple platforms.

Think 'Bridge'.
'Central' algorithm.
The stage had to be set.
(From posts Apr 3 & Mar 9)
It was the chief engineer at Google that wrote the algorithm.

Apr 16 2018 09:36:05 (EST)

Anne Wojcicki.
Why is this relevant?

Anne Wojcicki is the former spouse of Sergey Brin, she is CEO of 23andMe a DNA collection that helps people find their genetic roots according to their FAQ... more likely they collect data to be used alter by security agencies. More Importantly, her sister Carol is CEO of YouTube. The Wojcicki's are Jewish, emigrated from Poland and Zionists.

May 11 2018 00:11:07 (EST)
Facebook is listening to you 24/7/365.
[F9 algorithm]
Are they recording/safe-housing?
Metadata collection?
Building 8.

We all know it was Mark Zuckerberg that sold shares 30 days... Zuckerberg is also behind the data collection and censorship at Facebook regardless of what he told Congress- he is also a Zionist.

Also mentioned in the posts is Amazon and according to Haaretz, an Israeli news magazine, Jeff Bezos visited Israel in 2016 and purchased a 3000 sq. meter research facility and apparently Bezos wasn't the only tech firm to open up shop in Israel...

"Compared with many of the world’s other top technology companies like Google and Microsoft, Amazon was a relative latecomer to Israel and until recently most of its local operations were in sales and marketing and customer support. Israeli staff were also employed in planning the architecture for cloud services, which provides shared computer processing resources and data to paying customers on demand."

As Adam said in the video, Israel is becoming the tech center of the world and most of the most advanced minds in Israel's technological sphere come from the military and intelligence communities. That being said, perhaps it is this post from Mar 10 that's the most important...
Mar 10 2018 13:04:36 (EST)

We are saving Israel for last.
Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.

It wasn't much later than this that all of the detractors began and who are they?

Alex Jones... Zionist

Jerome Corsi... Zionist

Laura Loomer... Zionist

Like Q said, watch the ones making the most noise. I don't know if Q is the be all and end all of information, however, when all of the people going after you come from the same place, there must be something to it.




It’s not until soemthing big happens for them to reveal their identity

DUDE! I'm loving these posts you've been making these past few days. Great stuff! You are forgetting that Fuckerberg is the grandson of David Rockefeller too. His real name is Jacob Greenberg.

Thanks! They're all part of the same cabal!

Aren't you either a Zionist or a supporter of terroristic Palestinians and Iranians? What other options are there?

I'm an American, I only care insofar as it affects me.

That can vary a lot, do you have any plans to visit the holy land?

With Israel in existence you are free to do so, with the so called "Palestinians" in charge you, assuming you are an infidel, would not be allowed to. Just as they don't allow Israeli Jews to visit Bethlehem. I am far from being an expert on the history of the middle east but I tried to look up the history of Palestine and I can't seem to find a time it was ever an independent country, the Israelis have been there and kept it together for 70 years, they seem to have as good a claim on a right to be a sovereign state as anyone else has.

That's why there are Israelis who support Palestinians and protest against their government... right... keep up the blind support.

Ok, so there are Israelis who have chosen the latter, I asked you if there was a third option. Who am I blindly supporting?

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