It Couldn't Happen Here: A Government In Name Only

in #informationwar6 years ago


I don't even know how to begin to tell you guys about what I've just been reading. I watched a video this morning by the SGT Report featuring Deborah Tavares ( who cited the Emergency Banking Act of 1933 and the Expanded War Powers Act of 1973 (Senate Report 93-549). She uses them in the context of using the "Environmental Crisis" as an excuse for global depopulation. After what I've read, I'm beginning to believe being depopulated might be a relief. I never take anybody's word for anything, so I looked up all of the cited material plus HJR 192 which is also applicable in this matter... It blew me away (no mean feat). I'm still blown away! I'll put all of the links along with the video at the end.

In effect what happened is this: In 1933, with the assistance of Congress, President Franklin Roosevelt declared a state of emergency declaring insolvency; dissolved the government and turned it into a corporation and declared bankruptcy. "5. Such Congressional Acts as Public Law 1 ,48 stat C 1 (H.R. 1491) and Public Law 73-10 40 stat 411 Trading with the Enemy Act (H.R. 4960) AND public Law 10 ch 48 ,48 stat,112 (HJR 192) Hold Members of the Congress as official trustees over the greatest reorganization of any Bankrupt entity in world history, the U.S. Government."

He then ceded "ownership" of the insolvent corporation along with its debt over to the Federal Reserve naming the American taxpayer as guarantor (that's you and me if you're confused). "6. The Government is using the credit of the People of the Nation as the means of operating this Nation as the Federal Reserves Note are not backed by so much as a penny worth of gold but is internal currency. (Pursuant to Congressional Documents of 1933)." And here is the proof of the insolvency: "8. It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress in session June 5, 1933 - Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Governmental Offices, Officers, and Departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only." I know what you're thinking- they can't do that... but they did! And it gets worse.

As the Cited Doc. 3 (6)"Holder of Preferred Stock (the United States)" the Federal Reserve "holds a prior, superior, and secured interest and claim on the Debtor (that's you) and Debtor's Property." This goes on to state that (11) "In the United States neither paper currency [e.g. Federal Reserve Notes] nor deposits have value as commodities. Intrinsically a dollar bill is just a piece of paper, deposits merely book entries. The acceptance of said currency is just a confidence game predicated upon the people's faith or confidence that these 'currencies can be accepted..." In other words this acknowledges that Federal reserve fiat "currency" is worthless and the Fed can demand payment in gold or your "commodities." (property and/or labor).

Not only is fiat currency worthless, using fiat currency as payment, is not payment, only a promise to pay. (Echart v. Commissioners and Fidelity Savings v. Grimes). We've been sold down the river... worse yet, we've been sold into slavery. FDR is lionized as the president who led us out of the Great Depression, but to do so he sold you, your children, your grandchildren, ad infinitum, into slavery. So much for the land of the free and the home of the brave. All of the talk about auditing the Fed is ridiculous- they could no more audit the Fed than abolish it... The Fed owns us, lock stock and barrel. My advice is get crypto, buy silver and enjoy your slavery!!!


Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)
Relevance: Exposing Treasonous Government
Our Purpose

Yeah, debt-slave sheeples are all that we are to them. True story

All the more reason to become preppers. Not that we'll become full blown preppers but there are times when bunkers and years worth of supplies starts looking like a good idea. Hang onto your guns!!

We've been prepping for years now... We've got 5 huge boxes of "prep-food" plus water, a pantry full of canned goods, a generator... I've been stocking silver for years (I buried about 40 lbs) I'm building on my reserves. I want another 10 lbs- got about 3 of those. And we live in an arsenal. I figure that cryptos will be the cash of the future, but if the grid goes down it will be wise to have something to trade. Also have plenty of seeds.

Generator and extra fuel, check! Food and water is what I intend to work on this summer now that I've figured out the pressure canner. I've read that some folks can water for long term storage in whatever Mason jars they aren't using for food and I'm going to try it out. Water is kind of our Achilles heel in a disaster scenario...wondering now if we could eventually hook up the well pump to solar. It sucks losing water pressure whenever the power goes out. I like the point about having extra seeds...I can easily get extras this spring and I intend to make a point of growing heirloom varieties so I can collect seeds myself from now on. And if it was up to the Husband we'd live in an arsenal!

