The Unaccompanied Minor Controversy: The Crimes of the Obama Administration Overlooked

in #informationwar6 years ago

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As liberals and the MSM tearfully emote about the crimes of the Trump administration ripping infants from the arms of their mothers, they seem to have completely overlooked what went on at the border under Obama... the very crimes that President Trump is striving to prevent. Judicial Watch was finally granted documents from a FOIA request presented back in 2014- a 224 page indictment of the Obama administration that won't get as much as a mention from the mainstream media.

The documents reveal that the a good part of the "children" who crossed the border illegally, referred to as UAC's (Unaccompanied Alien Children) were in fact violent criminals (many of whom confessed to murder), drug smugglers, human traffickers, rapists and prostitutes. Many others, of both sexes, told of being raped on the journey as well as by officials and refugee center employees when they arrived. All of this has been covered up by the MSM. In the fiscal year 2014 alone there were over 24,000 SIR's (Significant incident Reports) made to the Dept. of Health and Human Services- Office of Refugee Settlement.

"Examples of incident reports below are organized into four general categories:

UACs admitting to murder, belonging to MS-13, threatening others with rape, admitting to drug smuggling, molesting other UACs and seriously assaulting other UACs or staff;

UACs who were raped and/or molested en route to the United States or in the United States;

U.S. Government contractors and employees allegedly assaulting or having sexual relationships with UACs; and

Other incidents, crimes, abuse and self-harm."

Examples of UACs admitting to murder, belonging to MS-13, threatening others with rape, admitting to drug smuggling, molesting other UACs and seriously assaulting other UACs or staff include:

A male UAC at a BCFS shelter in Fairfield, CA admitted that he was “forced to kill” while working for the Gulf Cartel in Mexico

A male UAC being cared for at the Heartland International RC Facility reported that he had been an MS-13 gang member for a year before coming to the U.S.

A male UAC cared for at the Heartland ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross) facility reported to staff that he had been “made to” kill three people by a drug cartel.

A male UAC housed at the KidsPeace shelter (apparently a reference to the KidsPeace facility in Bethlehem, PA) reportedly told another male UAC there: “I am a rapist. I am going to rape you.”

A UAC at Morrison Paso (Morrison Child and Family Services Center – Paso Secure in Portland, OR) informed a Youth Care Worker (YCW) there that “all of the kids here at Paso are snorting white pills” and that “some residents had brought [the pills] into the facility” and “all the residents are snorting the white pills and at all the times of the day”

A male UAC in the care of Heartland ICRC reported that he was an MS-13 gang member who had been selling drugs. He told social workers that “the reason the gang members made the kids use drugs was to get them addicted.”

A female UAC at the Sandy Pines (Jupiter, FL) facility attacked a staff member with a chair after being told to stop inappropriate sexual behavior toward another female UAC. After being restrained, she threatened to stab an unidentified person with a knife she kept in her room. The report concludes by saying, “UAC will continue to work on identifying and implementing coping skills to manage her mood.”
A male UAC at a Baptist Child and Family Services (BCFS) shelter in Baytown, TX said he’d worked as a human smuggler, charging $6,000-$8,000 per person he crossed into the United States

A female UAC at the BCFS shelter in Lackland AFB was alleged by other UACs to be the daughter of a coyote (human smuggler) and reportedly was passing information to her father via telephone from the shelter

Examples of UACs who were raped and/or molested en route to the United States or in the United States include:

A female UAC at St. PJ’s shelter in San Antonio reported that another female UAC attempted to molest her and four other female UACs, including trying to “put her hand between her legs.” The perpetrator was “redirected by staff”

A female UAC at Southwest Key in Conroe, TX, reported she was repeatedly raped on her journey to the US resulting in her pregnancy and when picked up by U.S. Immigration, the guide claimed the UAC was his wife

A male UAC being cared for at the Southwest Key Program Antigua facility admitted that he had been a human smuggler himself for the past two years, since the age of 13/14, and was “paid $100-$200 per person that he crossed over” into the U.S.

A female UAC at Southwest Key El Presidente reported she was sexually molested by her guide throughout her journey to the U.S.

A male AUC at the Morrison shelter in Portland admitted to being a drug smuggler and “line guard” for a drug cartel

A male UAC at the Bethany Christian Service Shelter reported having been a drug smuggler for a Mexican cartel and making “18 or 19 trips since he started.” He also said that both his parents and his maternal uncle worked in drug smuggling as well, by welding secret drug storage compartments into vehicles and by transporting drug money

A female UAC from the Shiloh RTC reported that the person who claimed to US authorities to be her grandmother in order to get the UAC into the US was not, in fact, her grandmother but had brought her into the U.S. from Honduras to make her work “as a prostitute”

A male UAC at IES Driscoll claimed he was raped by another male UAC while in the custody of U.S. Border Patrol but claimed he didn’t report it because he was “told by border patrol not to ask so many questions or talk”

Examples of U.S. Government contractors and employees allegedly abusing, assaulting or having sexual relationships with Unaccompanied Alien Children (UACs) include the following:

A male UAC claimed a female teacher at Southwest Key shelter in Phoenix “seductively” massaged his leg, lay in his bed with him and exposed her genital area to him

A female UAC at a Boystown shelter claimed she had been raped by English-speaking men after being taken into custody by U.S. immigration officials and being transported to a shelter

A female UAC claimed that while at a Southwest Key shelter in Ventura County, CA, she and a group of other female UACs had been awakened early by staff members, taken outside and “wetted” [a slang term referring to vaginal touching] by staffers who told her it was a “normal activity”

A female UAC reported an allegation of abuse by program staff at Sandy Pines [Residential Treatment Center, Jupiter, FL], claiming she had been in a “girlfriend relationship” with a female staff member

A female UAC in the Bokenkamp facility reported that an immigration officer put “his hand in between the pants and stomach of another female minor.” She also claimed a few days later that the officer “touched her thigh in an inappropriate manner.”

