Unintended Consequences? DARPA and GMO Viruses

in #informationwar6 years ago

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One would think that after the fiasco created by the production of the Ebola and HIV viruses that DARPA and the other three-letter agencies would have learned their lessons, but lamentably, it seems that they've only upped the ante. I wrote several weeks ago about genetically modified insects that could be "weaponized" to attack an enemy's food production, well now they're genetically modifying viruses. It could just be another case of science for the sake of science- damned be the consequences, or is there something more sinister at work.

"Nation-states would hesitate to use GMO viruses because of the ‘mutually assured destruction’ doctrine. However, any number of small groups of radical terrorists would not hesitate to release a plague on mankind. Technocrats have myopic vision when it comes to GMO technology." Unlike nuclear explosions, where the source is easily traced and the results readily observed, viral attacks take time to emerge and once out of the laboratory the culprits are harder to detect. Like Pandora's box, once these GMO viruses are out in the open, there's no putting them back... not to mention the possibility for mutations once they come into contact with hosts.

"Joe Joseph of The Daily Sheeple said a quick Google search would give you enough information to let you know how horrific this kind of technology can be. “…and you’ll find it fascinating just at how unbelievable a weapon this could be, how unintentionally mistakes can be made that can cause irreversible damage…irreparable damage…to the human race. And I mean, FAST!” Joseph said. “A gene drive…if let’s just say there’s a mistake, you could feasibly wipe out the human race in a very very short period of time. It’s an unbelievable tool at the disposal of madmen.” –SHTFPlan"

If there's one thing we can learn from the activities of ANTIFA and the "unhinged left" in recent days, is that there seems to be no shortage of madmen incapable of rational or critical thought. Imagine if these viruses fell into the hands of people like that. Or how far would the deep state go to maintain a hegemony on power? "Genetically engineered viruses could very well become the next generation of warfare. Deadly viruses modified in labs could be released eliminating entire communities of people as they infect making them a valuable asset to militaries worldwide."

Like I reported before: "As dystopian as that sounds, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is already working on a project called Insect Allies which will use insects to infect crops with genetically modified viruses that edit the crops’ genetic profile to make them more resilient against disease, as well as natural and manufactured threats to the food supply."

DARPA has also funded research into genetically modified mosquitoes that allegedly target the Malaria virus sterilizing it, thus making it harmless. However, it could just as easily be weaponized, making it more virulent. "Apart from the unknown effects upon the wider ecosystem, the knowledge gleaned from such research could one day make it possible for a state, a non-state actor, or a non-state actor working on behalf of a state to accidentally or deliberately use insect vectors to unleash a variety of biological agents and genetic viruses upon an unsuspecting population."

Russian President Vladimir Putin, while chairing the Russian Human Rights Council stated, "...do you know that biological material is being collected all over the country, from different ethnic groups and people living in different geographical regions of the Russian Federation? The question is – why is it being done? It’s being done purposefully and professionally. We are a kind of object of great interest.”

Nor is this the first time that experiments of this sort have been done. "The possibility of a "genetic bomb" is presented in Vincent Sarich's and Frank Miele's book, Race: The Reality of Human Differences, published in 2004. The authors believe that information from the Human Genome Project will be used in just such a manner."

"In 2005 the official view of the International Committee of the Red Cross was 'The potential to target a particular ethnic group with a biological agent is probably not far off. These scenarios are not the product of the ICRC's imagination but have either occurred or been identified by countless independent and governmental experts.'" Interesting that ethnicity rather than nationality is the criterion used as the marker for potential targets... unless the targets exist within a nation's own boundaries.

Mirroring if not causing Putin's concerns, this report from 2007: "In May 2007, Russian newspaper Kommersant reported that the Russian government banned all exports of human biosamples. The report claims that the reason for the ban was a secret FSB report about on-going development of "genetic bioweapons" targeting Russian population by Western institutions. The report mentions the Harvard School of Public Health, American International Health Alliance, United States Department of Justice Environment and Natural Resources Division, Karolinska Institutet and United States Agency for International Development (Wikipedia, 2012)." If USAID is mentioned, it can't possibly be good, qualifying Putin's fears.

