The Technocracy- The Trilateral Commission- The Council on Foreign Affairs & the Deep State

in #informationwar6 years ago


When it comes to technology, I have to admit that I'm right up there with my Neanderthal neighbor, Thag Anderson. What I do know about is government, particularly but not limited to, the crooks behind the scenes pushing policy... these guys in the picture are just a few. About a year or so ago, Jon Rappoport wrote a really good article about the Trilateral Commission(TLC), so let's start with them. Although Technocracy began back in the 1930's it didn't really gain any traction until Zbigniew Brzezinski was selected as National Security Advisor during the disastrous Carter administration (disastrous for us- a windfall for the Technocrats). The technocrats want to destroy our economic system and replace it with "energy credits."

In order to impose this globalist system, the notion of the nation state must first be destroyed. From 1976 on, the Trilateral's have been doing exactly that. Closely aligned with the TLC, is the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). What the TLC is for economics, the CFR is to politics- both have a globalist mindset as well as a globalist agenda.

“[The] nation state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force. International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation state.” Many are aware of this now famous quote from David Rockefeller, member of both organizations...

“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

This secret cabal has been behind every war since WWII... and are behind the violence in the Middle East today. Many people have been writing about the Deep State and Shadow Government being behind the world's problems. Every Secretary of State since FDR has been a member of the CFR with the exception of Tillerson (who was a frequent guest speaker) and Pompeo. When Barack Obama was elected president in 2008, he was visited (and likely influenced) by Brzezinski himself. These people are all technocrats and Obama appointed 11 of them to high posts in his government, out of 87 members who live in America. If Hillary had been elected, the 16 year plan to bring America down and replace it with the United Nations would have been complete.

When Obama was elected he never tried to pull the US out of the financial mess left over from the 2008 housing bubble... instead he focused on his disastrous Obamacare plan that drove us further into debt. Why? It was never his intention to do otherwise- it wasn't what he was hired to do, according to Rappoport. The TLC and CFR had bigger fish to fry. To better understand what the technocrats want, let's back up a bit.

Technocracy takes the worst parts of Socialism and Fascism and blends them together. Central Planning in the USSR proved to be a dismal failure. In a technocracy, technology would solve the problem. A computer algorithm would reallocate resources to where they are needed (providing there were actually enough to go around). For example, toilet paper is always a failure when criticizing the USSR... if Nevada were to run out, the computer would search for a state with a surplus and redistribute it there. THEORETICALLY!

One of the biggest problems facing technocrats today is that there are just too many people. With a Hillary presidency, this problem would likely been solved by a world war beginning with a nuclear blast somewhere in the Middle East (likely Syria). One need only look at the Georgia Guidestones to find the technocrat's optimum population. Of course we still have mandatory vaccinations, fluoridated water, abortion (on demand if they have their way), chemtrails, etc.. Nothing in the technocrat's world happens by coincidence- everything is part of an overall plan. This includes crashing the economy.

China has already implemented a successful technocracy. They were the "test balloon" to see if it would work. The problem with China is that human beings are dispensable and human rights are non-existent and dissent is quickly crushed. The social credit system they recently implemented is only one method used to control the public. One reason that social media platforms in the US and Europe have been mining data is to push the Technocracy on everyone. 5G will be "sold" as a wonderful technological advancement... allowing everyone faster internet and access to the "internet of things."

For this to work, however: "China must strengthen its grip on the internet to ensure broader social and economic goals are met, state news agency Xinhua reported on Saturday citing comments from President Xi Jinping, underlining a hardening attitude towards online content." Think it couldn't happen here? "As a Technocracy, China must eradicate dissent and resistance at all costs, which now includes complete control over the Internet. As Technocracy spreads, this type of oppression will spread and in fact, it already has in cases like Facebook, YouTube and Google censorship." Want access to the internet? It will come at a price.

“We cannot let the internet become a platform for disseminating harmful information and stirring up trouble with rumours.” Sound familiar? This sounds like it could have come from the Zuckerberg hearings, but it's a quote from Xi Jinping. If you want to know who's behind the push for control of the internet in America, look no further than the technocrats in the Trilateral Commission and their allies in the Council on Foreign Relations... that's who's pulling the strings behind Silicon Valley




Behind closed doors (of course), they meet in secret. Some call them "the shadow government," "the Establishment," the "global elite" that runs the world. They call themselves simply ... the Trilateral Commission. (Chills run up spine.)

At the tender age of 72, I know better than to believe that the cavalry is going to ride in to the rescue, but in the back of my mind I hope that Trump will fight against this evil!

The rich buy digital currencies, they want it to be [richer, and this is normal when we have a change in the future.
Now we all have a chance to become rich with the new financial trend of digital currencies, Cheers.

It's going to be tricky... You know they're going to do the pump & dump, so we'll have to time it just right. I think they'll start with BTC and spread downward through other major coins, LTC, ETH, etc. I've been thinking about dumping BTC when it gets back up high again and investing in some smaller ones... EOS I think is a good one (I'm already doing good with that)

I first read about Deep State and CFR on steemit. And I am 55. Greetings from Holland.

@goldrooster That's awesome to hear, very cool... Everything is connected... And, yes, Illuminati is very real! In fact, one of the founders of the powerful Bilderberg Group, internationalist/globalist conference, was Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld of the Netherlands!


Welcome... They're firmly entrenched there as well. Anywhere there is a central bank run by Rothschilds, there's a deep state.

to the Deep State as a nebulous force working behind the scenes to attack President Donald Trump, little has been said about the Deep State behind the Deep State — or the real Deep State. Until now. Parts of this shadowy network....Am i right?

These guys are the "brains" behind the curtain pulling the strings. Clinton, both Bush's, Obama, all puppets!

its very informative post for us...thank you for sharing it with us

The rapid rise of the technocracy is a lot wider than your article coverd. Putting it in hindsight, it is fast spreading round the World and the technocrats are definitely succeeding in silencing dissenters and pushing us to state rule in the west. They're probably all connected and we may be the next China if we let them win

I know, it's an article not a book. People on Steemit don't want to read long drawn out posts... I made that mistake before.

Beep! Beep! @shadow3scalpel at your service. I am here to assist all military members on Steemit. This HumVee will be scouting posts from a list of Veterans that is maintained by @chairborne. If you are a Veteran and new to Steemit, and you have questions or want to join the Veterans community, reply to this comment. We got your six, unless you are in the rear with the gear. Ooh-Rah!
Comment by @inthenow. This is a opt-in bot.

Nevada run out of TP!? Crap! I live in Nevada. Already kind of shitty out here sometimes butt that would make it worse. Keep it up. Blessings.

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