A 17-year-old male UAC in the Baptist Family and Children Services, San Antonio, TX, reported he was “in a relationship,” begun while he was a minor, with a 24-year-old staff member at IES Driscoll.

A male UAC at IES Driscoll reported a “childcare worker who had been passing letters to him as well as having conversations” which made him believe the childcare worker “wanted to have sex with him.” The childcare worker reportedly made statements like “Let’s go to the bathroom; Let’s go to the house alone; He wants to suck it; I love you very much…. Really I do.” He also reported he was promised a $200 bracelet.

A male UAC at the Baptist Family and Children Services Shelter in Fairfield, TX, told a staff member that when he was residing at the Union County facility (likely in New Jersey), “officers verbally abused the minors and encouraged them to fight whenever there were disagreements.” When a fight would break out, “staff would make bets and provide the ‘winner’ with outside food.”

A male UAC at St. PJ’s Surge (apparently St. PJ’s Children’s Home in San Antonio) reported that he “had a relationship outside of boundaries” with “a program staff member at the facility where he was previously, Lackland AFB.”

A male UAC at the Southwest Key Program Combes facility in Harlingen, TX, reported an allegation that a “Youth Care Worker” (YCW) there and a UAC were involved in an inappropriate relationship. He said that “he saw [redacted] crying and staff [redacted] hugging him” and overheard a conversation between the unidentified staff worker and the UAC, in which one of them said “this is not right between us.” The reporting UAC advised that other UACs were also aware of the relationship.

A male UAC at the Southwest Key- Nueva Esperanza facility said that he’d had an “inappropriate relationship” with a female Youth Care Worker (YCW) at the Southwest Key-Casa Blanca shelter in San Antonio, including “physical contact at shelter”. The shelter staff member continued to “maintain contact” with the UAC after he left the shelter and had been to the UAC’s brother’s home in San Antonio.

A male UAC at Catholic Charities in Houston claimed that his sponsor tried to force him to smoke pot, drink alcohol and snort cocaine

This is all from a report done by Judicial Watch that condenses the 224 page report which I'll post a link to at the end of the post. The Democrats and MSM, by criticizing Trump are condoning this type of behavior... are the Democrats that desperate for votes? I suspect something else is at play... or should I say several things. One comes from a look at Obama's not too distant history... what did he do before he entered politics? He was a community organizer, and that's what he is now. It's likely that Obama is behind much of the Soros-funded disruption. By bringing violent criminals from Central America, he is building an army... he was there during his presidency recruiting them.

Another interesting question that arises is, why are the Democrats so willing to turn a blind eye to the trafficking of children... unless they're profiting from it themselves. And why is the MSM not reporting on any of this? At the very least this is a humanitarian tragedy of epic proportions. The reason that President Trump wants to build a wall is to stop this criminal behavior... and remember, Obama was president for eight years- this evidence is just from one of those. We're talking about somewhere in the neighborhood of a million incidents in eight years... yet silence from the MSM!

This is a part of an orchestrated criminal activity, not an organic movement of people wanting to escape poverty in their home countries. This is being done on purpose by people in the United States who are trafficking teenage males either for sex or for their propensity for violence. The females are being trafficked for sex, that much is obvious from the reports on how the refugee center employees and officials treat them after they arrive. Why would Obama be behind such a nefarious criminal conspiracy?





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Of course Freemason puppet Obama didnt get his fascist media to report on illegal alien crimes. The US government is the world's biggest military weapons dealer. They arm EVERYONE in every war for profit including drug cartels. So all you cops getting gunned down by gangsters, just remember the Mason controlled US FEDERAL RESERVE BANK purposely creates economic recessions/depressions which makes the 13 Illuminati families even wealthier while joe average loses his shirt. Joe average still needs money but cant get a job so they become drug dealers in gangs. Once in a gang, theyre in for life, they cant say no, rat out or quit the gang or they die. Our current times are very similar to the Great Depression during WW1-WW2 era. Al Capone & the mob were EXTREMELY powerful. So all u cops out there. You are indirectly being endangered by the Freemason controlled government that destroys the economy and creates more poverty and creates more manpower for gangs worldwide. AND in the Fast and Furious, the masons ARMED the drug cartels. PLUS, the masons want to abolish the right to bear arms so law abiding gun owners become sitting ducks.

Thanks for the update..
Keep steeming

You left out the reason why they are all coming here alone. They are all sending their kids alone because Obama declared that any unaccompanied minor would automatically get amnesty, so they started tossing their children on top of US bound trains. The media keeps leaving that out too.
Thanks Obama.

I thought I hit that when I said that most are violent teens from gangs for Obama's army!

his policy change is why we are getting thousands of kids showing up alone. What's funny is that Trump took his line about Mexico sending rapists and murderers directly from CBP reports. The truth is racist.

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