Need A Political Hatchetman... 1-800- Call-Bob

in #informationwar6 years ago


Now what have we here- isn't that the same guy that Robert Mueller is prosecuting Paul Manafort for "colluding" with? Yup, that's him, Viktor Yanukovych, former Ukrainian President. "In October last year, Mueller charged Manafort with conspiracy against the United States, conspiracy to launder money, failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts, being an unregistered agent of a foreign principal, and false statements"... You know, all the things he was doing himself. This is called projection and it comes straight out of the Saul Alinsky Rules For Radicals playbook. In fact Mueller himself is guilty of trafficking uranium to Russia (through Ukraine) for then Sec. of State Hillary Clinton. Why isn't he being prosecuted, or at least being asked to step down from the investigation. A look at his career will tell the tale... because Bob gets things done.

If you need a cover up- call Bob. Need a political hitman- call Bob. For decades Mueller has been the go to guy for dirty deeds (done dirt cheap?) Not likely. The fact that Mueller has never even been questioned (officially or by the MSM) about his role in the FBI/Whitey Bulger scandal is very telling. An article that appeared in the New American describes Mueller and his career perfectly...

"What was Robert Mueller’s role in the infamous “partnership” between the FBI and the Boston Mafia that involved multiple murders, racketeering, extortion, witness tampering, and much more? Special Counsel Robert Mueller has a media-crafted image as “Mr. Integrity,” a straight-shooting, non-partisan, nose-to-the-grindstone, publicity-shunning public servant. The anti-Trump media projected the same kind of squeaky-clean image for former FBI Director James Comey. However, it is now public knowledge that he is a lying, leaking, partisan, political hack who grossly abused his powerful office. He should be facing criminal prosecution instead of being rewarded with a secretive (and potentially illegal) multi-million dollar book deal." Like with Comey- whose facade is cracking more day by day- Mueller's image is all smoke and mirrors.

I once heard of Bill Clinton, that unlike the rest of us, "he isn't limited by any moral or ethical boundaries." To say that Mueller is "non-partisan" may be in fact accurate, but in his case it only means that he is a complete loose cannon- he's prosecute Mother Teresa, or his own family for that matter, if the price was right. There is also the question of Mueller's complicity in the Uranium 1 scandal... As head of the FBI at the time, he signed off on the sale of 20% of the US uranium production to Russia- when in fact he should have been investigation it.

"And what was Director Mueller doing while President Obama and Secretary Clinton were helping Putin build Skolkovo, Russia’s hi-tech version of Silicon Valley? Then there is the matter of Director Mueller himself flying to Moscow, per instructions of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, to deliver a sample of highly enriched uranium to Russia, as Steve Byas reported here last August. Mueller’s press corps (CNN, Vox, Snopes, the New York Times, Huffington Post, et al) have all closed ranks to assure the public that “there’s nothing to see here, move along.”

Mueller is the establishment’s golden boy who must be protected; his halo must remain untarnished if he is to carry out his Deep State assignment to unseat President Trump. That's what is going on here, a Deep State coup against a sitting president and Mueller is the Pitbull in charge. He has gone so far as to call a raid on President Trump's lawyer's office in New York. the President and his attorney are protected ny lawyer/client privilege and Mueller's raid was illegal, unethical and uncalled for, given that Mr. Cohen, the President's lawyer, has complied with everything he's been asked for. But, like Bill Clinton, Mueller has never been hampered by ethical or legal concerns... after all, he has the Deep State MSM running cover for him.




They are ALL dirty! Those who haven't realized that Washington is unfixable are living in fantasy-land.

It's fixable... that's what nuclear warheads are for!

Nice post 😎

Mueller was made an offer he couldn't refuse- he's playing along with the ruse because he has no choice- he's not going after Trump- the dirty bastard is being forced to work for Trump to keep the frothy mouthed deepstate leftists appeased while he and sessions do the heavy lifting indicting the child traffickers.

I wish you were right... but I think Sessions is either senile or a deep state plant- or both! Mueller would go after Mother Teresa... there;s no way the raid on Trump's lawyer was part of a smoke screen!

Makes me sick to see what is going on. These political elites are so wrapped up in themselves. They will go to any length to justify the end.

This guy is just a mad dog!

"Mueller himself flying to Moscow, per instructions of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, to deliver a sample of highly enriched uranium to Russia, as Steve Byas reported here last August."

He's certainly got the ethics of a rabid beast.

Which is to say: none.

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he should be the one under investigation, Trump really should fire him.

We may not agree on everything, but in this our agreement is total. The complicit behavior of these people is appalling. The fact that it is actually large scale sedition and treason is also appalling. Nice job exposing it if you ask me.

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