In 1998 Israel was outed for research into an "ethnic bullet" that would target blacks in South Africa: "Abstract: According to a Jerusalem Post report quoting the London-based Foreign Report, Israel has successfully developed what is being called an "ethnic-bullet", which will target only Arabs. The report quotes an "unconfirmed report" which originated in South Africa, which details how Israeli scientists have made a biological weapon tailor made to attack targets with the Arab genetic system. Long-term studies of Iraqi Jews was credited with providing the genetic code needed to target Arabs. According to the report, the ethnic-bullet program was originally developed for use in Apartheid South Africa for use against blacks. Scientist in both countries worked together towards the development of the Israeli program. Israeli officials declined to confirm the existence of the "ethnic bullet," but one told the newsletter: "We have a basket full of strategic surprises which we will not hesitate to use if we feel that the State of Israel is under serious threat (Rense, 1998)."

The most likely use for weaponized viruses- particularly those that target specific ethnic types can be found on the Georgia Guidestones: "Israel is probably not alone in this sort of bioweapons development. Michael Risconscuito, the principal informant for investigative reporter Danny Casolaro (Casolaro died mysteriously a decade ago while researching the Justice Department's purported theft of an intelligence software called PROMIS), alleged to Pacifica Radio that he had also been part of a secret intelligence effort to develop genetically specific bioweapons that could potentially reduce the earth's population by a full two-thirds. After Casolaro's death, Risconscuito went public and was strangely then almost immediately arrested on drug charges. He remains in prison."

According to the neocon group Project for a New American Century: "... the art of warfare ... will be vastly different than it is today ... 'combat' likely will take place in new dimensions ... advanced forms of biological warfare that can 'target' specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool" (PNAC, 2000)."

Well, thank God we're the good guys... we can always depend on DARPA to do the right thing and look out for our interests. (Just kidding) One thing that seems to happen with research of this type, is that it virtually always has consequences- unintended or otherwise. Scientists seem to be of a mindset that tells them that just because they can do something, they should... they suffer from some kind of moral/ethical myopia. Like the hapless "nutty scientists" in the old B movies, they seem to be completely blind to the fact that there are bad people who will use their inventions for nefarious purposes.






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Have you seen Dilyana Gaytandzhieva work on the secret bio labs in Georgia? They seem to have a lot of 'private contractors' working in them.

No but it looks like something I need to check out... Thanks!

Lovey! Genetically engineered viruses... Also available to the general population (subject to DNA verification). Free delivery via

  • mandated vaccinations (medical care facilities)
  • smart cities: air, water, and food supplies
  • execution chambers

Qui bono?

Further reading:

I've got it... The link... Looks like fodder for a whole series of articles!

Even like fodder for a whole CHAOS show.

LOL... It seems like once we get going it doesn't take a lot of fodder to keep us going!


Make your own.

I predict this is gonna suck.


I predict you're absolutely correct!

HI ya 😎
This is some dangerous stuff indeed! I agree with you, as usual. The intended, the true intended, consequences are bad enough. It's the uncontrollable release of hell on us all UNINTENDED consequences due to arrogance that will do us all in.

I do believe ethnic targeting is the plan.

Yup! This has given me an idea for a short story!

Oh I bet! In your mind.....terrifying results. Go for it!!!!!!!!!!

I posted part 1 today. My problem is every time I try to write a short story it turns into an epic!

That's okay. I don't mind. It's not like they drag on and lose momentum. Usually good to the very end.

I mind... I really want to write a SHORT story! There's a contest called 50 word Friday- the story has to be exactly 50 words. I can't introduce myself in 50 words.

Wow. Exactly eh? yeah. Can't put restrictions on a good story. It's as long or as short as it needs to be. A good story tells itself. At least I think so.

I'm playing around with a story idea myself. A decent into madness story due to extreme isolation (sole survivor after SHTF). Just playing with it in my mind at this point. Stray ideas. A diary will tell the story.

Write it like a diary... if you need any help or input just holler! On this story I'm really focusing on brevity more than anything. I have a problem with over-explaining things, so if I have to trade off a little quality, so be it. This is more of an exercise than anything (although I do like the idea) and I can always redo it in a longer format later.

Attacking an enemy's food sources- that means their women, children, and elderly too- pure evil- and people doubt the power the Luciferians have seized?

Maybe not for much longer... but I haven't heard Trump speaking out against any of this (or 5G)

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