It's Real: Hopefully My Last Word On The Hillary/Huma Sex Tape

in #informationwar6 years ago

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[I've wrestled most of the night about how, or even if I should post this, it's something I really wish I could unknow]

When I wrote the Night Gods it was because I suspected- given the revelations of the Pizzagate/Pedogate investigators- that this sort of behavior pervades the upper echelons of society as well as the halls of political power. In the Night Gods III I addressed the ritualistic aspects of this abhorrent behavior. As I wrote I did some very deep introspection... why is it that none of this behavior surprises me in the least- even though it wounded me deeply to describe it? I can't even begin to say how badly my heart ached when I wrote about the horrific things done to thee children.

Anyone that's been following me for any length of time knows about my own experiences at the hands of pedosadists and even though the Night Gods was a work of fiction, I believe that this type of behavior exists and the story needs to be told. But nothing I wrote, or anything in my wildest imagination could have come close to preparing me for the reality of what I was to learn. I got some criticism after the first couple of posts about the veracity of a story I knew to be true. It didn't bother me- but I found the questioning of Liz Crokin unacceptable. Liz lost a very promising career exposing this evil, not to mention got numerous threats against her life. What did bother me is that the detractors were people that hide behind phoney internet names. My name and where I live is on my page and I stand behind everything I've ever written.

This is the part I don't know how to write, so just let me say that I KNOW that the video exists and that's as far as I'm willing to go... Who in their right mind would admit to a federal crime, even if they saw it? Let me just say that I'm going to spend the rest of the day praying. Believe this- this video will NEVER be released.




Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Pedogate
Our Purpose

The more this gets talked about and noodled around, the more it somehow ends up reminding me of the whole OJ Simpson debacle some years back. Not meaning that to demean the seriousness of what surrounds Hillary/The Clintons... but it's very similar in the sense that there's the swirling cloud of speculation... and yet — because the primary players and powerful and influential — will we EVER really know the truth?

Thank you for doing your part to keep it out there in front of people, though!

Bright Blessings!

We'll know the truth I think, but the video will never be shown to the public. I saw a great OJ T-shirt today... Drink apple juice because OJ will kill you!

Well, we've been hearing about this alleged video for over a year. People need to be very careful with this. Just viewing the video and not reporting it can get you in serious trouble with law enforcement.

It's one of those dilemmas here you need to see it with your own eyes to believe it but witnessing something so heinous can damage you psychologically for life. And combined with the fact that it's a crime to view something of this nature.

You saying that you know this video exists... well I'll have to take your word for it.

Just to be clear- I didn't see it. I called in a favor from an old friend in Mil Intel I've known since Nam for confirmation. I'm damaged just from what he revealed... think guest list Epstein Island!

Highly rEsteemed!

Bacon Fright Power.png

Nice wrap up @richq11. I don’t remember what happened with Liz Conklin, there was a lot of information to sort through in the news. It was pretty unbelievable at the time. I can’t help but think that this story must have been as important to Ms. Conklin as it was to you. She believed in you and maybe even needed to publish the information for her own reasons.

I hope you never give up the fight. Thank you so much for your contributions to the enlightenment of all.🐓🐓

Liz is still fighting the good fight. The reason I write this is because people were questioning her. I don't care what anybody thinks about me- I'm just a crazy old man, it comes with the territory! Thank you for your support!!!

Hey @richq11 this seems to be like something you might be interested in. Check it out...listen to that video. So interesting, farfetched and frightening all at the same time...

And true... I wrote about him well over a year ago!

All I can say is that it is sick and I hope I never have to see it. May she be imprisoned for her horrific ways. Thanks @richq11

Prison doesn't even begin to describe what she deserves. I couldn't even think up a punishment horrid enough!!! This is bad enough that I'm spending the day praying. It will never be shown to the public!

Looking at video or pictures of child porn on your computer is a felony. If you look at it, the FBI can seize your computer and you can be arrested. That is why richq11 will not admit to having seen the video.

The FBI can seize your computer for no reason at all, and keep you jailed for months on end with no charges being filed. Shit happens all time. They're admittedly making a list of all social media personalities who are outspoken about the political discourse in this country.

So yeah i get why someone wouldn't want to share the link (especially on a public blockchain) but I find the whole notion of, "I cant post this bcoz FEDs" to be rather ridiculous. Either you're afraid of the establishment or you aren't , and if you are then you shouldn't be making posts like this to begin with.

Now I completely understand if one just doesn't feel comfortable sharing child porn, regardless of the possible legal outcome but without any hint at proof other than "believe me fam ITS REAL" this is nothing more than clickbait, and does nothing to help us in the #informationwar

There were stories in the news recently about how Bitcoin is bad and is a public threat because it is used by criminals. They said there was "child porn" found on the blockchain. The "child porn" was links to child porn sites.

We all need to be wary of government regulation of the blockchains. If the feds decide to crack down (which they are wont to do because the politicians get payoffs from the banksters), your Steem can become worthless really fast.

I'm the same person as "smarmy", btw. I have more than one account.

Steem is one of the only blockchains with intrinsic value, and one this that most dont realize about blockchain tech is that it is impossible to completely regulate against.

Or maybe I don't want to expose someone that went way out on a limb for me. There is more just me involved.

You make a very good point. So I take back my comment about click-bait. But even though I'm more inclined to believe you than not, I have to apply my usual standard of skepticism to this.

The person that "led me" is an Air Force officer (ret?) who's Military Intel + DOD... an old friend from a lifetime ago. He does computer work and linguistics (Russian, Italian, computer languages, etc)

All I can really add is that I'm not the same person I was 2 days ago and I really, really wish I could go back

Oh i'm not doubting you personally, I'm just saying without actual proof I would never change my opinion of someone, and I would never expect anyone else to either. In this case I already agree with you that the Clintons are corrupt AF political gangsters that are more than likely involved in child sex trafficking, but these type of articles are supposed to help open up the eyes of those who those who have not already. And for that you need proof.

I second this. Hillary needs to be exposed, and then burned at the stake after being raped by bulls in the pantheon for all to see

Please continue with your work as there are lot of us who want to know the truth!
So many of us are working on bringing awareness of this planet up in different ways.

Beep!Beep! @shadow3scalpel & listkeeper @chairborne have your six new veterans, retirees and military members on STEEM. We’ll be patrolling by to upvote your posts (because you are on the list) and we'll answer any questions you leave us. Comment by @shadowspub. This is a opt-in bot.

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