Heirloom are good (no GMO's). Be careful with fuel- it goes bad. What I do for water is save milk jugs and fill them up. You might also look into freeze drying if you grow a garden. When I was in MI back when I was married I had about 1 acre garden. We sold and canned lots of veggies. I wanted to teach my kids (they hated it), but now they're prepared!

and solar.
Solar panels have a life time exceeding my life expectancy.

A lot of this I encountered in the Sovereign Citizen movements documentation. Though it wasn't put together in quite this method. It did mention a lot of these things RE: Corporation, and using us as assets for credit.

I find being used as collateral kinda offensive... I'm having to make a pot of spaghetti to comfort myself (and get myself out of the doghouse with my granddaughter)!

I listened to that today too....crazy stuff, that chick knows alot, i plan to follow up more on her site...

Yeah I've been following her on YT. She a good source for information. Some of her guests tho r a little sketchy if you ask me.

I looked at her site and it's kind of confusing (to me) to use. I wrote down all of the citations when she was talking and looked them up... It's fucking insane!!! I'm still in shock- I knew the corporation stuff but had no id3ea how deep it went!

The Constitution..
what's that?
what kind of military does the Feds have?

uhm? wouldn't it be the military of the US corporation. not saying I know just stating what I think would be the case. What I'm saying is US military = Federal Reserves Military by default. We all work for the corporation even those in the military.

Especially those in the military. They are paying, to be paid, to be in the military. Awful stuff

Yeah paying with their lives! If we were fighting lawful and JUST wars I could understand. Please don't misunderstand me, I'm not bashing military personal I have military in my family and have great respect for what they've endured. I just get the feeling that forces are at work here beyond what we or I understand.

I concur. It's hard to find JUST wars. Not sure there are any in history. They've all been funded, on both sides, by the same people for profit or power.

I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend theConstitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same

didn't notice the FED, or a Corporation being mentioned anywhere..
or an expiration date.

the term lawful order is also interesting.


Good point @everittdmickey. Unless they buy one.

it would be SO much easier for them to enforce their will.
if the citizens didn't have guns..

They are working on it.
How to create a social state by Saul Alinsky:

There are 8 levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a social state.

The first is the most important.

  1. Healthcare — Control healthcare and you control the people

  2. Poverty — Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.

  3. Debt — Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.

  4. Gun Control — Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.

  5. Welfare — Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income).

  6. Education — Take control of what people read and listen to — take control of what children learn in school.

  7. Religion — Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools.

  8. Class Warfare — Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.

They got most of the rules under control. Except GUNS. False flag anyone.

Yeah that's the one they've been working on lately

I wonder if they've thought of that yet???

There's one coming read my post from yesterday (The Sum of all Fears). Here's one for ya... Saul Alinsky's mentor was Frank (the Enforcer) Nitti!

what kind of military "Do" the Feds have? did we just read the same article, about how the fed owns the Corporation of the United States. Who then owns the US military? Wouldn't it be the feds?

I guess you missed the part about the oath.

I heard of this but didn't delve into what actually went down. States lost their rights under Abraham Lincoln and FDR put everyone into Indentured Slavery. Two of history's giants. NOT

It's just nuts... Congress went right along- all it takes is an economic catastrophe for people to jump to draconian measures. I was going to write about how that's how Hitler came to power, but it was getting too long.

Like 800 billion stimulus congress got pressured into passing. I wrote an e-mail to my congressman not to vote for it. Told him to let things shake out, smaller banks would step in. Sure we would have went into a terrible recession, but not be in the debt we are in now.

You got that right... Goldman Sachs owned Obama (and Swillery) so he had no choice!

Soros owned Obama.

one word.

Well, I see they've "improved" the platform again and nothing is working right!!! I'm all for anarchy- real anarchy not that pussy anarcho-capitalist shit. The law of the strongest!!!

anarchy is (wait for it) an INDIVIDUAL thing.
it doesn't require permission.
a person can be an anarchist in a totalitarian society.

What a great collection of sobering facts and linked intelligence. Such good work.

In Canada, we have it the same but different. It is a gross simplification but all of our property is not ours, and belongs to the Queen of England. Think about that for a second. We basically have had next to nothing to do with England for a very long time but my life put into paying this mortgage and creating a life has been in servitude to a figurehead monarch born into position and is nice enough to allow me to live here.


Given that the Crown and our Fed are both owned by the Rothschilds, we're in about the same boat!

I watched that video as well. It is so crazy how far we have come and how most people have no clue.

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