The Long March Toward Despotism: The Politics Of Gun Control

in #informationwar7 years ago

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What is it that drives people to make decisions that any cognizant human being must know will have catastrophic consequences. Unless I'm giving people way too much credit intellectually, it seems that they voluntarily choose some voluntarily form of mental illness. Liberalism, in addition to masking nefarious ulterior motives is one of the more profound manifestations of this self-imposed insanity. For example...
Google Images

No sane person would believe this, or even believe that this nut-job believes it herself (particularly in light of the fact that she has a CCP). History shows that in every country where gun control has been implemented, not only has the crime rate skyrocketed, a despotic government has eventually taken over...
Courtesy: Pinterest
whether it's the draconian regimes of Hitler, Stalin or mao, or the "soft" despotism of the UK where a group of pedophilic despots constantly remind the populace how free they are.

Courtesy: Pinterest

It's axiomatic that criminals prefer victims that are unarmed. There are currently two criminal factions in America who both favor gun control... Armed felons and government. Conversely, in Switzerland...
Courtesy: Pinterest
Maybe they bought defective guns. Or maybe responsible gun ownership works. I'm old enough to remember the days where you could sign up for gun safety classes almost anywhere- Boy Scouts, before they became a haven for homosexual predators, 4-H and in many schools. Now they're gone, replaced by fatherless school shooters on psychotropic drugs (Thank you Liberals).
Courtesy: Pinterest

The only thing standing between the American people and the despotism of a totalitarian regime is the 2nd Amendment. If the insanity of the anti-gun despots in the MSM (the government propaganda machine) all is lost. Believe me, it's all been done before...
Courtesy: Pinterest
If you want to witness Goebbels "herd of pigs" watch this video by High Impact Flix.

Europe is lost to the insanity... they've effectively committed cultural suicide.In the vanguard of the insanity is the UK and their state run media. America represents the last vestige of freedom for the world- if America is lost then so too is the rest of the world and that's what the globalists plan. Had Hillary Clinton been elected, the fight would be over... Or perhaps the revolution begun...
Courtesy: Pinterest

We dodged a bullet... Literally!

GIF by @papa-pepper



Guns are not the root of the problem. Violence is a symptom of the problem. We apply drugs to mask the symptoms rather than address the problem.
We don't need more gun control. We need communities and families. Destroy familiar and communal support and it is no wonder people go crazy. The destruction of these supports has come little by little. Sometimes intentionally, sometimes not, but always done so for the profit of special interest groups.
Take note that the Swiss girls are on bikes in the photo above.

Absolutely! That's why I threw in the remark about fatherless kids on psychotropic drugs.

Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)
Relevance: The Only Good Gun Control Is Accuracy!
Our Purpose

What is it that drives people to make decisions that any cognizant human being must know will have catastrophic consequences. Unless I'm giving people way too much credit intellectually, it seems that they voluntarily choose some voluntarily form of mental illness.

My own take: it's folly. Widespread, pervasive folly. All-too-many progs start off as fools and grow into panderers to fools.

The only thing standing between the American people and the despotism of a totalitarian regime is the 2nd Amendment.

I've read some Patriot fiction. In most of them, the despotism the heroes fight does kick off with wholesale gun grabbing. Gun grabbing is up there with 'temporarily' suspending elections and bringing in foreign or UN troops as the mark of the tyrants.

Like I said... criminals (of all sizes) prefer unarmed victims. A guy with a gun is seldom a victim!

Yep... and so long as he knows how to use it & is properly trained, he can be a citizen hero.

In my view, the murder of 17 children in Florida was a deep-state engineered incident to recreate a student movement similar to the vietnam era, with the ultimate goal to disarm America.

One has only to look to Europe today to know that the pit of hell will follow the disarmament of the people.

That was the whole point of the article. (and to show @stevescoins my memes!

My son is a gun safety instructor (hunter's education)

I'm happy to hear they still have that! When I was a kid living with my uncle the NRA had a course. It was something like once a week for 4-6 weeks.

I took a course at a local hunt club when I was a boy. Both of my boys took it at a gun club. The oldest boy of each of theirs has now finished and my youngest son just started teaching it,

I think it's a really fine service. People need to know how to handle guns safely and with respect. My uncle that raised me for my teen years taught me along with the NRA course. At that shooting in FL there was an unarmed security officer who was former military who would likely prevented it had reason trumped emotion. If there's anyplace that shouldn't be a gun free zone, it's schools.

"If there's anyplace that shouldn't be a gun free zone, it's schools."
Isn't that the truth!

The murder of 17 children in Florida was another staged events to recreate the student movements of the sixties, this time to disarm the American people. If the second amendement is repealed, the Amecian dream dies.

Beep! Beep! @shadow3scalpel at your service. I am here to assist all military members on Steemit. This HumVee will be scouting posts from a list of Veterans that is maintained by @chairborne. If you are a Veteran and new to Steemit, and you have questions or want to join the Veterans community, reply to this comment. We got your six, unless you are in the rear with the gear. Ooh-Rah!
Comment by @inthenow. This is a opt-in bot.

note how those who oppose gun rights crow about people who choose suicide with guns and call them "gun deaths" but never ever talk about all the lives saved with guns.

When some people ask me why I care that in the United States they have right or not to possession of weapons, if I did not live there, my answer is exactly this:

America represents the last vestige of freedom for the world- if America is lost then so too is the rest of the world and that's what the globalists plan.

The United States is the world power, and the people that we are from other countries, whether we like it or not, from the United States is pointing out the political path of the West. I do not imagine what would be of the United States if its citizens were disarmed as in the great majority of Western countries, they would be completely at the mercy of the politicians and the army, and when people do not have arms, the army usually tends to be corrupted.

A very interesting post. I've read your posts with details. Thank for you

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